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  1. What nonsense. It's not a matter of Trump neglecting to do someting. He actively resisted calling in the Guard. And the Guard was in an armory 2 miles away from the Capitol
  2. There is an excellent essay in the Wall Street Journal about China's military preparations to take back Taiwan. https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-coming-war-over-taiwan-11659614417 If you don't have a subscription to the WSJ you can access the essay via this link: https://lookcharms.com/the-coming-war-over-taiwan/
  3. The problem is that under Texas law, punitive damages are limited to twice the amount of actual damage plus 1 dollar. There is some question of whether this limitation is in accordance with the Texas Constitution. So it will be up to the Texas Supreme Court to decide should the case get that far which it almost certainly will.
  4. Most likely that proviso about Missouri criminializing out-of-state abortions for its citizens will likely be overturned by the Supreme Court. I believe Kavanagh actually made a specific reference to the unconstitutionality of such a statute.
  5. Actually, I managed not to until after I commented. That's why I deleted it.
  6. Well, for what it's worth, fivethirtyeight.com has the Democrats retaining control in the Senate. But Republicans further ahead in taking back the House. It will be interesting to see what role abortion plays. Clearly, in Kansas, it brought out a lot of votes. 70% of newly registered voters were women. And success in legislation should have a halo effect.
  7. Taiwan Semiconductor makes the most advanced chips in the world. Reason enough to defend Taiwan.
  8. Some people are very selective in their sensitivity about politicians destroying certain sectors of a national economy.
  9. As economists have pointed out, even before this latest report, there was lots of conflicting evidence about whether or not the economy had entered a recession. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/interactive/2022/are-we-in-recession-data/
  10. Why would you say it has the opposite effect? I think it happened despite their efforts, not because of them.
  11. Because of inheritance it's rational to wait a year before ascribing economic problems or economic successes to a new government. Of course, Brexit is going to be a stumbling block at least until enough of the older generations die off and the younger ones might avail themselves of the opportunity to reverse it.
  12. A prediction, not a fact. The Bank of England is predicting 13.7% inflation for the UK in the 4th quarter.
  13. About the title of this subject. It's nonsense. There have been plenty of people on thaivisa.com who have taken a very dim view of Chinese aggression, In fact, there are or were only a few who consistently defended China. They were definitely outnumbered. Most seem to have evaporated. So get over yourself.
  14. Uh-oh. More bad news for Biden: Payrolls increased 528,000 in July, much better than expected in a sign of strength for jobs market Nonfarm payrolls rose 528,000 for the month and the unemployment rate was 3.5%, easily topping the Dow Jones estimates of 258,000 and 3.6% respectively. Wage growth also surged higher, as average hourly earnings jumped 0.5% for the month and 5.2% from a year ago, higher than estimates. Traders are now pricing in a higher likelihood of a 0.75 percentage point hike for the next Federal Reserve meeting in September. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/08/05/jobs-report-july-2022-528000.html
  15. Euro zone economy grows 0.7% in the second quarter despite gas crisis and inflation surge https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/29/euro-area-gdp-q2-2022-growth-accelerates-for-euro-zone.html
  16. And creating islands in the South China Sea and putting military bases on them. And then harassing all manner of boats and ships of nations whose territories the Chinese have encroached on.
  17. Really? Did any of the bombing of Russian territory in Donbas come close to the massive destruction by the Russians of cities with large ethnic Russian populations? 'They bomb us because they can't beat us': Kharkiv civilians suffer as Russia runs out of options The city of Kharkiv, Ukraine's second-largest, was a bustling metropolis just a month ago. Chic eateries and sleek shopping malls sat alongside elegant neo-baroque architecture in what had been a rapidly developing urban centre. Now, large areas of the city resemble Stalingrad more than Stuttgart, as Kharkiv falls victim to what locals and experts say is a Russian strategy of targeting civilians. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/kharkiv-ukraine-russian-bombardment-1.6396229
  18. Most Ukrainians would disagree or wouldn't care. They are fighting for their survival as a people.
  19. Actually, I think it's a way to distract the Chinese govt from some of the very bad decisions that Xi has made that are hurting the economy. China now has very high unemployment. The zero covid policy is doomed to fail but will keep on disrupting the economy. Xi's policy now is to put official Marxist apparatchiks into the management of major businesses. And the housing market is a disaster.
  20. It is, of course, obligatory for politicians to run for office. But to run from their office? That's a new one.
  21. As I pointed out earlier because progressive courts in NY ruled that the gerrymandering was unconstitutional the map was redrawn more fairly. And Desantis' gerrymandering that is even more extreme than what the Republican state legislature proposed, is now in effect in Florida.
  22. What you failed to note is that it's only thanks to the filibuster that Democrats failed to pass a national law outlawing gerrymandering. Do you think that would be a bad thing? As the article says, Republicans started out with a 2 point advantage due to gerrymandering. In addition, as the article points, out, if the Democrats had had not engaged in counter gerrymandering that would mean surrendering the House. Also, it's not insignificant that the states where independent electoral commissions have been created by legislative fiat, are all Democratic. 2 states, Arizona and Ohio had independent electoral commissions created by referenda. The Republicans in Arizona sued to invalidate the vote. They failed. In Ohio, a referendum clearly stipulated that the representation in voting districts should reflect the average performance of the political parties. The Republicans running the electoral commission utterly ignored that. The Ohio Supreme Court overruled them because of one of the 4 Republican judges sided with the 3 Democrats. In contrast, in strongly Democratic New Jersey, there was a move by Democratic political leaders to gerrymander districts to reduce Republican representation. Progressive Democrats put a stop to that. California, the state with the most Congressional members has an independent commission for redistricting.
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