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  1. Stop making things up: Cornwall 'already over 85 percent full' for 2022 but ‘overrated’ warn Britons SUMMER 2021 isn't over yet, but for Cornwall-loving Britons, it's already time to think about summer 2022. https://www.express.co.uk/travel/articles/1485839/cornwall-staycation-uk-complaints-summer-2022
  2. You can say it as many times as you like. It was foretold that there would be major backups if the number of booths wasn't increased. And there are other reasons as well: "But now French officials have to stamp passports and carry out a number of checks including: checking the identity page checking the traveller hasn't been to the EU for more than 90 days in the last 180 days checking if you have at least 3 months left on your passport checking that your passport is issued less than 10 years before the date you enter the country checking the traveller has a return ticket checking proof of insurance for your trip asking whether the traveller has enough money to stay Checking each person can take up to a minute, rather than a few seconds, transport expert Simon Calder told BBC Breakfast." https://www.bbc.com/news/62294901
  3. You mean if were both sitting somewhere in Kent posting to this forum it would make a difference? How does that work?
  4. How could I make it clearer? Ya think that during the high season all those lovely hotels and beaches are empty and just waiting to accommodate disappointed UK citizens?
  5. He waited many hours before he did that. And at no time did he order assistance to put a stop to the incursion despite the pleas of members of congress, the vice-president, his own staff, and even his daughter.
  6. You mean if we were talking there our posts would make actually make a difference?
  7. No state of mind is not established in Trump's call. You would have to prove that Trump believed what he said. How do you prove that? Moreover, state of mind is not an absolute defense. Unless Trump wants to mount an insanity defense, the fact that many highly qualified people told him that there was no basis for his alleged belief, undermines the state of mind claim. As for your indictment vs criminal referral claim, even if true, doesn't seem to amount to much: "A criminal referral or criminal recommendation is a notice to a prosecutory body, recommending criminal investigation or prosecution of one or more entities for crimes which fall into that body's jurisdiction." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criminal_referral
  8. Really? All? So the ferries are now empty? Cornwall is already an attractive summer option. Are the Cornish going to be building tent cities to accommodate all the tourists who were headed for the Continent?
  9. Actually, the argument defending Trump goes to state of mind. That if he truly believed the election was fraudlent, that would be a defense. But the state of mind defense isn't absolute. And as the hearings have shown, Trump was repeatedly and forcefully told there was no evidence of fraud in Georgia.
  10. Well, tell that to all the UK citizens suffering delays. I'm sure they'll take great consolation from that.
  11. Only a right wing obsessive would characterize pointing out the obvious flaws in Truss' program, flaws that have been criticized by most Conservative economists. as somehow being due to another poster's leftist political stance. I guess there are lots and lots of lefties in the Conservative party.
  12. The UK doesn't have a lot of leverage in that regard. It's the port of Dover that wanted more booths.
  13. https://youtu.be/Q7JqhDmX-C4 If Jan 6 Committee has 'done anything,' it's 'exonerated' President Trump: GOP lawmaker.mp4 Actually, as even Turley (not a liberal by the way) conceded, the best case that has been revealed by the committee is for Trump's participation in the fake elector plot. And of course there is the possibilty of Trump being charged in Georgia as well.
  14. So, you're not taking credit for what that generation of UK soldiers accomplished? In that case, why bring it up at all? Why do the French or any other Europeans owe you anything?
  15. Definitely the fault of the French. UK rejects Dover funding bid for more French passport booths DECEMBER 16 2020 The UK cabinet office has rejected a £33m proposal to double the capacity for French government passport checks at the port of Dover, raising the prospect of long delays for passengers after the end of the Brexit transition period. The English Channel port, which handles 2.2m passenger vehicles every year, had requested the funding as part of the £200m Port Infrastructure Fund announced by the government in October to pay for additional border facilities required as a result of the UK’s departure from the EU. According to a person familiar with the matter, Dover applied for £33m to double the number of French government passport booths from five to 10 in anticipation of more stringent requirements including stamps in passports after January 1. https://www.ft.com/content/2a6662a0-975e-4bcd-9f5b-e241256db4df
  16. I do know very well what you meant. And maybe it's time to stop taking credit for sacrifices you never made.
  17. Well, I was going to agree with you that it's certainly uncertain since the rising generations voted strongly in favor of staying in the EU. But apparently there are at least 2 posters here who fought in WW2. If that is typical of that generation, we may be in for a long wait.
  18. So you're a veteran of WW2? Very impressive that you still have the strength to use a keyboard.
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