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  1. What don't you understand about the fact that even if the documents were declassified as Trump now claims, it would still be illegal for them to be in his possession?
  2. Did you notice my disclaimer in my original comment about this? "I'm not sure if this comment was directed at my comment about red shift blue shift. The aseannow.com software seems to think so." So it was some kind of glitch.
  3. As I noted, aseannow.com's software seemed to think it was meant for me. I got notified of your response as though it was.
  4. I'm not sure if this comment was directed at my comment about red shift blue shift. The aseannow.com software seems to think so. So, based on that supposition, it's not enough to make an assertion unbacked by either reasoning and/or evidence. So please clue me in on what you've got to back up your assertion.
  5. The fact that they don't allow pre-counting is the point. Democrats were far more likely to use mail-in ballots than republicans. What is so hard to understand about that? https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/siloed-nbc-wsj-poll-shows-how-gop-dems-hold-widely-n1236958 Biden’s Voters Appear Far More Likely To Vote By Mail Than Trump’s. That Could Make For A Weird Election Night. "If this holds, it would mean votes cast on Election Day would skew heavily toward Trump, and votes cast by mail would skew heavily toward Biden. This has serious implications for … well, democracy. First, Trump could argue the mail ballots (which, remember, could account for most of Biden’s votes) were fraudulent and thus should not be counted. " https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/bidens-supporters-appear-way-more-likely-to-vote-by-mail-than-trumps-that-could-make-for-a-weird-election-night/ This article was published on Aug. 28, 2020. Anyway, let's all be grateful that this prediction about Trump's reaction to the ballot tallies was way off base and not totally predictable. Because...oh wait a minute.
  6. Well, as noted earlier the bill has changed thanks to the last minute squeeze play by Kyrsten Sinema to help hedge fund managers keep on enjoying their tax privileges. So deficit reduction was lessened. Here are some comments from economist who explain how it can have an effect on inflation. Or maybe they need your help in correcting their understanding? https://www.npr.org/2022/08/11/1116229743/inflation-reduction-act-questions-answered As for it "being one of the most significant laws in our history", I don't think the scientific community has a problem with that statement Biden Signs Historic Climate Bill as Scientists Applaud Climate scientists are excited for the billions of dollars the Inflation Reduction Act will pour into fighting climate change but urge further action Several US agencies, including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Department of Energy (DOE), will see a significant influx of cash from a massive climate and tax bill that US President Joe Biden signed on 16 August. Scientists around the world welcome the legislation, called the Inflation Reduction Act, which pledges US$369 billion in climate investments over the next decade — while acknowledging that more work is needed to counter global warming. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/biden-signs-historic-climate-bill-as-scientists-applaud/ Experts: Senate-passed bill will yield myriad climate benefits The U.S. Senate passed the Inflation Reduction Act by a single vote on Sunday, August 7. The bill, headed to the House of Representatives within days, includes by far the largest and most consequential measures to reduce domestic climate pollution in the nation’s history, with a $386 billion clean energy investment, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Based on analyses by several energy modeling groups, it would reduce U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by close to one-billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalent in the year 2030, significantly narrowing the gap between the U.S.’s current path and its Paris Climate Agreement commitment. https://yaleclimateconnections.org/2022/08/experts-senate-passed-bill-will-yield-myriad-climate-benefits/
  7. There's one big difference. Comebacks or collapses in sports aren't predictable. But a red shift or a blue shift in votes was absolutely predictable depending on whether mail-in ballots were pre-counted or left to be counted until after the polls closed.
  8. Please share with us those posts of yours that have criticized Trump. I haven't seen any.
  9. Provided they earn annually more than $400,000
  10. "sometimes" is a word that says nothing about frequency.
  11. I see you calling out Trump for his manners and behavior, but not for his dishonesty. And certainly not for his stance on issues. I see you calling people who criticize Trump "radical leftists" and "antifa types" without citing any evidence. apart from their opposition to Trump, to justify such characterizations. The only person you may possibly be fooling here is yourself and hardline Trump supporters.
  12. Tell that to the right wingers posting on the thread about Biden's low numbers in the polls.
  13. After so many incidents, how could they trust the cops not to shoot first and ask questions later?
  14. Because for some issues a 60 votes in the Senate were required. For example, capping the insulin price for private insurers. But on 7 Republicans voted in favor of that. So it died. Look up "reconciliation'.
  15. And you totally fail to understand why such an assertion by itself is inadequate.
  16. It's true that formulas are changed every 2 years to reflect changes in patterns of consumption. But that happened during the Trump administration as well.
  17. Do you really want to compare the total volume of Russian contributions to the Conservative party to what Corbyn received from Iran?
  18. It seems that once again, some people are understanding things wrongly. The opinion poll cited in this article was taken nationally. There actually were opinion polls also taken for this particular primary. Do you really need me to cite what those results showed? Here's the last one: UW Survey Finds Hageman Leading Cheney in Wyoming GOP Primary Wyoming Republican primary candidate Harriet Hageman is leading incumbent Liz Cheney by nearly 30 points in the primary race for Wyoming’s lone seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, according to a new survey by the University of Wyoming’s Wyoming Survey and Analysis Center (WYSAC). The survey was conducted July 25-Aug. 6, yielding 562 responses from Wyoming residents identified as likely voters in the Aug. 16 Republican Party primary. The margin of error for the primary survey is plus or minus 4 percentage points. https://www.uwyo.edu/uw/news/2022/08/uw-survey-finds-hageman-leading-cheney-in-wyoming-gop-primary.html
  19. Does this mean that you and SunnyinBangrak will be rooting for the Democratic opponents of those 2 in November?
  20. Now, if only Trump had been president he could have addressed the issue of land holding in foreign countries versus the United States. But since.. oh wait a minute..
  21. Really weird. On the one hand you claim MAGAists don't support interventions. But then you claim that Trump wouldn't have fled even though Trump negotiated an earlier withdrawal with the Taliban and slashed the number of troops there. What would Trump have done when the Afghan forces collapsed? Gone back into Afghanistan with a large American force to stabilize the situation? That's what Liz Cheney would have done. I would call that an intervention. Such hypocrisy. And anyway, you wrote "policies" not "policy". List some of the other policies that Cheney supports that MAGAists don't.
  22. Here's what I replied to: "Can someone please explain why I would want to vote for them? At least Trump gave me some minor tax cut but all they offer is "free" government services that they never deliver on and would be terrible anyways and then higher taxes to pay for illegal immigrants and various victim groups. Lots of gay stuff also. Great. I can't see how a bunch of old white guys in Thailand would care about this nonsense." First off, what are these "free government services that they never deliver on"? Second: Do illegal immigrants lead to higher taxes? Lots of illegal immigrants pay income and social security taxes which they will never get back. As for why white guy should care about anything that doesn't directly benefit himself, I don't think there's any way of getting through to a person who holds such a belief about moral obligations. For people like that who approach to life is "what's in it for me", such considerations simply don't exist.
  23. Yes. Evil labor. Tories have taken £62,000 from Russia-linked donors since war began The donations include £50,000 from Lubov Chernukhin, who is married to Vladimir Putin’s former deputy finance minister Reports say that her husband, Vladimir, had business dealings with oligarchs who are now under UK sanctions and earned up to £42m a year. Her donation to the Tories came on March 4, just eight days after Russian troops entered Ukraine – and just one day after Boris Johnson pledged to step up sanctions to "starve Putin’s war machine". https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/dark-money-investigations/conservative-party-russia-donors-ukraine-invasion/ Tory donor with Russia links facing forgery charges in Luxembourg A businessman who has been described as a friend of Vladimir Putin, and who donated £400,000 to the Conservative party before the Brexit referendum, is facing charges of forgery in Luxembourg. Gérard Lopez, 50, who chaired the Lotus Formula One team in the UK, donated to the Tories in April 2016, two months before the referendum. He has denied the charges. It has been reported in D’Lëtzebuerger Land, a Luxembourg weekly political journal, that investigators have examined transfers of hundreds of thousands of pounds between the former operations of Lotus in the UK, a Luxembourg football club and a Hong Kong-based investment company. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/jun/26/tory-donor-and-vladimir-putin-associate-facing-forgery-charges-in-luxembourg
  24. Can you share with us the policies that she supports that Republicans do not like? Liz Cheney Voted With Trump 93 Percent of Her Congressional Career https://www.newsweek.com/liz-cheney-voted-donald-trump-93-percent-congress-1734186
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