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  1. Yes. you believe it. And have yet to offer any evidence that the decision was based on politics.
  2. And once again the "neutral" observer characterize the event as "state sponsored harrassment" without offering any evidence. Tell me, were the perpertrators of this action "radical leftists" and "antifa types"?
  3. Can you please share with us the damning evidence that these Republicans are going to uncover?
  4. Well, it's absolutely clear that he repeatedly is asserting massive falsehoods about the election. And your observation about the effect of this search of Trump's home on the elections actually argues against your fact-free assertion that it was politically biased.
  5. It turns out it may not have been a missile at all. But partisans. Or maybe something else. Which has its plusses and minuses. And which also raised the important question of why does "plus" demand a doubling of the "s" in the plural form and "minus" not? Ukraine suggests partisans behind blasts at Russian airbase in Crimea A senior Ukrainian official suggested a series of explosions at a Russian air base in Crimea could have been the work of partisan saboteurs, as Kyiv denied any responsibility for the incident deep inside Russian-occupied territory. The adviser to President Volodymyr Zelenskiy also suggested Russian incompetence as a possible cause of Tuesday's blasts. They killed one civilian and injured eight, according to the health department in Russia-annexed Crimea. https://www.reuters.com/world/ukraine-suggests-partisans-behind-blasts-russian-airbase-crimea-2022-08-10/
  6. Democrats have been strongly critical of Garland for either not doing anything in this regard or going too slow.
  7. For one thing it said likely. For another, you're the one who claimed that it was Christopher Wray. You're the one who claimed he was a Biden appointee. I do think it was likely that Garland approved it as well. Garland is known for being very cautious and careful.
  8. How many of his appointments has Trump villified? And it seems to be virtually always the case that they wouldn't do what he wanted them to do either because it was unethical or illegal. If you have been an official in the government and were vilified, or vilified and fired by Trump, that's a badge of honor.
  9. I think the govt should investigate the leftist Senators who voted him in. All 95 of them.
  10. Ya beat me to it. Next time, I'm just going to let the baby go hungry.
  11. Well, if it turns out that the FBI gave permission for this raid did so dishonestly, then you would support an investigation of the person who nominated Christopher Wray to be FBI chief? That person would be Donald Trump.
  12. Well, has Biden done anything to compare with this: for almost 2 years, Trump has been lying about the election results despite the huge amounts of evidence to the contrary and the virtually utter lack of evidence to support it? How does a lie like that compare to someone misrepresenting incidents from their past?
  13. Was it a no-knock search warrant? I doubt that. That means they would have burst into the residence without giving warning. No evidence that that happened.
  14. As I pointed out, and apparently you missed it. lying is not okay. But quantity and magnitude count.
  15. It's never OK but not on the scale of Trump. And not repeatedly when faced with incontrovertible evidence to the contrary.
  16. Do you think that asserting you come from a neutral impartial position constitutes some kind of proof that you actually are coming from a neutral impartial position? You have repeatedly asserted that the FBI's search was politically motivated. Yet you have yet to offer any evidence. I think it's time to quote this post of yours in its entirety that shows where you're really coming from: "I am indeed neutral on US politics but the way the FBI is going after Trump is clearly politically motivated, it's clear as day. However, you radical lefties would never admit such a thing since behind all your talk of due process you secretly support it due to your hatred of Trump. Acting as if judges cannot show political bias or be bought. Like I said, people with skin in the game cannot see the wood for the trees, or simply choose to ignore it since it matches/supports their political agenda. It requires a neutral observer like myself to point out the glaringly obvious and even then the Antifa types will shout us down with their usual vitriol." "Radical lefties"? Do these critics of Trump support a government takeover of the means of production and an end to private property? "Antifa types?" Are there people on this forum who have actually physically attacked those they deem to be fascists?
  17. Another case of I don't like Trump but... And making Trump and Biden equal in mendacity just proves where your true sentiments lie. And your claim unbacked by evidence that state agencies are being used to harass Trump is just more evidence of your extreme bias.
  18. One of the unintended but likely results of the Dobbs decision would be the reluctance of ob/gyn MDs to practice in those states that impose stringent anti-abortion laws.. Why would they want to run the risk of facing criminal prosecution and costly civil lawsuits when they can practice elsewhere? A challenge for antiabortion states: Doctors reluctant to work there "One large health-care staffing firm, AMN Healthcare, said clients in states with abortion bans are having greater trouble filling vacancies because some prospective OB/GYN candidates won’t even consider opportunities in states with new or pending abortion bans. Tom Florence, president of Merritt Hawkins, an AMN Healthcare company, cited 20 instances since the Supreme Court ruling where prospects specifically refused to relocate to states where reproductive rights are being targeted by lawmakers. “To talk to approximately 20 candidates that state they would decline to practice in those restrictive states, that is certainly a trend we are seeing,” Florence said." https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2022/08/06/abortion-maternity-health-obgyn/
  19. Depending on where the missile, if that's what it was, was fired from, possibly Sevastopol might be in reach, too. They're only 95 kilometers apart. I tried linking to google maps but for some reason google is not allowing it. So to see where the explosions took place just look up Novofedorivka Crimea on Google Maps
  20. Well, considering that Trump was in New Jersey when the search was conducted, perp-walking would have been a stretch. Literally a stretch. "Most persecuted human being alive..." I think that there are about 1 million Uighurs in Chinese concentration camps who might disagree with you. And that's just for starters. Get a grip on yourself.
  21. Or maybe all the gifts to the government from 2020 for which, contrary to law, there was no list. But then, it's not so unreasonable to suspect that a grifter who used charitable funds to benefit himself might have helped himself to loot that didn't belong to him.
  22. You will be relieved to learn that I approve of your emendation.
  23. Thank you for reporting back to us on what you have learned from your time travels.
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