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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Why is that a "feelinggs based deal". You're saying no principles are involved? That's convenient and utterly evasive. What's more, you still haven't defined what level of authority to assign to a man's "say" if the pregnant women wants an abortion.
  2. Because mothers are mostly working too, So that cancels those contributions. In addition, you take no account of deadbeat dads or men who just impregnated women and went on their merry way. And of course, you seem to assume that mothers who do stay home have an easier life than their working spouse. And finally, so much self pity in likening the huge effects of pregnancy and childibrith on a women's body and mind to whatever is experienced by a man.
  3. So, for someone who gets so incensed about someone avoiding an issue, you seem remarkably resistant to specifying what level of authority you assign to"say".
  4. Because uprooting and moving elsewhere isn't costly and an option open to rich and poor alike. https://qz.com/1761630/why-americans-have-stopped-moving-geographically-even-for-work/
  5. What year are you living in? 1950? I got some astounding news for you. Women have entered the labor force in very large numbers in the USA.
  6. Well, given your track record on this issue, not at all surprising it doesn't look good to you. However... Russia will soon exhaust its combat capabilities, Western assessments predict Small shifts in territorial control matter less than the overall balance of forces, which analysts say could shift back in favor of Ukraine in the coming months The Russian military will soon exhaust its combat capabilities and be forced to bring its offensive in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region to a grinding halt, according to Western intelligence predictions and military experts. “There will come a time when the tiny advances Russia is making become unsustainable in light of the costs and they will need a significant pause to regenerate capability,” said a senior Western official, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive issue. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/06/25/ukraine-russia-balance-of-forces/
  7. Don't call it a "few cells" because it isn't a few cells? Really. You think it's more sensible to call it Johnny or Sally?
  8. Because a man has no right to demand an abortion, then a woman shouldn't either? So, to your way of thinking, it's all about the man. I think jihadists would have no problem with your opinion.
  9. First off, most of us don't have to kill animals or have them killed for us in order to survive. So you chose a badly defective criterion. An "inconvenience" is an extremely condescending way to characterize pregnancy, the birth of a child, and the consequences of that. Get pregnant and give birth and get back to us about whether pregnancy and childbirth qualify as a mere inconvenience..
  10. When a woman has unprotected sex she's declaring that she's choosing to be pregnant? Because sex is all about rationality? Does that go for underage teens who are considered minors under the law?
  11. You'll notice that BangkokReady never defines what level of authority he assigns to the "say" men should have. Register a dissent? Have veto power? Until he does, whatever point he is trying to make remains obscure. And of course, if BangkokReady is arguing for equality, then does the prospective father have a right to back abortion against the wishes of the woman he's impregnated? And what should be the results of his objection? That the woman must submit to an abortion? Until he clarifies with an answer to these questions, he's really saying nothing.
  12. The question isn't whether he has a say but whether he has an equal say. Or an unequal say if he has the right to a veto. Do you believe that the prospective father should have to right to veto an abortion?
  13. Can you explain why Roe v Wade was unconstitutional?
  14. Clearly you don't know that many Red states outlaw the use of the morning after pill for early abortion, And how would a woman know she is pregnant after 1 week?
  15. Tell that to the voters of Blue Wall Tiverton & Honiton and the Red Wall voters of Wakefield. Has it not yet sunk in what happened in those elections? Or do you believe that these 2 constituencies are populated by "metro centric liberals"?
  16. This sounds like second rate PR cr#p. Make that 3rd rate. Nothing of substance in what you wrote.
  17. What was his vision? Tax cuts? He managed to greatly increase the deficit when the economy was already on an upswing. I do remember that he repeatedly promised that he had a health insurance plan that would be better and cheaper than Obama's. Yet somehow never managed to produce it. He gravely mismanaged the covid epidemic. Medical statisticians reckoned his incompetence resulted in about 300,000 unnecessary deaths.
  18. Actually, Amy Coney Barret was raised in a cult called the People of Praise. While nominally Catholic it was really a cult run by a couple who lately have been called out on some questionable practices of theirs. ACB served as a "handmaiden' to the leader of the cult. She stayed with that family while she was attending University and married a fellow cult member. So she has spent virtually all her life surrounded by members of that cult. Not even a stint in a dorm room.
  19. I've read this class of nonsense before. Had another Republican been elected in place of Trump, he would have chosen from the same pool of extreme right wing justices approved of by the Federalist Society. Justices who have consistently sided with corporations and against workers. So much for Trump's love of working class Americans.
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