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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. You might ask yourself why you keep repeating those falsehoods of your about 80%. Maybe you're a fan of Lewis Carroll's Hunting of the Snark in which it is asserted that if something is said 3 times it is true? I got news for you. That's a nonsense poem. But at least that nonsense is entertaining. Yours is just sad.
  2. You're not even much of an observer of the American scene. There's been a huge amount of news recently about the fake electors.
  3. I should have written that Mueller believed he had strong evidence against Trump for 10 counts of obstruction of justice, not witness tampering.
  4. You mean because he failed, that means it can't be a crime? Do you understand that false electors were created. That they submitted fake documents to Republicans in Congress from 5 states?
  5. For one thing, the Republican Senate Committee that investigated the issue believes that there is reason to. believe that Paul Manafort passed confidential Trump campaign into to Constanite Klimnik a Russian intelligence operative. They had other doubts as well. For another, the notion that Mueller found nothing takes no account of the fact the Mueller had strong evidence that Trump had engaged in witness tampering. Trump pointedly didn't rule out pardoning Manafort and in fact he ultimately did.
  6. Where have you been lately? Donald Trump tried to pressure Mike Pence into disqualifying the vote count. An attempt that was clearly unsupported by the law. He also supported a conspiracy to replace legitimate electors with self-declared electors for Trump. So, is it suddenly undemocratic to try to overturn the results of an election by illegitimate and possibly illegal means? Or has it always been undemocratic?
  7. Do you understand that the quote you cited actually runs exactly opposite to what you think it means?
  8. It was predicted in advance for that shift to happen for the simple reason of a phenomenon called blue shift and red shift. It reflected the fact that Democrats were far more likely to use mail-in ballots than were Republicans, thanks in no small part to Trump inveighing against mail-in ballots. So in Pennsylvania where mail in ballots don't begin to be counted until the polls are closed, the vote started out red but as more and more mail-in ballots were counted turned blue. It should be noted that the Democrats in the state legislature pushed for mail-in ballots to be counted ahead. The Republicans quashed that. I'm sure they had a good reason for that and that it had nothing to do with a desire to sow confusion and doubt. In Iowa on the other hand mail-in ballots were counted ahead. So the Democrats started out with the lead but as the night went on the vote turned red. A red shift. As for Americans mistrusting voting...when one major political party keeps on repeating falsehoods over and over again, it can change public opinion. The technique is called the big lie. The fact that even in states where the governor and the official who controls elections are Republican. as well as the legislature, found no fraud is apparently a truth harder to digest.
  9. Republicans have moved further to the right than Democrats have to the left Both parties have moved further away from the ideological center since the early 1970s. Democrats on average have become somewhat more liberal, while Republicans on average have become much more conservative. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2022/03/10/the-polarization-in-todays-congress-has-roots-that-go-back-decades/
  10. Whereas citing the failures of the Capitol Police isn't?
  11. Below is a definition of socialism. Give us some names of big time socialists who subscribe to this doctrine. What Is Socialism? Socialism is a populist economic and political system based on collective, common, or public ownership of the means of production. Those means of production include the machinery, tools, and factories used to produce goods that aim to directly satisfy human needs. In contrast to capitalism, whereby business owners control the means of production and pay wages to workers to use those means, socialism envisions shared ownership and control among the laboring class. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/socialism.asp
  12. I was unaware the Biden had some sort of legal authority over his family.
  13. Just because her delivery is wooden and she's easily confused doesn't mean...oh wait a minute.
  14. Whatever the truth of that, it is the case that most people who claim "I don't like Trump but..." are totally enamored of him. Also those who say "I used to be a liberal but..." were never liberals.
  15. Actually, all the Stans in the Russian Federation are defying Putin by not endorsing the Ukrainian invasion.. oops! I mean the special military operation.
  16. Trump said a lot of things. But when the rioters invaded the Capitol he did nothing. To your way of thinking what speaks louder action (or in this case inaction) or words? The only clear thing I saw in that was that you wanted to evade answering my question and change the question to yours. Now if you can't answer, why should I? Irony my boot. First of all, it's true that Trump said a lot contradictory things. But in the next round I answered your question. You still haven't answered mine. An actual answer beats no answer. Or are you claiming some kind of exemption on the grounds of Trump adoration?
  17. Well, I do have to give the Tories credit for getting rid of one major embarrassment who was dragging the party down. But like Trayner and Abbott for Labour, they still have plenty of minor ones of their own. And then there's Truss.
  18. Do you understand that you complained about me not answering a question of yours but then you failed to answer a question of mine? Thanks for the moment of irony, I will treasure it always.
  19. Quite misleading. Canada has more than 2 parties, doesn't it? How many Canadians voted for the NDP? And what about the Bloc Qyebecois? Both the NDP and the Bloc Quebecois can be reasonably described as social democrats which puts them a lot closer to the liberals than to the conservatives. If you add up the liberal and ndp votes alone, that's a majority. Throw in the Bloc Quebecois and the Greens and it slightly tops 60 percent of the total number of votes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Canadian_federal_election
  20. Really? Because they don't have friends and relatives who have preceded them there? So the USA is just a big black box to them? What you don't seem to know is that not only do Mexicans and Central Americans come to the US but they also return to their own countries. Not so long ago a lot more Mexicans were returning than coming to the USA. Mexicans decline to less than half the U.S. unauthorized immigrant population for the first time The number of Mexican unauthorized immigrants in the United States declined so sharply over the past decade that they no longer are the majority of those living in the country illegally, according to new Pew Research Center estimates based on government data. In 2017, there were 10.5 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S., including 4.9 million Mexicans. The decrease in the Mexican born was the major factor driving down the overall population of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S., which in 2017 was 1.7 million below its peak of 12.2 million in 2007. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2019/06/12/us-unauthorized-immigrant-population-2017/ This decrease has been going on for some time: More Mexicans Leaving Than Coming to the U.S. Net Loss of 140,000 from 2009 to 2014; Family Reunification Top Reason for Return https://www.pewresearch.org/hispanic/2015/11/19/more-mexicans-leaving-than-coming-to-the-u-s/
  21. And why not school the children locally? Or would you support sending all children off to boarding schools to be educated?
  22. You're leaving out one teeny weeny itsy bitsy factor: the cost of housing. The average cost of a home in the UK is now 12 times as much as it was in 1983. That's as far back as the Halifax Housing Index goes. So most likely costs were even lower in 1978. "The Halifax House Price Index is the UK's longest running monthly house price series with data covering the whole country going back to January 1983. From this data, a "standardised" house price is calculated and property price movements on a like-for-like basis (including seasonal adjustments) are analysed over time." https://tradingeconomics.com/united-kingdom/average-house-prices#:~:text=Average House Prices in the United Kingdom averaged 125416.12 GBP,United Kingdom Average House Prices.
  23. Don't be so sure of that. If this latest bill passes that could change people's attitude. What's more, Republicans have reversed themselves and now want to kill the Burn Pit bill that is supposed to address the harm suffered by veterans in Iraq who were exposed to all kinds of toxicity when various munitions in Iraq were destroyed by unsafe incineration practices. Maybe the Republicans secretly fear the second coming of Donald Trump and are trying to bail Biden out?
  24. Actually, it's mostly economic problems. But thanks for imagining that you are the spokesperson for the American people. What role do you think the Feds can play in suppressing crime. And tell me what administration has been successful in stopping the cartels? As for Afghanistan, it was the Trump administration that negotiated with the Taliban the Aug 31, 2021 withdrawal.
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