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  1. I have never, ever witnessed anything more shocking and abusive than the failure by bluespunk to capitalize a person's surname. You are right to be outraged. And please send my regards to Mrs. Grundy. I have to sign off now. I feel faint..
  2. Unemployment is very low in the US . Corporations are raking in big bucks. The big problem is inflation. Which is a worldwide one. That said, it's always the President who gets blamed for economic problems, whether or not it's his fault.
  3. Actually, ,the justice dept. regards some as having committed seditious conspiracy. Proud Boys Charged With Seditious Conspiracy in Capitol Riot The former top leader of the far-right Proud Boys extremist group and other members have been charged with seditious conspiracy for what federal prosecutors say was a coordinated attack on the U.S. Capitol to stop Congress from certifying President Joe Biden's 2020 electoral victory, authorities said Monday.Henry "Enrique" Tarrio, the former Proud Boys chairman, and four others linked to the group are charged in the latest indictment against them. All five were previously charged with different conspiracy counts. https://www.voanews.com/a/proud-boys-charged-with-seditious-conspiracy-in-capitol-riot-/6605800.html
  4. But what you won't see is people claiming that the polls are lying and it's all a conspiracy. Which is a refreshing change from how supporters of the previous president characterized the polls.
  5. Because climatologists say so. Greater than 99% consensus on human caused climate change in the peer-reviewed scientific literature https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/ac2966
  6. Truss is quite obviously trying to package herself as the second coming of Maggie Thatcher. Apropos of that, I think it was Hegel who remarked that world-historic personages appear twice. The first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.
  7. If you make personal and unverifiable claims about yourself, then they are legitimately open to question.
  8. False What Is Economics? Economics is a social science that focuses on the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, and analyzes the choices that individuals, businesses, governments, and nations make to allocate resources. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/economics.asp
  9. False Payrolls increased 372,000 in June, more than expected, as jobs market defies recession fears Nonfarm payrolls in June increased by 372,000, topping the 250,000 estimate. The unemployment rate remained at 3.6%. Average hourly earnings rose 5.1% from a year ago, a touch faster than estimates. Education and health services led job creation, followed by professional and business services and leisure and hospitality. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/07/08/jobs-report-june-2022-.html#:~:text=Payrolls increased 372%2C000 in June%2C more than expected%2C as jobs market defies recession fears
  10. What don't you understand about the fact that forecasting is only one small part of economics. I already noted this above. It gets an inordinate amount of attention.
  11. Once again, you claimed that most economists are wrong most of the time. This evidence you offered is about only 1 part of economics. So, no, you've proved nothing.
  12. I questioned your unverifiable claims about your qualifications. Such claims are worthless.
  13. 87.5% wrong in predicting recessions. Economics is a huge field and it's about a lot more than predicting recessions. For one thing, thanks to people like John Maynard Keyes (who, by the way, was a brilliant investor) we do know how to get out of depressions and recessions. We know how to fight inflation. And that's just a small part of what economists do.
  14. If that's the case then why did Trump say this "“I immediately deployed the National Guard and federal law enforcement to secure the building and expel the intruders.” https://www.factcheck.org/2021/01/timeline-of-national-guard-deployment-to-capitol/
  15. For one thing, there is a whole field now of behavorial economics which address the concerns raised by the author. Which somehow he manages to neglect. But it is significant that the original sinner cited in the article is Milton Friedman. He was and still is the economic god cited by economists. In fact his work led to the founding of the right wing field of economics called rational markets. And yes, they failed big time. But they are only a small section of the markets. And the article you cited offers no numbers, no percentages of how often economists get it wrong. So if you think that this is justification for your assertion that "economists are wrong most of the time", then it's time for you to acquaint yourself with some very basic math.
  16. Economists are academics not investors. Most people work for wages. Scientists mostly work for wages. Are they wage slaves, too? You seem to believe that the purpose of economics is about picking winners and losers in the markets. It's not. And you keep on touting nonsense like economists are wrong most of the time. This seems to be consistent with your utter indifference to back up your assertions with facts.
  17. Such utter nonsense. There clearly weren't enough Capitol police. . His staff was entreating him to order in the guard The VP called to say they were in danger. Members of the Secret Service were saying goodbye to their loved ones. His VP called in to ask for assistance.
  18. Maybe that kind of silliness wins you plaudits in the circles you move in. Just more empty nonsense.
  19. So someone hacked into your account and called Trump critics "haters"?
  20. Was it really that unclear? Yes he said that. Now tell me, what did he do to have the rioters evicted from the Capitol? Did he just watch the mayhem and do nothing?
  21. Not at al. It is usually the case that 2 quarters of GDP decline indicate a recession. But that's because unemployment typically rises as well. Unemployment is actually the most important factor in indicating a recession. Because it's the one the most affects the lives of citizens. But not only is it very low, but there are actually lots of jobs going begging in the current economy. Employers are complaining that they can't find workers. Now, if you're the kind of right winger who puts profits over people, (and is there really in fact any other kind?) maybe the current situation would correspond to your idea of a recession. But I don't agree. And neither do the experts.
  22. Actually, you've got it 100% wrong. Treason is when a citizen of a country betrays their country. I remember being amused when various parties accused Assange of being a traitor to America. As was pointed out by numerous commentators, you can't be a traitor to a the USA if you're a citizen of Australia. You could look this stuff up: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government. https://www.google.com/search?q=treason&oq=treason&aqs=chrome..69i57.3014j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  23. But these referees specifically reject the notion that 2 declines in GDP mean a recession. Especially when the decline in the 2nd quarter was entirely due to decreased inventory which amounted to 2%. It's not a recession when hiring is still so strong.
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