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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Your conclusion is only accurate if you want to fly in the face of rationality and claim that the huge jump in unexplained excess mortality is due to something other than covid. In Russian alone that would amount to almost 700,000 deaths.
  2. Where does 2020 figure in those charts? There's a reason I suggested you take a 2nd look.
  3. If I were you I'd take a 2nd look at those charts. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/the-top-10-causes-of-death
  4. Some think an undercount? Some authority who graduated from the University of Youtube? Maybe those unacquainted with the field of biostatistics might and completely at sea when it comes to numbers. But no rational person should sensibly doubt the huge correlation between the rise of covid and the rise in excess mortality well above what covid would account for alone.
  5. And this is particularly ironic given the tagline you use for your comments: "If you're not part of the solution, then you are the problem"
  6. And thanks to people like you, hospitals are being overwhelmed and the quality of care degraded. Thanks again.
  7. And for what year is the data derived from in the article linked to f? Hmmm.... 2019. Does that tell you anything?
  8. Why do you think mandates are necessary to get people to buy EVs. More to the point, even if they help now, you think that they're going to be necessary for the next, say 60 years? As I've pointed out, EVs become cost competitive with ICE vehicles when the cost per KWH of storage is less than $100 per hour. If there was a flood of demand for EVs projected for Thailand, you'd have a better point. As it is, the kind of oint you make could just as easily been invoked when automobiles were still new. Do you really think that demand won't drive automakers to be competitive in the auto market. And if that means people want EVs, then that's what they're going to have to sell.
  9. First off, weren't your comments about "most" and "many" directed at the issue of long term covid? Second these numbers aren't weighted by age And they don't take into account long term covid And then there's the issue of hospitals being unable to care for those who are critically ill because their ICU capacity is being stressed by covid. And finally, these figures take no account of excess mortality.
  10. I've learned that what the repellant power of kryptonite is to Superman or of a crucifix is to vampires, a certain observation has the same effect on covid denialists. The observation being that hospital ICU units repeatedly get overrun with those who have refused to be vaccinated. This affects not only those who are afflicted with covid, but treatment for those who are ill with other conditions. The denialists simply have no rational answer for that and just bug off.
  11. I guess all those unvaccinated covid atients who overrun hospitals are pawns too?
  12. Actually, there are "overwhelming reports" that excess mortality figures exceeds reported covid deaths.
  13. If you believe "most" and "many" are meaningful terms in statistics, your opinions about the validity of scientific research are more or less worthless.
  14. When batteries reach a cost of $100 per kwh storage capacity, that's when cost of an EV is projected to be the same as that of a ICE vehicle. It's almost there now. I don't think it's going to take almost a century to beat that number. Nor to install power to virtuallly everywhere that needs it.
  15. Given that he repeatedly underestimated Covid deaths and deprecated social distancing measures, I'd say a lot of his predictions and analyses were debunked. Don't you mean that the immunization quota of the vaccines was underestimated. Early on, estimates of as little as 20% were bruited about.
  16. As museum pieces? What percentage of all vehicles? Can you be more specific?
  17. You sure about that? Texas targets Wall Street in fight over ESG investing Texas is drawing battle lines in a fight against investors and companies turning their backs on fossil fuels. Gov. Greg Abbott signed a bill into law Monday banning state investments in businesses that cut ties with the oil and gas industry. The underlying message, according to one of the most powerful energy regulators in the state, is simple: Boycott Texas, and we'll boycott you. https://www.pionline.com/legislation/texas-targets-wall-street-fight-over-esg-investing
  18. Ionaddis repeatedly underestimated the death toll from Covid-19.
  19. And if you're interested in comparing death and hospitalijzation rates from those who have been vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine and those who have not...oh wait...clearly you're not interested.
  20. It's a good thing hospital ICUs aren't repeatedly being overrun with covid cases..oh..wait a minute...
  21. One independent contractor hired by Pfizer but not Pfizer itself.
  22. Given that the results were so good that the trial was stopped prematurely, I'd say it's a pretty safe bet. But it could turn out not to be.
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