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  1. A Swedish Firm Has Created the World's First Fully-Recycled EV Battery https://interestingengineering.com/a-swedish-firm-has-created-the-worlds-first-fully-recycled-ev-battery
  2. I went to the page and it looks like these are vaccination figures for adults. So for the countries' whole population the figures are considerably lower. And the figure for India is only for literate adults. For all of India's population, it's slightly over 25% fully vaccinated.
  3. I agree with most of what you wrote. But the reason Chinese vaccines were made available before other vaccines was that phase 3 clinical trials hadn't been done when these vaccines were released. The same goes for the vaccine from Russia. And oddly enough, despite this, Thailand purchased large quantities of this vaccine while delaying approval of the Pfizer vaccine for several months after its phase 3 clinical trials had been concluded and the vaccine approved for use in the USA, Canada, and the EU. Thailand didn't even attempt to purchase Astra-Zeneca's vaccine from outside the country even though it was much less expensive than Sinovac's vaccine. Hmmm....
  4. Thanks for the old, outdated news. Ford signs deal with Redwood Materials to recycle EV Batteries Ford is partnering with battery recycling start-up Redwood Materials to reuse the raw materials from EV battery packs. The agreement, which will begin initially with recycling scrap material from battery manufacturing, is the latest indication automakers are taking steps to address the supply and cost of raw materials needed to manufacture batteries for electric vehicles. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/22/ford-signs-deal-with-redwood-materials-to-recycle-ev-batteries-.html Wave of investment just the beginning for EV battery recycling https://www.wastedive.com/news/lithium-ion-battery-recycling-ev-li-cycle-retriev/608778/ Recycled cathode materials enabled superior performance for lithium-ion batteries Recycling spent lithium-ion batteries plays a significant role in alleviating the shortage of raw materials and environmental problems. However, recycled materials are deemed inferior to commercial materials, preventing the industry from adopting recycled materials in new batteries. Here, we demonstrate that the recycled LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 has a superior rate and cycle performance, verified by various industry-level tests. https://www.cell.com/joule/fulltext/S2542-4351(21)00433-5?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS2542435121004335%3Fshowall%3Dtrue
  5. And yet Thailand stopped buying Sinovac's vaccine. Did China tell the Thai Government to do that?
  6. You are naively depending on the reporting of these various countries or states to be comparable. The problem with that is that testing rates vary greatly from one country or state to another. So unless you account for how many tests are being done per capita, these statistics are meaningless. You would do well go to this page of ourworldindata.org to get a better idea of the relation of the rate of testing to affects the accuracy of reported confirmed cases. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-models Although I think that the second column where poor nations that do very little testing also report extremely low rates of infection, ought to have told you something. There is also the following taken from the chart view of the Scale of Testing section. What does that tell you? https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/united-states Extremely poor countries do have the infrastructure to do adequate testing or have to money to afford it. You can look at models comparing a country's reported figures to what epidemiologists estimate. You'll note that there is an extremely high correlation between vaccination rates and infections. Just compare European countries with low rates of vaccinations against those with high rates. The correlation is huge and unmistakeable.
  7. This coming from someone who absolutely refuses to be vaccinated.
  8. What I find pathetic is how some people justify their selfishness by claiming acting selfishly is their right.
  9. There seem to be 2 classes of extremists in regards to the Chinese vaccines. One claims them to be worthless or nearly so, and the other claims them to be equal to or better than the leading vaccines from the west. Sinovac's COVID shot highly effective against serious illness- Malaysia study https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/sinovacs-covid-shot-highly-effective-against-serious-illness-malaysia-study-2021-09-24/ This study confirmed that Sinovac was highly effective but not as effective as the Pfizer vaccine. Malaysia has discontued using Sinovac. There are no current studies that I am aware of the confirm that Sinovac or Sinopharm are as effective as the mRNA vaccines. As for long term consequences. this is the kind of nonsense bruited about by, among others, Chinese govt. media sources. I expect that will go away once mRNA vaccines or protein basedd vaccines from China hit the market.
  10. Moderna's manufacturing capability is far less than Pfizer's and Biontech's.
  11. The vaccine has been subject to repeated clinical trials outside of China. In Brazil 95% of the adult population of a small city was vaccinated. Brazilian town experiment shows mass vaccination can wipe out COVID-19 A small commuter town surrounded by sugarcane fields in southeastern Brazil, one of the countries hardest hit by COVID-19, has shown that even a vaccine that had low efficacy in some clinical trials can dramatically control the pandemic virus. As part of an unusual experiment to track the real-world effectiveness of CoronaVac, a COVID-19 vaccine made by a Chinese company, almost all adult residents of Serrana, in the state of São Paulo, received the required two shots between February and April, long before most would otherwise have become eligible for the vaccine...Symptomatic cases of COVID-19 have dropped by 80% since the start of mass vaccination, related hospitalizations fell 86%, and deaths plummeted 95%, the research team in charge of the experiment reported during a press conference yesterday. https://www.science.org/content/article/brazilian-town-experiment-shows-mass-vaccination-can-wipe-out-covid-19 This was before the advent of Delta. So that is a qualification. As for your career in China, were you working there as epidemiologist or a virologist? If not, who cares about your employment or marital record? It is to laugh
  12. It is effective, but not as effective as the vaccines currently available from the West. A strong immune response is elicited when it is supplement with a different booster vaccine. However, Chinese companies are in the process of making mRNA vaccines and other kinds of vaccines. Most likely they will turn out to be more effective than what is being offered from China now. Clearly, much, if not most, of the bashing of the Chinese vaccines comes from distaste for the Chinese govt or some outmoded notions of the level of technological sophistication attained by Chinese manufacturers.
  13. And smallpox,, too, which has been eradicated, is also transmitted through the air.
  14. Mistaken much? What about the measles vaccine? Measles is far more contagious than even the Delta variant of covid-19. Until a few clueless alarmists starting spread nonsense about it causing autism, it had been virtually eradicated in developed nations. Also, what we have now were the first response to covid vaccines. More vaccines are in the pipeline. A few very promising ones are administered by nasal spray. So the nasal passages will be especially immunized and make it much harder for the vaccine to spread. And there are others in the works. It's very early days to be claiming that stopping covid 19 is inevitably out of reach.
  15. Since there are charging stations all over Thailand, why would the distance to Phitsanalouk or Bangkok be a problem?
  16. More ridiculous questions. Texas is one of the most conservative states in the USA. It voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020. Its Republican governor banned mask mandates, vaccination passports and barred employers from requiring employees to be vaccinated. Its 2 senators are both very conservative Republicans. Perhaps even you have heard of one of them: Ted Cruz. Its state legislature is overwhelmingly Republican. Why not give this up already? You're just making your position look more and more ridiculous.
  17. And how do vaccination rates correlate with hospitalization and death rates? You may not know way Sweden had such high rates but Dr. Andres Tegnell, the architect of Sweden's original covid protocols, disagrees with you. "Now he has told Swedish public radio: "If we were to encounter the same disease again, knowing exactly what we know about it today, I think we would settle on doing something in between what Sweden did and what the rest of the world has done." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-52903717 ANd your insistence that measures such as wearing face masks, is, at this juncture, utterly ridiculous. https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2021/09/surgical-masks-covid-19.html The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, one of the most prestigious public health research centers in the world, routinely takes mask wearing into account when projecting outcomes for covid. https://covid19.healthdata.org/global?view=cumulative-deaths&tab=trend As for concentration of population. Just because city A has twice the population of city B that has nothing to do with the population density of city A compared to City B. Houston has almost 3 times the population of San Francisco. Does that mean it's almost 3 times as densely populated? Quite the contrary San Francisco has over 4 times the population density of Houston. What is Alaska's vaccination rate? I've answered this objection of yours many times before.
  18. The State of Texas. Got any more ridiculous questions?
  19. Over and over again I have stressed that the chief factor is vaccination rate. And yet you repeatedly ignore that. Clearly, you have no good justification for that which is why you repeatedly ignore it. Why not try, for once, just for a change, as a lark, to look at the correlation in the USA between vaccination rates and covid mortality rates. And then look at what kind of behavioral protocols were enforced ( or in the case of states like Florida, prohibited) in various states and see how that correlates. As for the populations of individual cities in the Scandinavian nations, you didn't note that Norway, Finland and Denmark have about half the population of Sweden. And doe it really matter if an urban center has 1 million or half a million? The point is that these are concentrated populations Also, Denmark is far more densely populated than the other 3 scandinavian nations. Yet it managed to easily outperform Sweden.
  20. And still you avoid the issue that vaccination rates are the obvious factor that determines hospitalization and mortality rates.even though the correlation is overwhelmingly obvious You think maybe that the high population density of the Netherlands and Belgium might have something to do with it? As for comparing Sweden to Norway and Finland, what don't you understand about the fact that epidemiologists compare countries that are most similar to elucidate what the factors are that account for the differences. According to your way of thinking it would make such as much sense to compare Sweden's performance to that of Thailand or South Africa. By your criteria you yourself are engaged in "cherry picking" by choosing to compare Sweden only two European countries.
  21. Well, it had to do with winds of a sort. SA's statewide blackout was five years ago — here's how energy supply has evolved since then Among the more surreal and enduring images from South Australia's infamous statewide blackout are the photos of electricity transmission towers collapsed and contorted in foggy fields. On the afternoon of September 28, 2016, twin tornados ripped through SA's mid north, damaging critical infrastructure and shutting off power to the entire state. More than 20 of the giant pylons were knocked out, folding in on themselves as if Uri Geller had somehow magicked them into submission. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-28/sa-statewide-blackout-anniversary-energy-impacts/100496564 Something good did come of it however. Tesla built a 100 megawatt battery that can protect the power system. In addition, it helps to regulate power levels within the system and by doing so extends its lifetime.
  22. Well, in the USA, according to that poll, Republicans are far more likely to believe multiple falsehoods than are Democrats oi Independent. So, in the USA and in much of Europe, the likelihood of subscribing to these falsehoods increases in likelihood the more right-wing a believer in them is.
  23. Also, these kind of criticisms about stress on the power grid assume that there will be a tsunami of EV's being purchased by Thais that will overwhelm the system. There's a huge base of ICE vehicles in Thailand. The percentages will gradually shift. Also, just because EVs take a long time to charge now doesn't mean that will continue to be the case. I believe the new Hyundai EV gets to about 80% of its charge in 12 minutes. And solid state batteries will charge a lot faster.
  24. So the reports were accurate from Western Media when they cited a 39% effectiveness but false otherwise? These news reports are about studies extracting data from the database of the Israeli Health system which includes virtually all Israelis. Crying fake news is the last resort of the desperate. And all the nations abandoning the current Chinese vaccines just reinforce how nonsensical your claim is.
  25. Thanks for the article based on a dated study. And even that study showed that the Pfizer vaccine was highly effective in preventing hospitalizations and death. "However, the two-dose vaccine still works very well in preventing people from getting seriously sick, demonstrating 88% effectiveness against hospitalization and 91% effectiveness against severe illness, according to the Israeli data published Thursday." https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-study-covid-booster-shots-92-effective-at-preventing-serious-illness/ Since then, boosters have now been widely administered in Israel. Israeli study: COVID booster shots 92% effective at preventing serious illness A large-scale Israeli study published Friday showed that a third booster shot was 92% effective in preventing serious illness compared to those who received only two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine. The study conducted by Israel’s largest HMO Clalit Health Services, with funding from Harvard Medical School, was published in the Lancet medical journal based on a study of 728,321 people who received the third shot compared to a control group of a similar number who received only two shots at least five months before. According to the report the third dose of 93% effective at preventing admission to the hospital, with the health service recording 231 instances of hospitalization for the two-dose group, compared to 29 for those who got a booster shot. https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-study-covid-booster-shots-92-effective-at-preventing-serious-illness/
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