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  1. It's funny. Obama inherited the worst recession since the Great Depression. Yet right wingers consistently blame him for the damage done to the economy. But somehow, the rules are different for Covid's effect on the economy. In that case, not Trump's fault.
  2. First off you claimed that the US became a net energy exporter in 2021. That is false, It became a net energy exporter in 2019. But inflation was also at 2 percent for most of the last 4 years of obama's presidency https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/inflation-cpi As for unemployment. What don't you understand about trends? It wasn't as though there was a sharp decline in unemployment under Trump. The slope just continued downward. If he had accomplished something real in that regard, the slope would have changed. It didn't.
  3. Isn't that the way it always is with new technologically advanced products?
  4. Also, the biggest EV battery manufacturer in the world, announced it has a better that can charge up to 80% in 5 minutes. Not just that, but it should be able to go about 1000 kilometers on a charge https://insideevs.com/news/594134/catl-qilin-new-high-energy-density-battery/
  5. I don''t understand why it's so difficult for some people to understand that most charging for those who have homes, will be at home. Moreover, lots of chargers are already being installed at shopping centers. Keep in mind that you don't need a lot of real estate to set up chargers. It's not like you need room for big tanks to hold the electricity.
  6. You don't have much use for fact checking, do you? And when you do cite a fact, it's a misleading one. Here's a graph of us inflation rate over the past 10 years: https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/inflation-cpi#:~:text=Inflation Rate in the United,percent in June of 1921. As for the unemployment rate, do you notice a trend? https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/unemployment-rate#:~:text=Unemployment Rate in the United,percent in May of 1953. The United States became a net total energy exporter in 2019 for the first time since 1952 and maintained that position in 2020 and 2021. https://www.eia.gov/energyexplained/us-energy-facts/imports-and-exports.php#:~:text=The United States became a,position in 2020 and 2021.
  7. Plenty of pro-Trump witnesses have been invited to testify. They mostly refuse.
  8. I decided to watch it. It makes him a bad guy because he didn't disclose he has a personal interest in debunking the use of electric vehicles. If he has anything pertinent to say, let him put it in writing where it can easily be fact checked. Did he offer any source for his information? And by the way, there has been lots of research comparing how much greenhouse gas ICE vehicles generate over their lifetime including manufacturing vs. how much EV's generate. EV's win. And batteries are getting more efficient all the time. And much more rapidly than he would have his audience believe.
  9. Graham Conway works for a company whose customers are in the oil and gas industry. Did you fact check his claims?
  10. But the rest of those countries include Finland which has remained non-aligned for almost 80 years. What changed? As for letting Europe solve the problem. That was a bad idea back in the 1930's when world economies were much less interconnected than they are now. Well by your standards, then North Korea is a nullity when it comes to a threat since it's economy is miniscule compared to South Korea's. It isn't just the size of the economy. It's how much of that economy is dedicated to war.
  11. These countries already are in an alliance it's called NATO. Maybe you've heard of it? As for how much to spend?Whatever it takes. Russia poses too great a threat to Europe to be ignored. It also sends a message to China.
  12. I don't think you understand what led to that surge to $69,000 and why this fall is different from the last one. The cause of the surge and fall is one and the same thing: crypto-banking. Assets were over-leveraged into coins. So when the prices crashed, crypto banks couldn't back so called stablecoins and couldn't return cryptocurrency that was on deposit. And since there is virtually no regulation of defi, there's no way to stop these cryptobanks from doing it again. Whereas when you put money into a bank in the US, it's highly regulated. And if it does crash, the government will make depositors whole up unto some predetermined limit.
  13. Are you seriously suggesting that a witness has to have perfect recall to testify about what was said? It is to laugh.
  14. Where's the proof? Andrew McCarthy, a former federal prosecutor and someone who vehemently opposed Trump's impeachment trials, and supported John Durham's investigations, thinks there's proof. Now, he still thinks prosecuting Trump could do more harm than good, but that's a political calculation, and not one based on the evidence: Prosecuting Trump could do more harm than good "Before Hutchinson’s testimony, there was a dearth of public evidence that Trump was actively complicit in the violence on Jan. 6, 2021, as opposed to being recklessly indifferent to the potential for it. But according to Hutchinson, Trump was fully aware that the Jan. 6 mob was well armed yet willfully encouraged it to march on the Capitol. This portrayal casts a more damning light on the former president’s profound dereliction of duty and, as I see it, may change the calculus Attorney General Merrick Garland will need to make." https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/07/01/hutchinson-testimony-changes-calculus-on-indicting-trump/ And, of course, once the insurrectionists had invaded the Capitol, he did not call in the National Guard or other agencies to put a stop to it. Even though, according to Hutchinson's testimony, he was told these people were armed.
  15. Actually, the one good thing about high inflation is that debts contracted at lower rates are much easier to pay off. Provided, of course, that the loans have fixed rates.
  16. Tell that to Finland,, Norway Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova, Georgia...
  17. I think the polls have given us a very clear answer to that question.
  18. Why should that 40 billion have to be deducted from other departments' budgets?
  19. Duh, purposely attacking civilian targets is a war crime.
  20. So the next time a woman teacher happens to mention her husband she should definitely get fired?
  21. Here's an incisive take on how the russians have waged war in Ukraine. If you follow the link you'll find an equally incisive take on Putin “We have a saying in America, we say that nations with allies thrive, nations without allies wither and we’re watching Russia wither before our eyes right now," Mattis said. When asked what military lessons could be taken from the war so far, the former US Marine said: “One is don’t have incompetent generals in charge of your operations.” He also called Russia's military performance "pathetic" and decried "the immoral, the tactically incompetent, operationally stupid and strategically foolish effort" of its campaign in Ukraine. https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-07-01-22/h_09d4a6957395ffe9b39942789b9f5bef
  22. Selling directly to consumers depends on state law, not federal. Some states allow it, others don't.
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