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  1. They don't actually want to destroy the bridge. Apparently HIMARs are so accurate that the Ukrainian forces make the bridge impassable without destroying the structural integrity of the bridge.
  2. Do you understand I'm referring to events that took place in July of 2019 and Brexit hadn't occurred yet? And wouldn't untill Feb 1, 2020. And if anything shows the willful self delusion at of some people, or at worst, their resorting to the cry of fake news,, it's their questioning of obviously independently confirmable facts like the delays at Dover in July of 2019. M2 closure CANCELLED by Highways England after A20 and A2 traffic chaos caused by Port of Dover delays Highways England said the cancellation has been made following the pandemonium on the roads today. The first weekend of the summer holidays has seen people flocking in large numbers to the Port of Dover, which has suffered delays as a result due to sheer number of passengers. Drivers have suffered severe delays on the A2 and A20 since yesterday with tailbacks of up to 10 miles this morning. https://www.kentlive.news/news/kent-news/m2-closure-cancelled-highways-england-3143626
  3. Sure. Voters just loved Trump's attacks on Obamacare. And his lies about having a replacement ready to go. One that that distinguishes Trump supporters is how well informed they are. Like, you know, how the election was stolen. And these very same supporters who oppose big corporations and banks, supported a man who couldn't be a better friend to those institutions.. A president who appointed supreme court justices very friendly to the interests of business and very unfriendly to workers. And who cut antitrust enforcement by 2/3. . Also thanks for the ridiculous sexist comment. More Trump supporters are men than women.
  4. You sure about that? How does that explain what happened in 2019? Summer holiday getaway brings Dover port traffic delays 27 July 2019 Cross-Channel ferry passengers are reporting delays of several hours on roads in Dover. The Port of Dover urged people to allow extra time for journeys but has tweeted the port is fully operational. People in Dover have reported "gridlock" and have claimed to be delayed for more than four hours. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-kent-49138975 Given that one lane of the highway has been turned into a parking lot for lorries waiting to cross the Channel, because the UK didn't prepare adequate parking facilities for them, how could there not be delays?
  5. Really? You seem remarkably unacquainted with Biden's achievements. This one bill alone outdoes any achievements of Trump. Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act "In terms of new spending, the law authorizes: $110 billion for construction, repair, and research for roads and bridges $66 billion to upgrade and maintain the country’s passenger and freight rail systems $65 billion to update power lines, prevent hacking of the power grid, and provide clean energy $65 billion to expand broadband in rural areas and in low-income communities $55 billion for lead pipe replacement, chemical cleanup, and clean drinking water in tribal communities $50+ billion to protect infrastructure from cybersecurity attacks and address flooding, wildfires, coastal erosion, and other extreme weather events $39 billion to upgrade public transit, create new bus routes, and increase accessibility for seniors and the disabled $25 billion for upgrades and expansions of U.S. airports, control towers, and control systems $21 billion to clean up superfund and brownfield sites, abandoned mines, and old oil and gas wells $17 billion for port infrastructure and truck emissions at ports $11 billion to address highway, pedestrian, pipeline, and other safety areas $8 billion for Western water infrastructure, including mitigating drought conditions $7.5 billion for a nationwide network of electric vehicle charging stations $5 billion for electric school buses, primarily in low-income, rural, and tribal communities" https://www.investopedia.com/infrastructure-investment-jobs-act-5209581
  6. Well what clear to me is that at this point in Trump's presidency when both the world economy on the whole and the American economy were doing well, Trump was only 3 points above Biden in popularity. Incumbents typically get blamed when the economy is troubled. What was Trump's excuse?
  7. Spain also isn't connected to the UK by ferries which constrict the flow of tourists.
  8. What does an allegation about how Biden is regarded have to do with Trump being booed at his rally? It's just an irrrelevant all-purpose taunt that can be trotted out for just about any political occasion. It's clear you don't understand what a deflection is.
  9. This was a conversation but not an order. There was no official "pre-authorization". Ya think Miller just could pass along the claim that President Trump wants troops deployed without something in writing? Maybe you're confused because the White House operated so much like the mafia and we know wise guys don't like to leave a paper trail. Anyway, we know it's nonsense because on the actual day, despite entreaties from those around him, he refused to authorize the deployment of the National Guard. So you're claiming he pre-authorized the National Guard but when the need became urgent he refused to do so? Laughable.
  10. Well, virtually all the people being afflicted with it in countries where it hasn't been before are gay men. So is there something about the way gay men merely touch that's different from the way other people do?
  11. I'm not sure what you think you're proving. I cited an ITV article that said 2 more booths were being installed. Vinny41 preferred what he believed was a more authoritiative version from the Port of Dover itself which said that 50% more were being installed. Well, as I pointed out that that come to 7. 5 booths. Is there such a thing as half a booth?
  12. They can't staff booths that don't exist. It wasn't the French who limited the number of booths.
  13. So what is a 50% increase on top of 5 booths which is what the Port of Dover article claims. Do you think that they've installed 7.5 booths?
  14. And yet we are told that delays are due to the increased number of checks required because of Brexit. But to your way of thinking, more booths wouldn't help.
  15. Then why did you raise the point that for the last two and a half years there was no problem? And as I pointed out Dover requested 5 additional booths. Didn't get them. And no, it's not the responsibility of France to build infrastructure in the UK. The port of Dover wanted this for its own benefit. Not to benefit France.
  16. I found a link which reports that 2 extra booths are being installed. An additional 5 were previously held to be necessary. So that's a shortfall of 3. https://www.itv.com/news/meridian/2022-07-20/port-of-dover-installs-more-border-control-booths-in-attempt-to-reduce-delays
  17. Even if it has happened, which is not at all clear, the original request was to up the booths from 5 to 10. A 50% increase wouldn't amount to 10 booths.
  18. Do you understand that for most of the last two and half years covid greatly depressed the tourist business?
  19. "But now French officials have to stamp passports and carry out a number of checks including: checking the identity page checking the traveller hasn't been to the EU for more than 90 days in the last 180 days checking if you have at least 3 months left on your passport checking that your passport is issued less than 10 years before the date you enter the country checking the traveller has a return ticket checking proof of insurance for your trip asking whether the traveller has enough money to stay Checking each person can take up to a minute, rather than a few seconds, transport expert Simon Calder told BBC Breakfast." https://www.bbc.com/news/62294901
  20. And wyouare assuming an awful lot of overbuilding in the UK tourist sector.
  21. If there were a large gay community in Thailand, then there would be legitimate cause for concern. But since, as we all know, gay men are virtually nonexistent here, what me worry?
  22. Again, you think that what remains of tourist destinations in the UK would be enough to accommodate the huge exodus to the continent? And you think a lot of choice options remain?
  23. What does "many" amount to in the face of the huge exodus to the continent? Do you really think it makes economic sense that there would be enough vacanies to accommodate them? That for years Dover tourist accommodations were massively overbuilt just for the day that a situation like this would arise? This is the same kind of irrational thinking that led to Brexit.
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