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  1. McConnell Accuses Biden of Violating Traditions of Congress by Accomplishing Things WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) - In a no-holds-barred attack on the President, Senator Mitch McConnell blasted Joe Biden for “violating Congress’s most cherished traditions by accomplishing things.” Excoriating the Senate’s passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, McConnell declared, “The hallowed customs of this Capitol have been shredded forever.” “Every Republican in this building went to work last week secure in the knowledge that nothing would be achieved,” he said. https://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/mcconnell-accuses-biden-of-violating-traditions-of-congress-by-accomplishing-things
  2. Whatever the right word or phrase would be "breaking into" certainly isn't it. Break into "phrasal verb. break into something. to enter a building by force; to open a car, etc. by force." https://www.google.com/search?q=break+into&oq=break+into&aqs=chrome..69i57.1893j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Unless they had to bash down doors to get in. Think that's likely?
  3. Really? These pieces of legislation are causing worldwide inflation? How does that work? Keep in mind that one of these was just signed into law a week ago or less and the last one has yet to be ratified by the House of Representatives. Anyway, I await your explanation with great interest.
  4. No. He has said he will resign. There's a difference.
  5. He chose to remain PM. If he didn't want to do anything, he should have stepped down.
  6. Thanks for the incoherent comment. As far as I know, Starmer has never been Prime Minister so I don't see how he was ever praised (or blamed) for the state of the economy. And you're seriously contending that Biden hasn't gotten a lot of criticism. what about Obama. He inherited an economy in freefall but somehow that disaster was his fault? Please, spare us any more of your overheated and unhistorical generalizations and the unhinged sense of grievance.
  7. But it's not a question of me wanting Biden to get credit. If the economy is doing well, the President generally gets the credit. (Although his predecessor somehow managed to fail at that). So good economic news should benefit him at least somewhat. Just as inflation will hurt him. Whether or not he's responsible for either. It really depends on how the economy does in the next few months and how much the voters approve of the recent bills enacted with his support. And of course there are other issues like abortion which will hurt Republicans at least a bit. Maybe a lot.
  8. As I have repeatedly pointed out elsewhere, it's always dubious to say Presidents deserve responsibility for the current state of the economy. Whether that President is a Democrat or a Republican. The exception being in times of crisis and how they respond. Right now the world economy is in crisis. Is the President of the United States responsible? Inflation is a world wide phenomenon. Are there any major economies that have escaped it? The US economy seems to be doing better than most of the developed world. It is creating jobs. GDP was down by 0.9% in the last quarter. But GNI was up 3.6%, How much of this is due to Biden? It's hard to say when the world economy is in a very disturbed and unusual state. But for the future, the bills that have passed will be hugely influential for the shape of the economy.
  9. I like to think that when some politician I didn't approve of had lots of good news, I wouldn't try distracting from the issues by citing all sort of allegations, or making insulting comments. But it's definitely been a hard few weeks for those on the right. What does the number 528000 do for you?
  10. Thank you for your sophisticated analysis of the bill. Clearly, you have put a lot of time and effort into mastering its particulars.
  11. 1.9 trillion covid relief bill 1.2 trillion dollar infrastructure bill 53 billion dollar chips bill 700 billion dollar inflation reduction bill
  12. Unlike you, Slip and others don't claim to know what the evidence they have is. You clearly do, since you have categorically declared that the motivation is political. So why don't you share that evidence with us?
  13. There are sections that analyze death rates and compare them to other nations. It should be pointed out that the report does not only fault Trump for America's health problems. But Trump made them worse.
  14. Right. The covid year was the best of them all. Damning analysis of Trump's pandemic response suggested 40% of US COVID-19 deaths could have been avoided A report on the Trump administration's policies suggested 40% of US COVID-19 deaths were avoidable. Compared with six similarly wealthy countries, the US failed to protect citizens' health in the pandemic. Trump publicly downplayed COVID-19 and often undermined health guidelines. https://www.businessinsider.com/analysis-trump-covid-19-response-40-percent-us-deaths-avoidable-2021-2
  15. Will trump does have an extensive history of employing them.
  16. Well, since he did label trump critics on this forum "antifa types", I'd say you have to be extremely far right to believe that. Also called critics here "radical leftists."
  17. The inspector general looked at whether the FBI followed department rules for opening investigations and whether politics had played a role. "We did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced (the) decision to open Crossfire Hurricane," the Inspector General’s 2019 report said. The report criticized the FBI and Justice Department for having a low threshold of evidence to trigger a counterintelligence investigation, but given the rules at the time, the facts were sufficient. https://www.statesman.com/story/news/politics/elections/2020/08/24/fact-check-did-obama-spy-on-trumprsquos-campaign-get-caught/42457379/
  18. This coming from someone who calls critics of Trump "radical leftists" and "antifa types".
  19. This was my response to a similar claim from JohnnyF "Trump has lots of fans who are neo-Nais, white nationalists, etc. I don't think many of them are Democrats or Republicans. Does that make them neutral observers?"
  20. You might as well write a confession. You've practically done it already.
  21. Thanks for outing yourself. Not that confirmation was necessary.
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