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  1. As the article I linked to stated, the greening of greenland turns out not to have been much if at all. And without links, these graphs aren't worth much. Invariably I find that they're either outdated or in outright disagreement with what the vast majority of climatologists research shows. Usually such graphs are culled from denialist websites. And Cliff Harris, whose name appears in one of the graphs, also believes this A cold shoulder to global warming Unlike most scientists, Coeur d’Alene climatologist Cliff Harris believes snowshoes will be more useful than sunscreen in coming decades. Yes, the climate is changing, Harris says. But he doesn’t believe the planet is being transformed by manmade pollution. He also thinks an ice age is coming, not widespread warming. “These cycles have come and gone for eons of time and they’ll continue to do that,” said Harris, 64. https://www.spokesman.com/stories/2007/feb/26/a-cold-shoulder-to-global-warming/ He's also a devout Christian and believes that the Bible has imortance evidence on the question of climate change.
  2. This is another piece of false information from the denialist lobby. PCR machines are calibrated against samples with known quantities of virus particles. So it doesn't matter that different models run a different number of cycles. The COVID-19 PCR Test Is Reliable Despite the Commotion About Ct Values The people sharing the claim that COVID-19 PCR testing is not reliable because of high Ct values are just amplifying noise. https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/covid-19-critical-thinking/covid-19-pcr-test-reliable-despite-commotion-about-ct-values Fact check: WHO released guidance on proper use of tests; it did not admit PCR tests showed inflated infection numbers Social media users have been sharing screenshots purporting that the World Health Organization (WHO) released guidance to laboratories and incorrectly saying this was to reduce the positive test result count in PCR (polymerase chain reaction) COVID-19 tests. The social media users claim the WHO’s guidance amounted to an admission that the current PCR tests were inflating COVID-19 infection number. This claim is false. https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-who-instructions-pcr-guidan-idUSKBN2A429W
  3. Because it's hurting them. But this isn't a zero sum game. Both sides are getting hurt. Whether it's worth the current hurt for longer term gains is another question.
  4. But they aren't a threat to overwhelming the critical care capacity of the health care system.
  5. The problem is these people reduce the availability of ICU beds whether they pay for them or not. Maybe in the future when the pandemic has been successfully contained to a low chronic level. But not anytime soon.
  6. As we've seen in countries around the world the crucial numbers are deaths and hospitalizations. Deaths especially since even hospitalizations can vary defending on whether rationing of care has been applied. That's why denialists consistently cite cases or infections because those statistics don't take separate account of deaths and hospitalizations. And case statistics are subject to the level of testing. So, obviously, a country like Singapore that mandates a high percentage of employer tests and sends out testing kits to its residents is going to show much higher levels of cases, than say, a country like Thailand.
  7. Actually there were 2 major studies that were judged to be fraudulent. One from Egypt and the other from Argentina. And the experience of Uttar Pradesh in allegedly suppressing covid mortality via Ivermectin is also clearly nonsense. As I've cited elsewhere, mortality rates jumped 110% during the pandemic in that Indian state. I guess that's inexplicable only if you're a true believer in Ivermectin.
  8. No. You're missing the point. What percentage of males, in the age groups specified, are actually taking aspirin a daily basis? 5%? 10? 25? You would also need to know how many females in the same age groups are taking aspirin. And it's the difference that would have to be accounted for. As I pointed out, statistics show that men are clearly more susceptible to covid 19 than women. Your conclusions rest on the assumption that the mortality and hospitalization rates for men and women should be equal. However... Male gender is a predictor of higher mortality in hospitalized adults with COVID-19 "Compared to females, males with COVID-19 had a higher rate of in-hospital mortality (13.8% vs 10.2%, respectively, p <0.001); a higher rate of respiratory intubation (21.4% vs 14.6%, p <0.001); and a longer length of hospital stay (9.5 ± 12.5 days vs. 7.8 ± 9.8 days, p<0.001).Jul 9, 2564 BE" Male gender is a predictor of higher mortality in hospitalized adults with COVID-19 And this despite the fact that presumably a higher percentage of men than women are taking aspirin as a prophylactic. So, if anything, aspirin use is currently skewing the mortality and treatment statistics to make men look less susceptible than they really are.
  9. Thanks for the "proof". Is that the best you can do? Your suspicions? Convenient that, since it can't be checked by facts. Like for instance the fact that recent studies show those who were infected by covid and then vaccinated actually had the highest levels of antibodies. I guess your alleged "silent majority" doesn't believe that,either?
  10. Convincing. An anonymous doctor makes an assertion. Was that doctor a qualified epidemiologist or virologist? Once again, you're cherry picking. What's the overwhelming consensus of the scientific community? Recent actual scientific studies show that those who were symptomatically infected with covid and then inoculated with vaccine actually had the highest levels of antibodies of all groups. But what is actual scientific evidence worth compared to the testimony of some random doctor on TV?
  11. What do you mean by "scientific base" These are reports from govt health officials. Are you claiming that these authorities are lying? Alleging Fake News. The last resort of the true believer..
  12. But without pointing out that they constitute a tiny minority is misleading.
  13. Your assertion takes no account of excess mortality. Thailand hasn't exactly been forthcoming with that figure. And then there's this article in thaivisa.com As the following link shows, Thailand will have about 39% fully vaccinated by Nov 1. As the experience of every other nation shows, this is not nearly high enough to stop the rise of covid cases. https://covid19.healthdata.org/thailand?view=vaccinations&tab=trend
  14. Clearly such people get this stuff from resources devoted to debunking covid vaccination. These people often classify themselves as independent thinkers, people who refer to do their own research, etc. As though they actually had the scientific knowledge to study this stuff. Almost always, they are politically very right wing.
  15. Well, those who are vaccinated with 1 inoculation are listed as such. But you're right, obviously eole in that grou will be far more likely to come down with symptoms. As will, on average, those who are vaccinated twice but still in the latency period.
  16. First off, if I'm the one being defensive, how come it's you making personal comments? I've only gone after your evidence, or rather lack of it. Not your state of mind, Stick to the facts and not your surmises about things you can't prove. And what did you prove? You offered a link to the government website but no evidence from from that website. A link is not evidence. Once again, you apparently haven't even looked at the sources you've linked to. How about Johns Hokins University as a source? As you remarked"The CDC has a tremendous amount of reliable and up to date information about Covid, as does Johns Hopkins University." As I pointed out, if you had actually bothered to look at the data from that govt site that you linked to you would have seen that several states are consistently over the critical 85% level in ICU utilization. And, of course, your claim that care rationing (triage) is standard is of course nonsense. And you're seriously contending that all these republican governors were lying about the situation in their hospitals? About rationing? That they were making the situation seem worse than it actually was? You have anything to disprove those reports? The government websites you referred to have no relevance to that issue at all. It's obvious you've got nothing.
  17. How can you get perspective on the situation when crucial evidence is omitted?. To get perspective you need to be examining 1 set of data in light of another. It is to laugh.
  18. You should share your good news with Allan West Allen West, Unvaccinated Texas Governor Candidate, Takes Ivermectin After Wife Gets COVID "Allen West, the former GOP congressman and chairman of the Texas Republican Party who is challenging Governor Greg Abbott in the Texas gubernatorial race, is taking Ivermectin after his wife tested positive for COVID-19. According to a thread on his Twitter account Saturday, West is experiencing "a low grade fever and light body aches." He has canceled in-person events out of concern for public safety "until receiving an all-clear indication." https://www.newsweek.com/allen-west-unvaccinated-texas-governor-candidate-takes-ivermectin-after-wife-gets-covid-1637310 Texas gubernatorial candidate Allen West says he has coronavirus-related pneumonia Texas Republican gubernatorial candidate Allen West announced Saturday night that he has pneumonia related to a COVID-19 infection. The former Florida representative and lieutenant colonel announced on Twitter that there was "concern" about his oxygen saturation levels, which are at 89 percent. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/576095-texas-gubernatorial-candidate-allen-west-says-he-has-coronavirus-related
  19. Even though your comment is irrelevant I decided to check it out. Here are Media Bias Fact Check's respective evaluations of MSN and The Washington Examiner Overall, we rate MSN News strongly Left-Center biased, with most stories coming from Left-Center sources. We also rate them High for factual reporting because the majority of sources used are credible media outlets.https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/msn-com/ Overall, we rate the Washington Examiner Right Biased based on editorial positions that almost exclusively favor the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to several failed fact checks.https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/washington-examiner/
  20. It's clear that i84teen comes from the Pavlovian school of critical thinking. Show him a trigger word or phrase and you'll get the same response regardless of its context.
  21. "Millions of men" may sound impressive but how many millions of men do not? How many millions of women take aspirin? What about the greater susceptibility of men to covid ? What about the fact that aspirin is recommended for women, too, though not to the same degree? Without this information your earlier claim that "A reduction in serious illness, hospitalizations and deaths in the tens of percent would show up as men suffering COVID significantly less than women. The data on illness, hospitalizations and deaths does not show this." kind of falls apart.
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