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  1. Because in order to have a good time, 100% of tourists not only need to consume alcohol, but they also need to consume it in bars?
  2. Really? Coronavirus: German ICUs see 40% more patients than in April Intensive care units (ICU) at some German hospitals are reaching full capacity with seriously ill COVID-19 patients, the country's hospital federation said. A high percentage of nurses are off sick or in quarantine. https://www.dw.com/en/coronavirus-german-icus-see-40-more-patients-than-in-april/a-55836491 Berlin hospitals battle COVID with stretched supply lines Germany was already facing a shortage of medical workers before the coronavirus pandemic hit. Now its hospitals are really feeling the pinch. https://www.dw.com/en/berlin-hospitals-battle-covid-with-stretched-supply-lines/a-55826928
  3. Actually, the reduction you're referring to only take place after Germany had massively increased the number of ICU beds in the previous wave of the pandemic. Germany actually has one of the highest rates of ICU beds in the world. Here's an FT article from April 13, 2020 Oversupply of hospital beds helps Germany to fight virus "At the outset of the pandemic, Germany had 28,000 intensive care beds, more than most of its neighbouring countries. In recent days that has been raised to 40,000, as hospitals brace themselves for a huge influx of patients with Covid-19. “In contrast to Spain, France and Italy, we have a very high density of hospitals and beds, and this has emerged as a big advantage in this crisis,” said Uwe Janssens, head of the German Interdisciplinary Association for Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine (DIVI). https://www.ft.com/content/d979c0e9-4806-4852-a49a-bbffa9cecfe6
  4. I guess when the facts are against you, you resort to attacking motives. There's overwhelming evidence from the developed world that the unvaccinated are far more likely to be hospitalized and die due to covid 19 than are the vaccinated. Or is it the case that Germans biologically different from other humans?
  5. What makes this really tragic is that the covid pandemic hasn't affected in the least the availability of intensive care beds at hospitals...oh wait a minute...
  6. FDA’s Approval of Biogen’s New Alzheimer’s Drug Has Huge Cost Implications for Medicare and Beneficiaries The question of what would happen when a new, expensive prescription drug comes to market for a disease like Alzheimer’s that afflicts millions of people has loomed large in discussions over drug prices in the U.S.—and now we’re about to find out. After a nearly 20-year dry spell in new treatments for Alzheimer’s disease, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) just approved a new Alzheimer’s medication, Aduhelm (aducanumab), developed by Biogen, with an expected annual price tag of $56,000. While the scientific community debates the evidence of the effectiveness of this new drug, the FDA’s decision raises hope for Alzheimer’s patients and their families, along with serious cost concerns for patients and payers, particularly Medicare. https://www.kff.org/medicare/issue-brief/fdas-approval-of-biogens-new-alzheimers-drug-has-huge-cost-implications-for-medicare-and-beneficiaries/
  7. But, if all the housemantes are vaccinate, transmission is less likely. As the article clearly states.
  8. You might want to consult this page to see why reported numbers of infections may differ from reality, by how much they differ in accuracy from country to country, and what epidemiological statisticians do to try and establish more accurate numbers. https://ourworldindata.org/covid-models
  9. Because..? Over the past year, the" Mighty Teflon Baht' hasn't been so mighty. https://www.google.com/search?q=dollar+to+baht&oq=doll&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j69i59j69i65l3j69i60l2.1629j0j9&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  10. The car salesman is back! Maybe he's upset that there's no place for middlemen when it comes to selling Teslas?
  11. I specifically chose those countries with much lower vaccination rates and compared them to countries with higher vaccination rates. The differences are uniformly huge. Moreover to account for the fact that different countries have different testing regimes, different social distancing and masking rules, etc. I focused on one country: Germany. The correlation is overwhelmingly obvious.
  12. Apparently, you believe whatever dodgy denialists claim. But you do have a point. The consensus has definitely changed More than 99.9% of studies agree: Humans caused climate change More than 99.9% of peer-reviewed scientific papers agree that climate change is mainly caused by humans, according to a new survey of 88,125 climate-related studies. The research updates a similar 2013 paper revealing that 97% of studies published between 1991 and 2012 supported the idea that human activities are altering Earth’s climate. The current survey examines the literature published from 2012 to November 2020 to explore whether the consensus has changed. https://news.cornell.edu/stories/2021/10/more-999-studies-agree-humans-caused-climate-change :
  13. Sure. He has his own private satellite to measure sea levels Or does he just take a yardstick to the beach every day?
  14. Right. The puny and impoverished fossil fuel industry hasn't got a chance against the massive power of Big Green
  15. More than 1M Floridians’ flood insurance rates to spike with new FEMA program Florida’s businesses and homeowners are seeing double-digit rate increases as high as 45% in property insurance premiums as insurers cite ballooning reinsurance costs, “loss creep” from 2017-18 hurricanes and coastal flooding among factors driving up costs. But more than 1 million — at least — of 1.729 million Florida properties covered under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) are going to see additional significant boosts beginning next year in flood insurance rates under the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Risk Rating 2.0 program that went into effect Friday. https://www.chronicleonline.com/news/local/more-than-1m-floridians-flood-insurance-rates-to-spike-with-new-fema-program/article_cf000f42-22e7-11ec-8d8a-ab2b43655661.html
  16. Ahem... New Study Confirms Dangerous Sea Level Rise Projections Are Accurate A new study from Australian and Chinese researchers adds weight to scientists' warnings from recent United Nations reports about how sea levels are expected to rise dangerously in the coming decades because of human activity that's driving global heating. The research, published Friday in the journal Nature Communications, found that sea level rise projections for this century "are on the money when tested against satellite and tide-gauge observations," as a statement from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) summarized. The researchers looked at projections from the Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as well as the body's Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate (SROCC), which include multiple representative concentration pathway (RCP) scenarios for how much humanity reins in greenhouse gas emissions. Here's a link to the actual research. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-21265-6
  17. I forgot to thank you for the childish insult. I think I'm going to forget to do that again.
  18. I should have noted that the Astra Zeneca vaccine was also on offer and at a far cheaper price than what Thailand paid for Sinovac's vaccine.
  19. No, you didn't. The central and eastern members of the EU have much lower vaccination rates than those in the west. They also have a far higher rate of cases. Of course, if you depend on what those dubious governments report, then you might come to a different conclusion. Which is why I specifically recommended that you consult the page in ourworldindata.org that addresses the accuracy of various governments' reports. The correlation is overwhelmingly clear. In addition to which, I decided to take a closer look at a single country, Germany, to see how rates varied by State. . What immediately became clear was that vaccination rate and population density correlated very strongly with case rates. Vaccination rates had a negative correlation and population densities had a positive correlation. I created a graphic drawn from 3 sources. Here are the links to those sources https://www.statista.com/statistics/1195589/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccinations-number-federal-state-per-1000-germany/ https://www.statista.com/statistics/1105363/coronavirus-covid-19-infection-rate-by-federal-state-per-100000-people-germany/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_German_states_by_population_density
  20. From the article: “I mean, even on its own the merits for Sinovac are there. It was the only vaccine available to be delivered in large quantities and is shown to prevent death,” the source said. This is nonsense. Thailand failed to approve the Pfizer vaccine for months, even though, unlike Sinovac's vaccine, it had actually passed Phase 3 trials.
  21. What is so hard to understand about the fact that even though A may not be as effective as B, doesn't mean that A is rubbish. Lots of lives have been saved thanks to Sinovac's vaccine. And before the Delta variant appeared, it was very effective indeed. After vaccinating 95 percent of adults, a Brazilian city is returning to normal https://www.sciencenews.org/article/brazil-vaccines-coronavirus-covid-serrana-normal
  22. Why would anybody even bother to pose such a question here? Obviously the person to ask is someone actually qualified to answer that sort of question based on the health status of a particular individual. I think there's a very good chance that the question was posed to result in heat, not light.
  23. Actually, I believe most do allow the Chinese vaccines to qualify travelers to enter their country including the United States. But it should be noted that WHO took a long time to approve the vaccines because of the lack of documentation in respect to phase 2 and phase 3 clinical trials.
  24. When I applied you were allowed to upload multiple documents. So I used everything I had.
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