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  1. Actually it will be the boys and girls who cried there is no wolf will be the ones who will be responsible. Just look at the difference in covid mortality between blue states and red states. Once vaccines became available, the redder the state, the higher the mortality. And to get more granular, it's even worse on the county level.
  2. Well, gathering in the vicinity of the Capitol is one thing. Breaking into the Capitol is quite another. And when the intent is to interfere put a stop to the crucial Constitutional Duty of Congress in regards to an election, even worse. And we know that lots of the loons who broke in were QAnonists who believed that breaking into the Capitol would precipitate The Storm. Which would result in the elections being overthrown and govt officials being tried and executed.
  3. Clearly nothing to those reports of rioters posing a danger. That's why Secret Service agents were so relaxed about them. Oh wait a minute... Mike Pence’s Secret Service Agents Thought They Might Not Survive Jan. 6 https://time.com/6199590/mike-pence-secret-service-jan-6-hearings/
  4. I can explain it. The UK party in power believes in fairy tales. Like Brexit will be good for the economy. Or tax cuts will pay for themselves and fight inflation.
  5. Well, it's not a question of examining passports. Rather it's about the level of scrutiny. The UK is no longer privy to the EU internal security system and vice-versa. So it takes longer to examine UK passports.
  6. It's about internal security: "As a third country, the UK has lost access to the Schengen Information System (SIS II) and will not be a member of Europol." https://lordslibrary.parliament.uk/beyond-brexit-policing-law-enforcement-and-security/
  7. Actually not. If the law is enforced those employees will find it difficult to get another job, and to use the famous or infamous phrase of Mitt Romney will "self-deport".
  8. Because you're not a citizen of the country or, in this case the EU.. So you're outside the system and require more checking. Surely as a Brexiter you understand the need for greater security when it comes to outsiders.
  9. Who does it take longer for a foreigner to pass through border control of a county than a citizen of that country?
  10. First of all, for the past 2 and 1/2 years there hasn't been much in the way of tourism, has there? What about the situation in 2019?
  11. So the fact that it takes longer to inspect a non-EU passport has in no way contributed to the delay?
  12. There's actually a lot more they can do. You think the Brexiters negotiated with the EU from a position of strength?
  13. Ukraine-Russia live news: Key Odesa port hit after grain deal Russian missiles have hit infrastructure in Ukraine’s port of Odesa, a day after Moscow and Kyiv reached a deal over grain exports. Thirteen Russian missiles have hit Ukraine’s central Kirovohrad region, according to the local governor. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2022/7/23/us-pledges-270m-worth-fresh-military-aid-to-ukraine
  14. Brexit is definitely a contributing factor: DOVER TRAFFIC - LIVE: BREXIT TO BLAME FOR ‘INCREASED TRANSACTION TIMES’ AS TRUSS URGES FRANCE TO ACT There will be increased transaction times at the border due to extra checks needed since Brexit, the chief executive of the Port of Dover has said, as Tory leadership hopeful Liz Truss called on France to act over “entirely avoidable” delays. Doug Bannister said the country is in a “post-Brexit environment” and that means that extra checks need to be made and “capable people” to man the booths at Dover. Meanwhile, the foreign secretary said the delays and queues were “unacceptable”, blaming a lack of staffing by the French at the border. https://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/dover-traffic-today-delays-queues-news-b2129651.html
  15. From the article: "A research team from Mahidol University and Naresuan University led by Associate Professor Dr. Charin Modchang expanded the study and utilized the same mathematical modeling approaches to estimate the number of lives saved due to Thailand’s vaccine rollout. " You expect the highly technical results of their work to be published on thaivisa.com? But if you care to look, here' s link to the actual research. Please share with us the points you disagree with. https://www.mdpi.com/2414-6366/7/7/116
  16. Except that the saint refused to buy foreign vaccines that were far more effective in saving lives and preventing serious illness. And that he still doesn't recognize that the time for lockups is long past or should be had he authorized the purchase of more effective vaccines.
  17. No, He didn't have to go there personally. All he had to do was tell them to stop immediately instead of enjoying the spectacle on TV. And he could have ordered the National Guard to intervene.
  18. It would be on topic if you could show some positive correlation between rapists and/or pedophiles and illegal immigrants. One case is worthless as evidence.
  19. Thanks for exposing your right wing agenda. I got news for you. Years ago, during the Clinton adiministration welfare payments were slashed. And during Covid some states prematurely cut benefits out of the belief that workers would go back to work. That failed big time. And your use of the labor force participation rate re unemployment makes no sense. As I pointed out earlier it includes most people aged 16 or older except those in the military, in prisons, in nursing homes and mental hospitals. So as the population ages the labor force participation rate is going to decline. The unemployment rate is nearly at a record low and employers are complaining that they can't find workers. And as for stopping illegal immigration first. If immigrants stop being able to find jobs they'll stop coming. So why the emphasis on the border? Because it distracts from this fact and is a useful emotional issue for the right. As I've pointed out before, make hiring immigrants a felony, and enforce that law, and illegal immigration will drastically decline. So why do you want to put this second instead of first?
  20. Stop making things up. Judge Carl Nichols is a very conservative judge. He clerked for Laurence Silberman and another judge named Clarence Thomas. Have you heard of either of them? Not just that. He has also been a member of The Federalist Society. Have you heard of that organization? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_J._Nichols
  21. Actually, Biden has been making gaffes for pretty much his entire career. If he stops making gaffes, that would be cause for concern.
  22. The decline of the NHS began under the Tories. As did the huge tax breaks for the wealthy.
  23. And why would these people who haven't been working, start to work now for low paying strenuous jobs? And I don't think it's a bad idea to start a guest worker program. What's stopping the opponents of illegal immigration from doing just that? Maybe they know that employers prefer workers who by force of circumstance have no legal protection?
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