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  1. Well, the law has the word "espionage" in its name. But that doesn't mean he would be charged with espionage. All the alleged crimes listed in the warrant have to do with illegal possession, not espionage.
  2. Well, if this source is to be believed, that's no longer true: https://www.comparethemarket.com.au/home-loans/features/top-countries-in-debt/
  3. Well, for one thing, Japan massively subsidizes goods and services. Ya think this might have something to do with the low gasoline prices? Japan to quintuple gasoline subsidies in wake of $100 crude https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/Japan-to-quintuple-gasoline-subsidies-in-wake-of-100-crude "Extensive government bond purchases by the Bank of Japan enabled the Japanese government to subsidise goods and services on a large scale. Estimates indicate that about 50 per cent of goods and services in the Japanese consumer basket — used to measure consumer price inflation — are subsidised. Since 1990, Japanese government subsidies have roughly quadrupled, reaching 130 trillion yen (US$98 billion) in 2021." https://www.eastasiaforum.org/2022/08/12/japans-low-inflation-conundrum/ Also, by keeping interest rates very low, corporations can borrow cheaply. This keeps price increases down. In addition Japan's chief threat for many years has been deflation. Japan's population is actually shrinking. So demand is low. What makes Japan particularly interesting is that it has one of the highest debt to gdp ratios in the world. Conservatives claim that this is a surefire guarantee of hyperinflation. And yet... Anyway, it sounds like a financial paradise living in a country that so blatantly violates some of the core beliefs of conservatives.
  4. Because being a parent means you're incapable of committing violence?
  5. There's a joke that the eminent economist Paul Samuelson came up with: "The stock market has predicted 9 of the last 5 recessions."
  6. Now if gasoline prices and inflation had shot up elsewhere in the world, you wouldn't have much of a point. But since they didn't...oh wait a minute. As for S&P. Anyone who mistakes the stock market as a reliable indicator of where the economy stands is seriously confused.
  7. That's' not true. About a week ago or so Trump accused Obama of doing so. Of course, since the accusation was coming from Trump, it turned out to be utterly false.
  8. Here's some news which I think will delight most Americans regardless of their political views. At least I hope so. U.S. Companies on Pace to Bring Home Record Number of Overseas Jobs American companies are on pace to reshore, or return to the U.S., nearly 350,000 jobs this year, according to a report expected Friday from the Reshoring Initiative. That would be the highest number on record since the group began tracking the data in 2010. The Reshoring Initiative lobbies for bringing manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. Over the past month, dozens of companies have said they had plans to build new factories or start new manufacturing projects in the U.S. https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-companies-on-pace-to-bring-home-record-number-of-overseas-jobs-11660968061 Essential Product Industries Drive Job Announcements to Record High In 2021 the private and federal push for domestic supply of essential goods propelled reshoring and foreign direct investment (FDI) job announcements to a record 261,000, bringing the total jobs announced since 2010 to over 1.3 million. For the second year in a row, reshoring exceeded FDI by 100%, continuing a recent trend not seen since 2013. Additionally, the number of companies reporting new reshoring and FDI set a new record of over 1,800 companies. https://reshorenow.org/blog/reshoring-initiative-2021-data-report/#:~:text=In 2021 the private and,2010 to over 1.3 million.
  9. Please. Trump blatantly violated the very law that he signed into law about possession of documents The govt negotiated with his people for over a year to get them back. They got some back in June. His lawyer then certified that all had been returned. Somehow the govt found out that this was not the case. At that point, what would a reasonable person expect the government to do? Just let Trump keep them? Why has no other President had a problem obey the predecessor to the current law. Trump's V.P. managed to scrupulously obey the law that Trump violated. Do you believe that there's an unwritten law that ex-Presidents are immune from criminal investigations? I do agree with you that Trump was singled out for special treatment. What other citizen in such a case would be allowed to negotiate with the government for over a year?
  10. Which is why utterly baseless allegations about their critics being socialists is utterly irrelevant.
  11. Has anyone here said that this isn't about a race to be PM? Anyone at all? Got some names to share with us? Stop making things up. And try harder to stick to the topic.
  12. Given the Tories' track record in keeping promises, I agree with you 100%.
  13. Majority of Americans support FBI’s raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home A new YouGov poll shows that Americans largely approve of the FBI’s search of former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Palm Beach, Florida. The poll surveyed 1,500 adult citizens of the United States between 13 August and 16 August 2022. The survey found that 42 per cent of Americans “stongly approve” of the FBI executing a search warrant in relation to its probe of whether Mr Trump violated the Presidential Records Act, while 12 per cent of Americans say that they “somewhat approve” of it. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-fbi-raid-americans-support-b2147176.html
  14. Every president gets bashed when the economy goes sour. Everyone without exception. Just as Biden is getting bashed now. Whether the criticism is deserved or not. Just as every president gets praise when the economy is doing well such as Bill Clinton or Donald trump. Whether the praise is deserved or not. It turns out the press was so much in the bag for George Bush that they massively misreported the grounds for invading iraq. Including the New York times and the Washington post. The Republicans enjoyed a rare midterm blowout. And two years after that George Bush was reelected.
  15. George W. Bush took a beating from the press for 8 years? Really? He got a free ride after 9/11. It was only after the lies that led to the iraq war became evident and the failures that followed in that war, and also a politically suicidal attempt to privatize social security, did his stock fall sharply.
  16. Even if, and that's a big "if", the declassification argument prevails, it would still be a crime for him to be in possession of those documents. At least according to a bill that Trump himself signed into law. That bill increased the penalty for possession from 1 to 5 years.
  17. You're not stealing the bank's money. You're just relocating it to a more secure place. Just be sure to get a padlock.
  18. Well, I think we both want the same thing as far as relelevance goes. I am trying to help you understand that being a critic of Liz Truss or Rishi Sunak or Boris Johnson doesn't make one a socialist. You see a socialist is a person who subscribes to this doctrine: "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole" So, introducing that term into this discussion, or calling someone politically red or green for that matter is utterly irrelevant and a diversion. And as hopeless as the task may seem of inculcating in you this information, I am resolved to continue. I will never give up on you. Never!
  19. Do you have any evidence that this is a gathering of socialists. Do they subscribe to socialism? The definition of which is: "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole" Please share with us the evidence you have to support this characterization.
  20. Even if that were true, it doesn't take away from the fact that under the law he signed, it's a crime to take such documents to locations that are insecure.
  21. They've been reporting his demise? I see you follow the Donald by indulging in hype.
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