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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. There's obese and there's dangerously or morbidly obese. If your BMI is between 30 and 39 you're obese.40 and over you're morbidly obese.
  2. Please, you post a BS report about a 7 year old who died from being vaccinated and he had an antivax father who now regrets that he got the vaccination done. Now you're claiming the child was actually 13 years old and no reference at all to a regretful parent.. I've seen a few reports of deaths of teens after getting vaccinated. But "after" doesn't necessarily because of. Also, I never saw in any of those stories a reference to the father being an anti-vaxxer who bitterly regrets getting his child vaccinated. You just laid it on too thick. Maybe you were thinking about a father who regretted not getting his daughter vaccinated? https://www.wavy.com/covid-19-vaccine/florida-dad-regrets-not-getting-covid-vaccine-after-15-year-old-daughters-death/ or this one? After teen daughter hospitalized with Covid, mom regrets saying no to vaccine https://www.nbcnews.com/health/kids-health/after-teen-daughter-hospitalized-covid-mom-regrets-saying-no-vaccine-n1274227
  3. Good point. Even if they gave it to this alleged 7 year old, that would be a real quick death. Anyway, it's obvious that this story would have been pounced on by the anti-vaxx media.
  4. If you're going to start blaming a religion for the bad conduct of citizens of a particuular country, which ones will come out of that sort of evaluation untarnished?
  5. They've joined. That should get them access to some more vaccine. But Thailand has to pay for it.
  6. Thailand is not eligible for free vaccines. It's a middle income country. It would have to pay for the vaccines it gets from Covax.
  7. I'm guessing you think that these 2 sentences somehow that these migrant workers aren't fleeing armed conflicts? Aren't fleeing a regime that murderously represses its civilian population? It's not incumbent upon you to comment about a subject that you are clearly unfamiliar with.
  8. Now, if there were a pandemic prevalent in this part of the world, then you might think that the Dept. of Disease Control would be keeping a tally. But since nothing like that is occurring....oh wait...
  9. What you're reporting is false. Whether you came up with it or it's an invention of your brothers, it's fake. That would definitely make the news. Where did this alleged incident occur? Something tells me you don't know and don't care. And someone laid way too much icing on the cake with that maudlin nonsense about the father being anti-vax and never forgiving himself. Ever heard the phrase "jumping the shark"? The reason there is a vaccine court is that pharmaceutical companies weren't pursuing creating vaccine for fear of being sued. So that's why vaccine courts were created. Not a response to Covid. And as for you "hey, what do I know"? you've got a point. If you knew, you would know whether it was millions or billions. So, the answer to your question is "Not much." As for what the VAERS is and how it works. Basically anyone can report any adverse incident following a vaccination with covid. You'll note that they are called "adverse incidents" and not "adverse effects". It may come as a surprise to you that there is no vaccine that makes someone invulnerable. People get ill and die all from all sorts of things every. Biostatisticans are constantly combing these reports to tease out anything significant. Even when a correlation has been found, statistically speaking it still makes more sense to get vaccinated than not because the correlations are relatively minute compared to the consequences of not being vaccinated.
  10. Also, as a middle income nation, Thailand isn't eligible for handouts from Covax.
  11. I would suggest you read that paper and not just look at the graphs. "While there has been recovery of hard coral cover, this was driven by Acropora corals which are vulnerable to the common disturbances affecting the GBR" So diversity of species, which is what makes coral reefs so special and valuable, has not recovered much. And as the report pointed out, in 2020 heating wasn't high enough to do much damage. But we know the oceans are getting warmer.
  12. Wow. You lead an amazing life. Not only do you not know anyone who died from covid but despite a self described anti-social life you manage to know through your brother of a 7 year old child who died from a covid vaccination. What's more astonishing is that there has been absolutely no news about this at all. Your claim is so believable. As Oscar Wilde remarked that after reading the death of Nell in Oliver Twist, when I read your comment about the anti-vaxxer father who could never forgive himself, I could help but burst...out laughng. You should be writing trite fiction.
  13. Especially given that there's no evidence that religion had anything to do with it at all.
  14. How convenient that you decided that its' "doubtful" deaths reports might not be accurate. Perhaps the total number of deaths reported is accurate, but that doesn't address the question of excess mortality. Our worldindata.org provides excess mortality reports about 41 countries. For instance, Russia has a total excess mortality of 940,000, yet only about 250,000 of those are ascribed to Covid. Amazing coincidence, no? Another amazing fact is that despite the fact that Thailand is judged to have an excellent public health system, it doesn't report on excess mortality. So ourworldindata.org or other research bodies don't have the official figures they need to make such reports.
  15. Well, your opinion has a special authority. After all, you, like these Burmese lived under a brutal paranoid military govt that destroyed the education system and pretty much cut off the country from dealings with the outside world and crippled the economy and plunged the populace into poverty. And despite the fact that members of your family were murdered repeatedly in the course of vicious campaigns by the military, as was also the case in Myanmar, you somehow managed to prosper in whatever hellhole of a country you hail from. Your life story is an inspiration to us all.
  16. No one actually knows yet whether or not more boosters will be needed. Some vaccines require more than 2 inoculations to provide long lasting protection. In addition to which there are oral and nasal vaccines in development which early test results indicate may be far more effective at stopping transmission.
  17. Well, that article did say that minks in fact did transmit covid to humans. That said, I think it would really only be dangerous if it started infecting livestock the way influenza affects ducks and pigs in China.
  18. Well, I actually read the link, and as the author of that letter points out, what we may be looking at is a statistical artefact. That is to say that those who are tested aren't being randomly chosen. It's based on people who voluntarily come forward to be tested. So it's not a random sampling. And I don't think it's hard to understand why those who choose not to be vaccinated would prefer not to come forward, given the official stance on vaccinations. There is also the question of an overcount of the eligible population So your preference that the agency continues to report reality would only be valid if the reality was being reported all along. Also, what possible immunological explanation would there be for the vaccinated to have a higher rate of infection than the unvaccinated? Especially given that the unvaccinated are still at a much higher risk for severe cases and death. And those numbers re severe illness and death, are the most important ones.
  19. And you bravely and unselfishly refuse to concern yourself about the risk of tying up valuable hospital resources if you come down with a case requiring hospitalization. You are an inspiration to all of us!
  20. Thanks for sharing with us your expertise about these criminals from Burma. Just like all those losers from North Korea who cross over into China illegally.. Their pathetic excuse is that they are ruled by a brutal, murderous government that cares nothing about them and prefers to let hundreds of thousands starve to death rather than relinquish the tiniest bit of control. Why don't these Burmese losers just stay home and buckle down to work and make something of themselves?
  21. Well, I was certainly throwing my confusion into the mix by mixing up Phuket and Pattaya.
  22. For your suspicions to be justified, there would have to be a massive conspiracy among the researchers at the CDC. I'm afraid yours is the kind of convenient, if specious, ratiocination that characterizes so much of the political right. And why it's those people who are dying in disproportionate numbers in the USA and elsewhere.
  23. Your conclusion is only accurate if you want to fly in the face of rationality and claim that the huge jump in unexplained excess mortality is due to something other than covid. In Russian alone that would amount to almost 700,000 deaths.
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