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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. And as I pointed out, they don't command the mass allegiance the birtherism did (does?), or that vaccine denialism and electoral denialism do.
  2. Here is your original comment about this: In the USA. and where relevant in the West, these conspiracy theories don't or didn't command anywhere near the widespread allegiance to birtherism, vaccine denialism, and electoral denialism. These conspiracies theories are overwhelmingly right wing phenomenon. In addition most of those you cited preceded the rise of social media.
  3. But that's different from "changing a name to something derogatory." I'm almost tempted to report it just to see what the mods decide. Almost.
  4. Thank you for sharing with us once again your obsession with labour backbenchers.
  5. You posted a response that wasn't relevant to my question so I did the same to you. Turnabout is fair play.
  6. If you were led to believe that that only proves that you didn't view the numerous videos showing the insurrectionitss violently attacking the police and pushing their way into the Capitol. And I can't think of any reason why you didn't see them except that the sources you get your news from prefer not to report on that since it would go against the narrative they are trying to promote.
  7. Really? Certainly in the West it's overwhelmingly the case. Where are the conspiracy theories that are widely subscribed to by people without any bias in the numbers due to their political beliefs? Please share with us.
  8. Yes you still are missing something. What is the UK's inflation rate for July 2022?
  9. Before Trump, White Protestants overwhelmingly when polled would say that they wouldn't vote for a person with a bad character. That changed with Trump. They invoke all sorts of reasons. Apparently there was some King (David I think) who was wicked in his personal life but still was the king. Obviously, this is a rationalization. The fact is they take the decidedly unchristian view that the ends justify the means. And it's not just confined to Trump. Franklin Graham, the odious successor to his father, Billy Graham, was a fast friend of Putin since he claimed to be defending Christianity from dark forces including homosexuality. Graham's response to Putin's bloody and brutal invasion of Ukraine? He asked his followers to pray for Putin.
  10. It's clear you don't have a clue as to what "grooming" means: "Grooming is when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them. Children and young people who are groomed can be sexually abused, exploited or trafficked. Anybody can be a groomer, no matter their age, gender or race." https://www.nspcc.org.uk/what-is-child-abuse/types-of-abuse/grooming/
  11. I actually know some Trump supporters. Very kind and lovely people. Not very interested or knowledgeable about political issues They are devout Protestants so I suspect that their support comes in large part from the opinions of their fellow church goers and pastor. They believe what they are told. I don't get into it with them because what's the point? I'm not going to win going up against God The Father.
  12. As I pointed out, I was comparing nations with a similar level of economic development. Obviously that's the most valid comparison. And The Netherlands has a lower inflation rate than does the UK. As for Iceland and the UK, the last figures we have for both countries is from June 2022. Iceland's is lower. Apparently, you want to persist in using July figures for other countries and compare them to the UK's June figures.
  13. Orban is also massively corrupt. A brief history of graft in Orbán’s Hungary https://www.euractiv.com/section/justice-home-affairs/opinion/a-brief-history-of-graft-in-orbans-hungary/
  14. Do you understand that there are 10's of million of right wingers in the USA who believe in all sorts of crazy conspiracy theories? It's gotten so bad that they're even willing to die for these beliefs as was the case with Covid vaccines. Why would you think that such people would take your advice to heart?
  15. But whatever the truth of your characterization, and I think it's way overblown, that's not the same thing as conspiracy theories which are being used to undermine democracy.
  16. If the trump administration hadn't kowtowed to Saudi Arabia, the UAE, and Israell by jnot omly withdrawing from the Iran nuclear agreement, but making it virtually impossible for others to abide by it, there would be a lot more oil and gas available right now.
  17. That doesn't explain why it's basically a right-wing phenomenon.
  18. Except for Belgium, all the highly developed economies in the EU have a lower rate of inflation than does the UK. And you still haven't explained why you compared a projected rate for the EU in July, to an actual rate for the UK in June.
  19. Keep in mind that based on virtually no evidence, the majority of Republicans believe that the 2020 elections were stolen. And a big majority of Republicans in the House of Representatives refused to endorse the election results. And before that there was the birther movement which denied that Barack Obama was born in the USA and was ineligible to be President. That was also subscribed to by a majority of Republicans.
  20. But you're comparing the actual uk june inflation rate to the projected July rate for the EU.
  21. You have any evidence at all that soldiers would have rebelled against their orders and sided with insurrectionists? Into fantasy fan fiction much?
  22. Some people think tax cuts are magic. In the USA right wingers consider them to be pretty much a panacea even though there's precious little evidence that they work. While they may have worked under Thatcher, there wasn't galloping inflation then. A lot of it depends on how high tax rates were before Thatcher compared to how high they are now.
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