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  1. First of all. as has been repeatedly pointed out, just storing the documents in the way the Trump did is a crime. And if an ordinary citizen had done it, they would be facing serious charges. Espionage Isn’t the Strongest Case Against Trump. It’s Simpler Than That. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/08/14/trump-classified-documents-doj-opinion-00051584 Secondly, you seem to have a strange idea of how investigations work. There's a lot of evidence to deal with. FBI Search of Mar-a-Lago Achieved DOJ Top Priority: Get the Documents Investigators are now pursuing the next steps of the department’s criminal investigation into the handling of national security material and presidential records, a process that may take many months to play out, and will be shaped by several factors. They include what specifically investigators find in the seized documents; why they ended up at Mar-a-Lago; who accessed them at the Florida resort, as well as the actions of Mr. Trump and his lawyers as the two sides negotiated for months in the spring for the return of the records, according to people familiar with the inquiry. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/fbi-search-of-mar-a-lago-achieved-doj-top-priority-get-the-documents/ar-AA10ERIO?li=BBnb7Kz
  2. Here's an interesting note from an article in The Wall St. Journal "The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit endorsed that view in a 2020 decision, saying that “declassification, even by the President, must follow established procedures.” In that case, the appeals court denied an effort by the New York Times to obtain documents about a covert Central Intelligence Agency operation in Syria. The newspaper had argued then-President Trump declassified the program by tweeting about it and making other public comments." https://www.wsj.com/articles/fbi-search-of-mar-a-lago-achieved-doj-top-priority-get-the-documents-11660512503#:~:text=The U.S. Court,making other public comments.
  3. Exactly now did Biden betray the UK? Biden was following Trump's plan to withdraw. As you clearly don't know, it was the Trump administration that negotiated with the Taliban for a May 31, 2021 withdrawal. The Biden administration did manage to extend that deadline to Aug 31, 2021. But everything else was the same.
  4. Did this offer come before or after Trump riled up his supporters with his angry tweets?
  5. Water firms ‘sold off reservoirs that could have eased drought’ 'Profit ahead of supply' Water companies have now come under criticism for their alleged failure to plan for drought. The Telegraph has today reported that dozens of reservoirs have been given up by companies but no new ones have been built in the last 30 years. Andrew Sells, who headed Natural England between 2014 and 2019, said this was evidence of the businesses putting profits before resilience. https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1653406/water-firms-sold-reservoirs-could-have-eased-drought-latest-news It would have made sense to sell off the water companies if it worked to promote competition. But it couldn't. Some services, like public health and water, are better for most if they stay public. Thanks for nothing, Thatcher.
  6. from that article. "But he was bad enough. The latest evidence comes from his own mouth, in interviews with Jonathan Karl, whose account appears in The Atlantic. It reveals an official who is supposed to serve the public letting himself be used by a corrupt and autocratic president who violated every norm in the ruthless pursuit of his sordid interests." When even a toady like Bill Barr laughs at that documentary, you know its ridiculous
  7. Espionage Isn’t the Strongest Case Against Trump. It’s Simpler Than That. If you or I had some 21 boxes of potentially classified information in our home, the Feds wouldn’t ask for it politely or even issue a subpoena. They would have taken possession of that material right away, and we would face serious charges. The DOJ’s decision to wait and only obtain a search warrant after they received information that Trump had not relinquished all of the material was likely motivated by deference to the former president. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/08/14/trump-classified-documents-doj-opinion-00051584
  8. I wonder how it will play to those who are privately insured that Republicans blocked price caps on insulin?
  9. The thing is, has Karma gotten us through the agency of Trump. Was one term enough expiation?
  10. The US is best described as a representative Democracy. The founding fathers being educated in the classics understood pure democracy to to be government by citizens meeting and deciding the laws. Such as was the case in Greek city states like Athens. Obviously not practicable for a county as big as the United States. Instead they set up a system for the people to vote for representatives to meet and decide the laws and Presidents to execute the laws. So the US is not a pure democracy but to say it's not one at all is just playing a silly game of semantics. ‘America Is a Republic, Not a Democracy’ Is a Dangerous—And Wrong—Argument https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/11/yes-constitution-democracy/616949/
  11. There are all kinds of laws on the books that prosecutors routinely won't enforce. Like marijuana laws making any possession a crime.
  12. Selective enforcement of the law is not something new: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selective_enforcement
  13. Actually it was a rant that included the Rothschilds but didn't specifically single out Jews. That said, she did link to a video that said Zionist Supremacists are promoting mass migration of nonwhites into primariy white countries in order to promote miscegenation. Also she supported QAnon, Muslims don't belong in govt, 9/11 was an inside job, shooting at sandy hook, parkland, and Las Vegas were staged, and of course top level Democratic politicians should be executed. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/marjorie-taylor-greene-qanon-wildfires-space-laser-rothschild-execute.html
  14. It doesn't matter how strong the evidence is. The Attorney General, especially this one, is going to dot the i's and cross the t's. All of them. Good lawyers are careful. Not impulsive. Come to think of it, that goes for good Presidents, too.
  15. And as I left off noting a Senate Committee with a Republican majority also issued a report detailing lots of connections between the Trump campaign and Russia.
  16. Actually, allegations about Russian involvement in the Trump campaign were not proven false. What Trump supporters seem incapable of understanding is that the Mueller report came with with ten possible instances where Trump obstructed justice. Most of that to do with witness tampering. But the justice dept's policy is that a sitting President can't be indicted. Then Barr came along and egregiously misrepresented the contents of the Mueller report. For that, he was roundly castigated by a federal judge. A committee of Senate
  17. No, it's not typical at all. Especially in a case like this with lots of evidence where you want to be very careful about the charges made so as not to give opposing lawyers grounds for a dismissal or later appeal.
  18. By itself, "being in negotiations doesn't signify much. Were the negotiations getting anywhere? Was progress being made? Was he just stalling?
  19. That kind of aligns with my guess that it's his way of trolling the current administration and taking out his resentment on them.
  20. You think its really that hard for someone to understand these rules? Even if that someone is a malevolent, narcissistic buffoon? If that were the case, he's mentally incapacitated. We know from the accounts of what happened after the election that Trump doesn't care about rules or evidence or procedures.
  21. You're the one who claimed the search hasn't come up with anything much? I asked you for evidence. You've got none. As for charges being made, how do you think prosecutions with lots of evidence to sift through work? You actually expect charges to be made in less than a week. That's a ridiculous expectationi.
  22. I seriously doubt that. Though it is suspect that Trump actually had a meeting with Putin where no adviser were present. Not even an American translator. I'm obviously just hazarding a guess but mostly I think it was his way of trolling the successor administration. His way of asserting that he didn't recognize its legitimacy. If there's one thing Trump has a predilection for, it's trolling. And also he probably wanted a few trophies to impress guests at his resort. Like evidence of his bromance with Kim.
  23. Actually, what's far worse is the fact that while Jared was officially a government employee the Qatari govt. investment fund leased a building that Jared had bought and that was threatening financial ruin for the Kushner family business. It's a 99 year lease that's a sweetheart deal and makes no financial sense. But what's 1 billion dollars to the Qataris? This was done at a time when they were seeking help to find a rapprochement with the Saudis. And under whose purview was the Middle East? I don't think I need to supply the answer.
  24. You're quite correct. But that's because far more Trump supporters than Biden supporters refused to get vaccinated. Which is why I propose the the Republican elephant be replaced with a lemming.
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