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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Why do you think that one position is in contradiction of the other? Unlike you, who call people "radical leftists" apparently because they strongly oppose Donald Trump, I can provide criteria to judge whether or not someone is hard right I think what distinguishes the hard right is their belief in conspiracy theories. For instance that human caused climate change isn't real or not significant and that the so-called evidence is really a plot by scientists looking for generous government handouts and a cabal looking to promote one-world government That threats posed by pollution are overexaggerated and have been created to undermine capitalism and promote one-world government That alternative energy is a scam also promoted to undermine the economy and to promote one-world govt. That the U.S. elections were stolen despite the fact that even Republican state governments could find no good evidence of that Or that covid vaccines are actually dangerous or potentially dangerous and it is safer not to take them. Also what feature widely amongst them is admiration for authoritarian, anti-democratic figures like Putin, Bolsonaro, and Orban. Usually they'll espouse some weirdly self contradictory positions like corporations have too much power but support laws that make them richer and more powerful. Or that working people are getting the shaft but oppose unions. I have seen all these positions expressed repeatedly on aseannow.com. Usually the same bunch of people. They may deviate on 1 or 2 points but mostly not.
  2. Next you'll be telling us that the United States has nothing to do with NATO. How much confidence would Finland and Sweden have in NATO if the US wasn't a member?
  3. Actually Finland didn't exactly win its last war with Russia, did it? Unless of course your idea of a win would be, for example, for Ukraine to settle for the current status quo in exchange for peace.
  4. Actually, if that's how something worked in the Trump administration, it's a lot safer to assume that most likely it didn't and doesn't work like that in any other administration.
  5. And you may be shocked to learn this but there are some right wing extremists posting defenses of Trumps. These people actually believe that the 2020 elections were stolen and that Trump really won. Or that they have doubts about it. Just to be clear, I'm in no way accusing you of being that far gone.
  6. How do you know? What are your criteria? "Extreme leftists"?Has anyone here who has criticized Trump called for government control of all means of production? Have they called for an end to private property? As for "antifa types..." Do you know of anyone posting here who has violently confronted those they deem to be fascists?
  7. They voted to stay before Brexit was even an issue.
  8. It's irrelevant whether you're a Republican or Democrat or declare yourself to be anything. Anyway, you're anonymous so such declarations are worthless. And Trump has neo-Nazi fans and white supremacist fans all over the Europe. Are they Republicans? Are they Democrats? You may not like Trump but I have yet to see you criticize him for anything other than his behaviour. And once again, you called critics of Trump here "radical leftists" and "antifa types." This is your idea of neutrality? Laughable.
  9. As exemplified by your statement that Trump critics here are "radical leftists" and "antifa types".
  10. I wonder how Toyota describes them. Do they claim that the standard model can hold 3 or more passengers?
  11. Not only did it give his name but it also said "his boss" not "FBI boss".
  12. Trump's crime, if that's what it turns out to be, may simply be keeping classified documents he had no business keeping. This investigation doesn't have to be in furtherance of uncovering any other possible crimes.
  13. How about Attorney General? or AG for short. Or maybe his name?
  14. Can you please share with us the source of that information? Or did you get it from the Journal of Making Things Up?
  15. Polls about events that are over 2 years away? Really?
  16. I'll give it a try. Because it's an extremely unlikely way to refer the to the person who authorized the search.
  17. Projecting much? https://yougov.co.uk/topics/politics/trackers/boris-johnson-approval-rating
  18. And what evidence do you have to support that assertion? Are you another time traveler? We seem to have a lot of those here on the political right. Why do you insist on reinforcing the evidence of your extreme bias?
  19. But not too early to be calling it politically motivated? It is to laugh.
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