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  1. Even if your statement is believed, what do you think that proves?
  2. I tried to find a definition for "weak virus" either from epidemiology or science in general. No luck. Can you provide a link to this term allegedly used by scientists?
  3. Firstly,vaccinations only began in mid december Secondly, Delta is far more contagious than earlier version. It hit the US starting in June Now contemplate these graphs
  4. Johnson incorrectly claims there are no approved COVID-19 vaccines in America https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/oct/05/ron-johnson/johnson-incorrectly-claims-there-are-no-approved-c/ I found the original source on foxnews. Just in case someone claims that the clip above was distorting the evidence: https://video.foxnews.com/v/6275154580001#sp=show-clips the passage in question starts at about 1 minute and 28 seconds. But at least FoxNews isn't promoting this as factual. Sen. Ron Johnson: There is not an FDA approved COVID vaccine in the US Johnson explains the FDA approved the Comirnaty version that’s not available in the US https://www.foxnews.com/media/ron-johnson-no-fda-approved-covid-vaccine Oops!
  5. Do you know who that guy on the left is? EDIT: I figured out who he was thanks to google images which had an image of him sitting with Steve Doocey whom I recognized. It's Brian Kilmeade, part of the shrunken news reporting time slots allocated on Fox News. Apparently, he is some people's idea of an honest and impartial journalist. What makes it worse is that this clip wasn't even targeting him. He just randomly happened to be included. God knows how much misinformation he has foisted on his viewers.
  6. This is like saying Satan is responsible for all evil. Anybody familiar with Bolsonaro knows he needed no help. This is the guy who defended military death squads in his own country after a military coup.
  7. I'm guessing that the guy on the left is a Fox News anchor. Am I right about that? He also made a false claim that "we're at herd immunity right now"
  8. OK. I thought since you referred to Brazil as "Bolsonaro's Brazil" you were giving him some sort of credit. Clearly, that's not the case.
  9. You're not making much of a point here As you may recall, not so long ago the Soviet Union invaded the country in a massive way and failed. Your characterization of the Afghanis as "cave dwellers" reveals some truth about yourself and nothing at all about them.
  10. Are you actually giving Bolsonaro credit for Brazil's progress in vaccination? Really?
  11. There is enough valid evidence against Ivermectin without dragging in the irrelevant veterinary angle. In fact, Ivermectin is a remarkable medicine that has helped free millions of humans from debilitating parasitic diseases. But that is entirely irrelevant to whether or not it has therapeutic value in treating covid-19.
  12. Given that Ivermectin was widely disseminated by the Brazilian government. how can you plausibly claim that "Few Brazilians know what Ivermectin is..."
  13. Definition of "moment" from Oxford Languages: "a very brief period of time" https://www.google.com/search?q=definition+of+moment&oq=defin&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57j69i65j69i60j69i61.1644j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 [sigh]
  14. And what is the name of the network that Carlson and Hannity are featured on? Is it called Fox News & Opinions? As far as I'm aware, the network is called simply "Fox News". If you have a problem with this maybe you should take it up with Rupert Murdoch.
  15. .Literally a couple of posts above mine there's this: That post, does not back Rachel Maddow's reporting on the Ivermectin claim. Quite the contrary. Maybe you just don't understand what "literally" means? Also, unlike you, I won't claim that your mistake makes you look "absurd" because absurd means this: "wildly unreasonable, illogical, or inappropriate." Just because you made a mistake here doesn't mean your post was absurd. For future reference false /= absurd.
  16. The following article should put paid to the notion that Ivermectin has powerful therapeutic effects against covid 'Brazil suffered some of its worst death rates yet in late 2020 and early 2021, even in heavily ivermectin-dosed areas, as the more transmissible P1, or Gamma, variant spread quickly across the country. "Look at what happened in Brazil," Natália Taschner, a Brazilian microbiologist and research scholar at Columbia University in New York, said. "Then wonder: If this drug worked, would Brazil be in such bad shape?"' https://www.businessinsider.com/brazil-tragic-ivermectin-for-covid-frenzy-warning-to-us-experts-2021-9
  17. But Xi has only recently cemented his power. And under him, China has gotten a lot more aggressive and a lot more jingoistic.
  18. Pfizer vaccine 90% effective against hospitalization, death six months later, study says The Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine continues to be 90 percent effective in protecting against hospitalization and death from covid-19 up to six months after the second dose, even in the face of the widespread delta variant, a major study has found. The study was based on research from Pfizer and the Kaiser Permanente Southern California health system and analyzed more than 3.4 million people who were members between December 2020 and August 2021. The findings, published in the Lancet medical journal on Monday, had been released in August but were not peer-reviewed until this week. https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2021/10/05/covid-delta-variant-live-updates/
  19. The point being of course, that as science progresses, it's theorems come closer and closer to predicting reality. Grandpapillon earlier cited the age of the earth as a an example of scientific consensus changing. What he didn't note is that it's extremely unlikely that the consensus will oscillate back to estimation of the earth's age as being reckoned in the thousands.
  20. I'm all in favor of allowing backpackers and other lower spending tourists in precisely because their patronage will help those who need it most. That said, I don't think US$15 is going to be an impediment to these tourists. Getting the COE and other documentation is another matter entirely.
  21. The photo you sent is definitely of a bedbug.I unfortunately have lots of experience with them. I used to live in an old apartment building with porous floors. There was a senile old lady who lived below me. Her apartment was infested with bedbites. I had to doubly exterminate them in my apartment twice. Once to kill the already hatched insects and later to kill the ones that hatched in the interval. I have forgotten how many days that interval should be. Another problem is that bedbugs have gotten a lot harder to kill as they have developed strong resistance to pesticides that were effective back when I needed them. Definitely launder all of your bedding and your clothes to make sure you've killed them.
  22. I just returned from the USA and food prices are mostly much cheaper here than in America or Europe. Even if your claim was true, ya think most tourists will be shopping for their food in supermarkets and markets? Restaurant prices here are a fraction of what they are in Europe and the USA.
  23. Well, what you wrote was not what you meant. "Refer to Singapore vs. Indonesia" is what you ought to have written. That said, you still don't seem to understand that the infection rates reported by various governments are not comparable unless adjusted for testing rates. Once again, look up the term "statistical artefact"
  24. Once again you ignore the fact the different countries have different rates of testing. Naturally those countries that have a higher test rate will detect more cases of covid. You should look up "statistical artefact".
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