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  1. Sorry. I when I tried to retrace the thread I quoted JohnG by mistake. It was not your quote. I apologize. I will report my mistake to the mods.
  2. Unfortunately for evenkeel, and your defense of him, he didn't qualify his condemnation of such a relationship. And God actually made that kind of marriage mandatory, not optional. Is there somewhere else where the Big Fella prohibits a brother from marrying such a widow? I don't think so. You've managed to be even more of a prude than Yahweh. And even more remarkably, more prudish than the Pope. In 1983 the Catholic Church changed canon law to allow such a marriage. https://canonlawmadeeasy.com/2013/12/05/can-catholics-marry-in-laws/
  3. Once again, when someone knowingly or with reckless indifference to the facts, they are responsible for the consequences. How many times do you need that to be repeated to you? That's the law. Why do you think damages are awarded in defamation lawsuits? It's not about hurt feelings per see. It's about the damaging consequences of spreading false information. In Jones' case it was particularly flagrant since it was only 10 years after his first slanderous comments that the finally acknowledged that his claims were false.
  4. How about hurty bullets fired into your car and property? And a multitude of death threats? Living in fear for ones life is just a minor inconvenience?
  5. Blasphemer! I don't mind that you have personally insulted me. But I take great exception to your rejection of the Word of the Lord: "Deuteronomy 25:5-10 New King James Version (NKJV)“If brothers dwell together, and one of them dies and has no son, the widow of the dead man shall not be married to a stranger outside the family; her husband's brother shall go in to her, take her as his wife, and perform the duty of a husband's brother to her." https://www.bible.com/bible/compare/DEU.25.5-10 It's clear that Satan is speaking through you. Does anyone have any virtual Holy Water to spare? Evenkeel is clearly in need of an exorcism.
  6. Now you're dragging his daughters into this? Was he committing adultery in front of them? More nonsense from you. Hunter Biden is an addict. They engage in self destructive behavior. And they hurt their families. But according to you, this activity was really Joe Biden's fault. It's because he didn't care enough. Does this look familiar?: "If they cared, they would have made sure he went to, and stayed in, treatment until he was healthy. Not just let him careen from disaster to disaster, not look on benignly while he shtupped his dead brother's widow while he was STILL MARRIED, not 'forgotten' that he had fathered their seventh grandchild.... that isn't love. That is enabling." What means could the Bidens have employed to compel Hunter Biden, who you have characterized as a "dirtbag" to stay in treatment until he was "healthy"? You really want to have it both ways, don't you? Hunter Biden is a "dirtbag" but he's redeemable. Hoist by your own malign petard.
  7. Which conspiracy theories of Jones have panned out? That the Oklahoma bombing was not the work of McVeigh and Nichols but rather of the Federal Govt? That the 9/11 bombing was the work of the U.S. government? FEMA's plan tp put U.S. citizens in detention camps? That the gay community is going to use chemicals to turn children gay? That actually it was the Ukrainians, not the Russians, responsible for the Bucha massacre?
  8. Oh, come on. What do a few bullet holes and constant death threats really amount to? Those parents should be grateful for the fear of death that distracts them from their grief. Really, this is just Jones' genius way of doing grief therapy.
  9. I doubt that McDonalds would care to bring that to court since the unhealthy consequences of most of its offerings are well known. But if you claim that McDonalds is lacing its hamburgers with, say, dangerous pathogens, then you could certainly be held liable for defamation. If you know, or should have known, that your claims are false, then you are liable.
  10. What about the death of one's child should make one fear for one's life? Jones compounded their hell and made them fear for their lives. Stop trying to minimize the consequences of that nasty, dishonest creature's words. His lies in court just further damned him.
  11. What don't you understand about the fact that parties who slander can be held financially liable. Not just for hurt feelings but for the effects their words have on the bahavior of others? As I pointed out, if someone clams falsely that a company is manufacturing a dangerous product and that hurts its sales, they can sue the person committing defamation for economic damage. The courts recognize that words have an effect on behavior. And if those words are slanderous or libelous, economic penalties can apply.
  12. "And, 'filed for divorce' sill means 'married'." Nah, you're not a prude much. Nope. Not at all.
  13. When you commit slander you don't get a pass on what it may prompt others to do. That's why damages are levied, For example, if someone lies about a company and say it's food products are infected with a dangerous pathogen, and that lie hurts sales. they can be held liable for the resulting financial damage. It's not a valid defense to claim that one's words didn't force someone to do something. If the consequences should have been foreseen, then the party who committed the defamation can be held liable.
  14. You're right. There isn't much you can say because you've got nothing. Is it ever OK for a married man to be adulterous? But is it heinous? Especially given that the affair started after his wife filed for divorce. Prudish much? What exactly do you find especially immoral or unsavory about Biden having an affair with his brother's widow months after his wife filed for divorce?
  15. As those parents have pointed out, Jones made their life a living hell following the deaths of their children. Not onlyly because of the pain his words inflicted but because of the actual danger it put them in. And yes, legally Jones can be held financially responsible if he knew or should have known what effect his lies would have.
  16. And when did he admit he was wrong? This is not a case of "oops". Jones persisted in pushing this lie for years. In fact, it was only a few days shy of 10 years that Jones admitted that the Sandy Hook shooting was real. Alex Jones concedes that the Sandy Hook attack was '100% real' UPDATED AUGUST 3, 2022 https://www.npr.org/2022/08/03/1115414563/alex-jones-sandy-hook-case And during his testimony he made all sorts of false claims. For example that he had complied with all requests for evidence. The judge scolded him harshly for this lie. On his broadcast he claimed one of the plaintiffs was slow and being manipulated. These are hardly the acts of someone who is sincerely contrite. As for Jones only hurting their feellngs? Maybe you think there aren't a lot of loons out there who follow Jones. The father of a Sandy Hook victim says Alex Jones has made his life a 'living hell' The father of a 6-year-old boy killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting testified Tuesday that conspiracy theorist Alex Jones made his life a "living hell" by pushing claims that the murders were a hoax involving actors aimed at increasing gun control... Heslin said his home and car have been shot at, and his attorneys said Monday that the family had an "encounter" in Austin after the trial began in the city and have been in isolation under security. https://www.npr.org/2022/08/02/1115269280/sandy-hook-alex-jones-trial
  17. Your attempt to set up a straw man is inept. "hurt feelings" are not grounds for bringing a lawsuit. Slander and libel are. Alex Jones blatantly slandered the parents of those schoolchildren.
  18. I'm surprised Neeranam didn't reference Mao and Stalin, as well.
  19. I'm waiting for you to understand that 3 of the 6 votes to make this very dubious and hypocritical ruling came from justices appointed by Trump. All 3 passed muster with the Federalist Society. That they would vote this way was to be expected.
  20. Disrespectful to whom? Did the ghost of Beau Biden make you his spokesperon? And guess what? Even by the arbitrary standard you set for what is disrespectuful, the liaison doesn't qualify: "Hunter and Hallie Biden started dating several months after Buhle filed for divorce in 2017 and after Beau Biden's death in 2015." https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hallie-biden-hunter-biden-gun-charges-beau-biden-widow/
  21. What exactly is immoral about this? Don't religious marriage vows of the Christian variety generally include the phrase "till death do us part"? You think Beau Biden was writhing in his grave well his brother and widow we're having an affair? Or is it just that you don't approve of sex outside of marriage?
  22. It's total numbers of the audience that counts. And I forgot to mention Facebook and a lot of sleazy sources that right wingers here regularly cite
  23. One of the most transparent ploys of certain parties is the use of contrary to fact arguments. When I try sticking to reality for a change?
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