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  1. True. Some people believe the earth is flat. Of course, that belief doesn't really have practical consequences for others. But the belief that covid vaccines are ineffective or dangerous does.
  2. Sure because everyone knows that Orwell equated science with Marxism.
  3. Why am I not surprised that the standard you set for effectiveness not only has little relation to the epidemiological definition,, but also to consequences in the real world. Is someone who has been vaccinated, less likely, as likely, or more likely to suffer severe symptoms and possibly even die from covid-19 than someone who has not been vaccinated?
  4. The fact that you claimed above that vaccines are ineffective, despite the huge amount of evidence to the contrary, kind of undercuts your claim not to be an anti-vaxxer.
  5. What gets tiresome is "both-sidesism". Clearly in the case of vaccination in the USA, it's the red states that are lagging. And the correlation is even stronger when vote totals by county are taken into account. And the question was asked about the characteristics of anti-vaxxer members of aseannow.com. I think the evidence shows that in this forum opinions strongly align with one's political views.
  6. I should have added anthropogenic climate change denialists to the list. You know, folks who prefer bias to science. Possibly also Brexiters, too.
  7. I think it's pretty clear that among thaivisa members, most of the opponents of vaccination are right wingers. By and large this tracks with the nature of the opposition in those nations in the west where anti-vaxxer opinion is relatively strong. Not sure about anti-vaccine sentiment in Thailand but it seems to be founded mostly in fear derived from falsehoods posted on social media.
  8. Well there are 2 kinds of bad news: news consumers are drawn to one kind and shun the other.
  9. Do I really have to? But since you insist, yes, it is bad news for anti vaxxers.
  10. Well since governments around the world have been requiring childhood vaccinations for a long time, including what are called Western democracies, I guess we've all been living under a dictatorship for decades at least. So what difference does one more required vaccination make?
  11. The NHS seems to be changing its collective mind about that... https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/25/uk/uk-nhs-health-workers-covid-vaccine-intl-gbr/index.html
  12. Thanks for the info. You should include a link otherwise if the mods see it, they will delete your post.
  13. Why isn't the MSM reporting on this? COVID Vaccine Recipients Also Less Likely to Die of Other Causes — Study found downstream health effect for vaccination https://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/covid19vaccine/95220?xid=nl_covidupdate_2021-10-25&eun=g1943859d0r&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=DailyUpdate_102521&utm_term=NL_Gen_Int_Daily_News_Update_active
  14. But when their lack of care and delight in their own stupidity affects public health, then they ought to lose that right to be left alone.
  15. Just found this article Thailand announces reopening rules for tourism reboot "The capital Bangkok and other top destinations like Pattaya, Hua Hin, Krabi and Chiang Mai, will reopen from Nov. 1 to vaccinated visitors from 45 nations, who must produce negative COVID-19 tests before and after arrival, plus COVID-19 insurance cover of at least $50,000. Nighttime curfews in those areas will also be lifted." https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/thailand-announces-reopening-rules-tourism-reboot-2021-10-22/
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