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  1. And in that statement by Trump once more we see Trump's incapacity to acknowledge his defeat. I have some news for Trump: It is still the case that "nothing like this has happened to a President of the United States." Trump is an ex-President. He's just a private citizen now. Whatever perks ex-Presidents may be entitled to, none of them entitle ex-Presidents to be above the reach of the same law enforcement measures that every other American is subject to.
  2. It's funny. Trumpistas are talking about how this is going to help them in the midterms. At the same time they're warning of violent acts due to the FBI search. The FBI is receiving a record number of threats directed at its agents and particularly against Garland.. Breitbart actually released the names of the 2 FBI agents who had to sign off on the warrant. How do they think most Americans are going to react if their prophecies of violence prove to be a reality? Also, the Freedom Caucus, reps in Congress who are fanatical supporters of Trump, scheduled a press conference for Friday morning. After the text of the warrant was released and info about what had been removed from Mar y Lago became public, the canceled said conference. They cited "scheduling conflicts." That sounds believable.
  3. It would be interesting to see if his lawyers had previously invoked the "standing order" defense. If not, why not?
  4. Wow! Big number there. For one thing. That 1.2 trillion dollar infrastructure bill actually allocated 550 billion in new spending. "The 2,702-page Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act contains $550 billion in new spending.19 The $1.2 trillion figure comes from including additional funding normally allocated each year for highways and other infrastructure projects.20 https://www.investopedia.com/here-s-what-s-in-the-usd1-trillion-infrastructure-bill-passed-by-the-senate-5196817 So I got that number wrong. So it's 550 billion. But wait, there's more. These are for infrastructure projects. 110 billion for roads and bridges 66 billion for railroads 65 billion for power grid 65 billion for broadband 55 billion for water infrastructure 55 billion for cyber security and climate change 39 billion for public transit 25 billion for airports 21 billion for the environment 17 billion for ports 11 billion for safety (mostly highways) 8 billion for western water infrastructure 7.5 billion for electric charging stations 7.5 billion for electric school buses You think that money for these infrastructure projects is going to get spent in a year? Even close to a year? These are mostly multiyear projects. Even after plans are in place they're going to have to pass environmental reviews. So very little of that money has even been spent so far. So now we're basically down to the 1.9 trillion covid relief bill. Now, how much of that money is going to be spent on goods as opposed to services. Who knows? Certainly not all of it. How much of that money actually makes its way out of the USA to buy foreign products? I don't know, Do you? The world GDP is about 85 trillion. All of a sudden 1.9 trillion doesn't seem like so much, does it? And of course, most of that money will have been spent already. So how to explain continuing inflation? Well, obviously, fossil fuel costs have skyrocketed. You think that might have something to do with the war in Ukraine? We can see what happens when those prices decline. The US had zero inflation in July thanks to that. And food prices. You think that might have something to do with worldwide inflation. You know the shortfall in grain suppples due to that same war? And ditto for fertilizer? You think all or most of the increase in prices for those commodities is due to US demand?
  5. But, according to the article linked to this applies only to the cases where the President discloses something and says it's declassified. It has nothing to do with whether the President can just declare en masse that documents are classified. So, sure, if he cites the info verbally, he can declare it's declassified. Not the same thing as just declaring unspecified documents are declassified.
  6. The quote from politifact is about the president speaking about some particular classified info. As for claims being overreaching: "He had to identify the specific documents he was declassifying, he needed to memorialize the order in writing for bureaucratic and historical purposes, and he needed to have staff physically modify the classification markings on the documents themselves," Moss said. "Until that was done, the documents, per the security classification procedures, still have to be handled, transmitted and stored as if they were classified."... "If the documents are still marked classified 18 months after their removal from the White House," Blanton told PolitiFact, "then Trump was too busy to order them declassified at the time." https://www.politifact.com/article/2022/aug/11/could-trump-argue-declassified-documents/
  7. You clearly haven't read the statute. It says "whoever". No exceptions. Trump was President of the United States. Not King, not Emperor of the United States. He was not above the law.
  8. *Deleted post edited out* 18 U.S. Code § 2071 - Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally (a)Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. (b)Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2071
  9. Here is Kevin Clinesmith's treasonous act: he altered an email that led to continued surveillance of Carter Page. He committed forgery. In fact the act was considered so treasonous that John Durham asked that Clinesmith be imprisoned for several whole months. Oh the infamy! And no, it wasn't to spy on Trump. Carter Page has never talked to Trump.
  10. We know that Trump's hotels have taken money from the Saudis who booked large numbers of suites. That's a matter of record. What has Biden taken from foreign governments?
  11. How did you know that PhoenixRising was trying to get Trump for Jan.6 and nothing else. Have you installed mind-reading equpment on his communication devices? Are you telepathic?
  12. I wouldn't be at all surprised if you're making a point here. Well, maybe, mildly surprised.
  13. Five thirty eight keeps track of these thing. Here's the latest on Trump vs. Biden https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-approval-rating/?cid=rrpromo Is a 1.5% difference "much worse"?
  14. Well, if the reports about the labelling are true, the stuff he is alleged to have moved have a far higher security rating.
  15. Your comment can be boiled down to 3 words "Just you wait!" And that's 3 words more than their substance.
  16. You can always tell when someone's got nothing because they resort to predicting the future. And more MAGA nonsense about election fraud. Not even Republican govts could come up with any proof. But the Democrats best chance of holding on is that there will be lots of candidates who are pleasing to to the likes of you.
  17. 8 top secret classified documents were found in her server. 7 were of reports about CIA drone strikes which had actually been reported by the media. The 8th was about her conversation with the President of Malawi.
  18. Well, are you claiming that Trump started read all those documents out loud to some. For a guy who's notoriously averse to that activity, that's quite a claim. As for that quote from justthenews.com.. That site is run and mostly written by John Solomon. He was let go from thehill.com because of his at best misleading and sleazy reporting. But what makes the case even worse is that it turns out that Trump has told the National Archives to grant Solomon special access to all of his declassified documents having to do with Russia. You'd think Solomon might make a note of that somewhere in the vicinity of his reporting. But you'd be wrong if you did.
  19. Thanks for all the extraneous comments. You know someone is full of BS when they justify their comments by predicting the future.
  20. Except that if you had been following the news you would know that Fred Trump transferred most of his fortune through highly dubious means to his children before he died. So technically it's not an inheritance, but I didn't want to go into a long explanation. Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/10/02/us/politics/donald-trump-tax-schemes-fred-trump.html And this doesn't include the bailout his father provided when Trump's casino venture went belly up. And there were only 3 children who inherited. One predeceased the father. Trump got bailed out by The Apprentice which sold the world on his ability as a dealmaker. In fact, his business history is marked by overpaying for assets and then going bankrupt. By the time the 21st century rolled around, he was toxic to NY bankers.
  21. xxx I'd like to think that your use of "d'oh", is not worthy of you, but I'm not at all sure about that. The only question left to resolve is whether the shot was dumber than it was cheap or cheaper than it was dumb. But keep trying, Homer. Is this research potentially a welcome addition to the scientific literature? Sure, and let’s see what their peers have to say in good time. But is it as definitive as the claim made above? - shorn of all moderating language and context (‘suggests’, ‘reconstruction’ ‘computer simulation’ etc.). Clearly not. The research says that the use of the second method confirmed the accuracy of the first. Not that the first was inaccurate. So if anyone is using a word salad ("suggests", "reconstruction", "computer simulations) which you accused Ozimoron of doing, it's you.
  22. Actually Dad bailed out Trump more than once. Ultimately, Trump ran his father's business into the ground.
  23. Yes. One of the symptoms of a destroyed economy is when 528,000 jobs are added in one month.
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