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  1. You seem to believe that predictions are evidence. I got news for you. They're not.
  2. It's a fact that if a President is in power when economic time are tough, then generally his party suffers during midterms. But just because a President is in power when economic times are tough, doesn't mean that he's the cause of them. And I would remind you that Donald Trump pulled a much more amazing feat by leading his party to midterm disaster when the economy was doing well.
  3. What do you mean by "demonstrate who they are and what they do?" Give an example of what you're after.
  4. You mean if he said the world's economic situation was his fault, that would make it so?
  5. I got news for you, the world economy is troubled now. Inflation is far from confined to the USA. And somehow this is Biden's fault?
  6. Exactly how have Green policies affected oil production? Oil companies went on a leasing spree under the Trump adminstration which virtually gave away huge amount of land potentially rich in oil and gas. If they didn't drill for it then that maybe was because it didn't make economic sense. They are still holding on to all those leases. And production is now increasing. Of course, if you have a problem with green policies reducing demand, could you explain why you think that's a problem? You think reducing demand for oil and gas is a bad thing?
  7. Probably the lowest and least intelligent form of comment in this forum is one based on an avatar name. To have to resort to that means you've got nothing useful to contribute.
  8. The thing is, Trump inherited an economy that was doing well and kept on doing even better. Despite that, he managed to have really low ratings. Now that was an amazing achievement!
  9. Well, it cerainly true that corporate interests are stronger than ever in dictating what the State does. And what side of the political spectrum has been most enthusiastic about enriching corporations and enhancing their political power?
  10. You're right. There is no excuse for the lies told by the right wing about the dangers of vaccination. Or are you going to claim it's mainly liberals casting doubt on vaccinations? And you really think Republican politicians have been far more lackadasical about promoting vaccinations because vaccinations are a popular cause with their constituency? You think all those unmasked people attending Trump rallies indoors and outdoors were outliers? And finally, you think that by doubting highly respected source, in effect claiming possible fake news, you are actually making valid points?
  11. My comment about Johnson actually had a point. At the end of the day it's the how much a country gives Ukraine that's going to count, not how much its leader loves Ukraine.
  12. That does sound like quite a lot. 700 million sounds a lot more like it. Thanks for catching the error.
  13. Where he could have made an important photo op. Maybe he could also fly to Korea and take a stroll with Kim Jong Un. America may have plenty of oil but as you clearly don't recall, the price of oil has been very low for the past several years so not a lot of inducement to drill. You may find this hard to believe but oil companies are mainly in it for the money. Not so much for the joy of drilling. For natural gas the situation was even worse. Do you think you can just plug a spigot into the ground and oil or gas comes gushing out?
  14. If inflation eats all of it that means that those who have large quantities of cash on hand, don't see opportunities for investment. During the recession, banks and other large insititutions were actually accepting negative interest rates because they had nowhere to go with their money. This surplus of cash reflects the way the rich and the powerful have gotten laws passed that result in them paying lower and lower taxes. This is why we have seen massive inflation in beach houses and art works. Things that are inherently scarce. It also explains the rise of cryptocurrencies. Too much cash chasing too few investments.
  15. This is utterly irrelevant to your argument about fiat currency. People who have money to invest, mostly don't hold it in fiat currency. For the rest, currency isn't an investment. It's a medium of exchange. And they can count themselves doing well if the amount of currency the have at their disposal gives them greater purchasing power than they had before.
  16. The price of oil starting zooming upwards in mid 2020. And there isn't a free market in oil. There's a cartel.
  17. Land and shares are measured in dollars. As far as I know, the amount of dollars that land and shares are worth tends to outpace inflation. So what's your point?
  18. That is utterly false. We know that because death rates in pro trump regions and anti-trump regions were very close until the advent of vaccines. Then they started to diverge drastically: Pro-Trump counties now have far higher COVID death rates. Misinformation is to blame NPR looked at deaths per 100,000 people in roughly 3,000 counties across the U.S. from May 2021, the point at which vaccinations widely became available. People living in counties that went 60% or higher for Trump in November 2020 had 2.73 times the death rates of those that went for Biden. Counties with an even higher share of the vote for Trump saw higher COVID-19 mortality rates. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2021/12/05/1059828993/data-vaccine-misinformation-trump-counties-covid-death-rate But what would any rational person expect given that Republicans were far less likely to get vaccinated than Democrats KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor: The Increasing Importance of Partisanship in Predicting COVID-19 Vaccination Status https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/poll-finding/importance-of-partisanship-predicting-vaccination-status/
  19. According to this article the UK has given about 2.3 billion pounds to Ukraine. There's also a 700 billion pound loan. So far the USA has given about 54 billion dollars of aid to ukraine. So that means the USA has given about 18 times as much as the UK. US GDP is about 7.75 times as big as the UK's. So, any way you slice it, it's Biden showing the most support for Ukraine. At least where it counts. But BJ is way ahead on theatrics.
  20. Ya think Biden's a wildcatter? Not exactly in his job description The oil and gas companies hold lots of leases that they haven't exploited it. It wasn't so long ago that prices were really low particularly for gas. Not exactly an encouraging environment to drill. And what he is pushing for, unlike his predecessor, is to get off of fossil fuels once and for all. So the USA won't be dependent on the stuff anymore.
  21. Ya sure that's how he's remembered? "In his second term, his rating consistently ranged from the high-50s to the high-60s.[1][2] After his impeachment proceedings in 1998 and 1999, Clinton's rating reached its highest point at 73% approval.[3He finished with a Gallup poll approval rating of 65%, higher than that of every other departing president measured since Harry Truman." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_image_of_Bill_Clinton#:~:text=Public approval,-Clinton's job approval&text=He finished with a Gallup,president measured since Harry Truman.
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