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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Aren't you the poster who raised the issue of what the situation was 50 years ago and compared it to the current situation? Did I get that wrong?
  2. Let me see. First you claimed that checking passports wasn't necessary 50 years ago. And now you claim that the Schengen system is responsible. How does that work exactly? What has the Schengen system done that differs significantly from 50 years ago when passports weren't checked?
  3. So your claim is that the French aren't stopping migrants from leaving France and going to the UK? Does failing to stop 100% mean that they are "happily allowing" them to leave in rubber dinghies.
  4. As has been pointed out, he made that claim after the fact. And has also been pointed out, he refuses to answer what is the age cutoff. Which leaves a doctor faced with giving an 11 year old an abortion the possibility of being imprisoned.
  5. As opposed to other members of thaivisa.com who will figure in the annals of history? You got any more groundless points to raise?
  6. What percentage of those illegal immigrants do you expect the French to be able to stop? It's irrational to expect that number to be anywhere in the neighborhood of 100%. Maybe the UK should increase the level of payments to the French.
  7. In fact you can apply it to a whole host of laws and treaties. In fact, its application is so general as to be irrelevant.
  8. Well, the UK would be well pleased to have illegal folk leaving in rubber dinghies.
  9. Well, so you're claiming that security climate of roughly 50 years ago was no different than it is today?
  10. Was Brexit an act of divine intervention? Or could it be called "'man-made' and unnecessary"?
  11. Nice cherry-picking but... you left out what was actually newsworthy about this new research. The point was that while either method is less reliable, putting them together provided a far more reliable result “We found remarkable agreement between the output from our assimilation method and the values in independent paleoclimate records,” Hakim said. “This independent validation of our estimates for the past climate variability is an indication of how much the results can be trusted.” https://www.washington.edu/news/2021/11/10/new-method-shows-todays-warming-unprecedented-over-past-24000-years/
  12. Forgot about all academics. It's climatologists, the experts, who are claiming it's a crisis. Just read the latest IPCC report.
  13. So you're claiming that the Trump rally wasn't newsworthy? Would that were the case.
  14. Unless a member is a bot, any expression of views here is personal. The point is whether or not the views are relevant. The length of time a pregnancy lasts before abortion should be illegal, is not relevant to the question of whether giving an abortion to this 10 year old should have been a crime.
  15. A loser is someone who 18 months after an election is still tiresomely obsessed with that loss. It's one thing to lose, quite another not to be able to accept it. That makes him a loser big time.
  16. Predictions are always so impressive as evidence. Forget about Trump. Jesus is coming any day now.
  17. One thing that's been consistent has been the fact that mainstream predictions about batteries have invariably been way too conservative. Just a few years ago, predictions were that solid state batteries wouldn't be mass produced before 2030. Lately predictions dropped to 2025 with the caveat that mass production would follow later. Anyway, the latest evidence for impeaching those cautious predictions comes from NIO, a chinese ev manufacturer. They are going to begin offering a solid state battery in the 4th quarter of this year. Depending on what version you buy, it will offer ranges of 850k, 950, and 1000+k. And NIO batteries are swappable. It takes just a few minutes to exchange an exhausted battery for a charged one. You can charge them at home, too. https://driveteslacanada.ca/news/nio-confirms-150-kwh-solid-state-battery-delivery-in-q4-2022/
  18. I'd like to say "nice try" but your deflection doesn't even rise to that level. So, I'm afraid I'm going to have to award you a "sad fail". I wonder if there's an emoji for that?
  19. And the zip ties some carried, the kind used by law enforcement officials in lieu of handcuffs, were they going to be used to tie up bags carrying "souvenirs" from Congressional offices?
  20. 2 out of his 3 codefendants plead guilty. The 3rd one plead not guilty. His first trial ended in a mistrial when 1 juror held out against a guilty verdict supported by the 11 others on the grounds that the trial was a political witch hunt.
  21. Another thing for him not to mention. He also got booed several months ago when he took credit for the covid vaccines. He's since dropped mentioning that at rallies. A true leader!
  22. This is why I never wear seatbelts. Those who wear them claim it's a sensible precaution but I know that they are living their lives ruled by fear. Such cowards!
  23. I think everyone is being very unfair to the govt. I suspect that they were just taking precautions. Without an engine to weigh it down, the sub is far less likely to sink.
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