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  1. All 200 of them. Rwanda farce: Kigali admits it has space for just 200 migrants as UK forks out £120m bill RWANDA can currently only accommodate a maximum of 200 migrants sent from the UK, Kigali admitted today. https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1644481/rwanda-uk-migrants-kigali-priti-Patel
  2. Although as a military strategist, he does seem to have a lot in common with Hussein.
  3. Except that the EU doesn't get to shape these projects. That's done by the locals. The Welsh are not asking for more money. They're asking for as much money. Which is what the Conservatives promised.
  4. What policies has RayC espoused that would qualify him as a socialist? I'm posting the definition of socialism below to make answering this easy for you. What Is Socialism? Socialism is a populist economic and political system based on collective, common, or public ownership of the means of production. Those means of production include the machinery, tools, and factories used to produce goods that aim to directly satisfy human needs. In contrast to capitalism, whereby business owners control the means of production and pay wages to workers to use those means, socialism envisions shared ownership and control among the laboring class. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/socialism.asp
  5. Those must be amazingly advanced cycleways given that the shortfall for 3 year amounts to 772 million pounds. Written Statement: Loss of funding to Wales as a result of the UK Government’s arrangements for replacement EU funding https://gov.wales/written-statement-loss-funding-wales-result-uk-governments-arrangements-replacement-eu-funding
  6. The numbers that show which citizens contribute more or less per capita.
  7. cuck noun [ C ] disapproving UK /kʌk/ US /kʌk/ informal an insulting word for a weak man, used especially by people on the extreme right of politics to refer to men with politically liberal views: "Cuck" became the alt-right's favourite insult. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/cuck
  8. Not only do you accuse the French of all sorts of grave derelictions of duty, but you misspell their language as well? C'est une déclaration de guerre! (This means war!)
  9. Come to think of it, doesn't that make the case even worse for the UK? It's saving all that money but can't even match the contributions that came from the EU.
  10. But apparently not enough to reproduce the more telling per capita version which shows how much is contributed per citizen. For example, The Netherlands, with about 1/4 the UK population, contributed half as much in toto. Germany, Europe's biggest economy, also giave more per capita than did the UK.
  11. You mean all those 40 or so years the EU was really plotting to break up the UK? It is to laugh.
  12. You sure about that? I've only included the net contributors to save space. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-48256318
  13. Actually, the people who will be missing that lovely cash are, among others, the people of Wales. Who were promised that cash from the EU would be replaced by the govt. Now it turns out that the replacement won't be complete until 2045.
  14. Talk about living in the past. I've got news for you. Your taunt is outdated. They've found the cash.
  15. There's a difference between criminal violence and violence to overthrow the Constitution of the United States. As anyone who has seen the videos knows, there was plenty of violence coming from the insurrectionists. And as reports now show, even the Secret Service feared them.
  16. I never claimed that the consequences of Brexit were the only reason. And neither did Bannister.
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