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  1. When you get to the bottom of the barrel, that's what you'll find Trump.
  2. Are you aware that he inherited about half a billion dollars from his father?
  3. I think you mean "white working class". But apart from that, you're right. But the thing is, that what Trump and the Republican party do is gain the support of these people through red meat issues while passing laws and appointing judges that make the wealthy and powerful even more wealthy and powerful. But it's not so immediately emotional in its appeal to say that Trump reduced the depreciation term of real estate from 20 to 10 years or decreased the tax liability of pass-through corporations. 2 changes the benefit the super wealthy, especially the wealthy like Trump. And the conservatives on the supreme court who consistently rule in favor of corporations and against workers.
  4. What are you on about? The audit authorized by the Arizona Senate actually found Biden had a bigger margin of victory. Not that I would put any credence in that clown sho.. What's more, even though by law all f their election investigations should be a matter of public record, the Republican leader of the State Senate still refuses to make them public.
  5. That was a very, very long weekend. About 19 months long.
  6. You wish. How do you know? Have you seen the retrieved documents?
  7. First off, the issue would be rate of audits. Given that there are a lot more people earning less than 25,000 than there are earning more than $400,000 that does make a kind of sense. But keep in mind that audits dropped dramatically for the rich as congress starved the IRS of funding. Here's some info from the GAO how audit rates declined from 2010 t0 2019. They declined by over 70%! " On average, the audit rate for these returns decreased from 0.9 percent to 0.25 percent. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) officials attributed this trend primarily to reduced staffing as a result of decreased funding. Audit rates decreased the most for taxpayers with incomes of $200,000 and above." https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-22-104960 And the reason audit rates for those lower income earners declined less is that the process is much more automated. To tackle the complications of a wealthy person income, you need actual people.
  8. This is false. Documents have to undergo a specific procedure to certify that they are declassified. Second a document is not declassified just because the president—or the head of the Public Interest Declassification Board—says it is. It has to go through a formal process, in which the security stamps, tags, or labels are removed. It seems at least some of the documents at Mar-a-Lago did not go through this process; according to the Journal, the FBI removed 11 sets of classified documents, four sets labeled “Top Secret,” one marked “Various classified/TS/SCI documents.” https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/08/what-is-in-trump-mar-a-lago-documents.html Even if the documents were declassified it would still be a crime to remove them if any of the criteria of this law were met: Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. (b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2071
  9. https://www.factcheck.org/2022/06/evidence-gaps-in-2000-mules/
  10. Amazing how many keyboarders thought the FBI search would come up empty.
  11. https://www.factcheck.org/2022/06/evidence-gaps-in-2000-mules/
  12. "Of the 30,000 emails that the FBI examined, eight were found to contain Top Secret information. Seven of them were about CIA drone strikes, which had been reported in the newspapers (but were still technically classified). The other one was an account of a telephone conversation with the president of Malawi." https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/08/what-is-in-trump-mar-a-lago-documents.html
  13. So Walker88 earns over $400,000 per year? I want to be his best friend.
  14. "cheat at voting again"? can you please share with us what state government or or even just a state legislature that found evidence to overturn the election results of 2020?
  15. If they haven't revoked it, that's because allies of his family are now in control of the government.
  16. Well, for one thing, Trump isn't currently in the White House so his ability to obstruct justice is greatly curtailed. Not in his gift to offer pardons to those who could potentially incriminate him.
  17. Nope. It's a privilege typically granted to ex-Presidents and ex-high ranking officials but not something they're legally entitled to. White House Reviewing Whether To Revoke Trump’s Access To Intelligence Briefings White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki confirmed Monday that the Biden Administration is weighing whether to strip former President Donald Trump of his access to intelligence briefings—a luxury typically granted to former presidents—after some outside officials expressed concern that Trump will exploit the information and use it to his personal advantage. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackbrewster/2021/02/01/white-house-reviewing-whether-to-revoke-trumps-access-to-intelligence-briefings/?sh=2feadbb8579c
  18. It's funny. The Durham investigation was actually the second investigation of the Justice Dept. The first was by an Inspector General, Michael Horowitz. He came up with no evidence of criminal activity on the part of Justice Dept employees against Trump.. Barr wasn't satisfied with that so he appointed John Durham. But in Durham's biggest case to date, the one he lost, he predicated his charges upon the fact that the defendant had deceived FBI investigators. So just the opposite of why Barr authorized him to investigate.
  19. Well, she kind of has a point. Instead of Merrick Garland signing off on the search warrant, it should have been done by the Attorney General....oh wait a minute.
  20. False. For 4 of those years Trump was effectively immune from criminal prosecution. Since his exit has has employed teams of lawyers which is his right but has also slowed civil and criminal investigations.
  21. Just because, among other things, Trump held a meeting with Putin with not only no advisers present, but not even a State Dept. translator?
  22. Because he took them before he lost his security clearances and then held on to them. The National Archives conducted an investigation which takes time and... "Mr. Trump handed over the materials after several months of back and forth between his lawyers and the National Archives, which houses presidential records and eventually makes many of them public. The National Archives said in a statement that it obtained the boxes in mid-January and that Mr. Trump’s lawyers told the agency that “they are continuing to search for additional presidential records that belong to the National Archives.” https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/07/us/politics/trump-national-archives-documents.html
  23. So you think repeating a deflection will make it valid? I'm under no obligation to police the forum. I am under an obligation to provide evidence for assertions I make when challenged.
  24. It's not incumbent upon any of us to challenge a post. But it is incumbent upon a poster to either provide evidence to back up an assertion or say nothing. Just more deflection coming from you.
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