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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Several likely candidates here: https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/war-crimes.shtml
  2. What's that got to do with the alternative military strategy you suggest? And, no, international law doesn't give unlimited license to use whatever tactics a military force adopts against an enemy embedded in the local populace.
  3. More making-it-personal nonsense. I guess that's why you don't recognize nonsense like this for what it is:
  4. Clearly, you're in the running for the General George Custer Award.
  5. They should get back to us if and when the illness starts affecting the lungs. If bird flu ever becomes transmissible by air, that could be serious. Fortunately...oh wait a minute... Bird Flu (H5N1) Explained: Third U.S. Dairy Farm Worker Infected With Bird Flu—With New Symptoms Another human case of bird flu has been detected in a dairy farm worker in Michigan—though the cases aren’t connected—and this is the first person in the U.S. to report respiratory symptoms connected to bird flu, though their symptoms are “resolving,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ariannajohnson/2024/05/30/bird-flu-h5n1-explained-third-us-dairy-farm-worker-infected-with-bird-flu-with-new-symptoms/?sh=5f9509815d18
  6. You keep on repeating the same claim, but when I offer evidence in reply you disregard it. Just saying the same thing over and over doesn't make it true.
  7. A wise move on your part. Since when it comes to the past 57 years, the truth is not going to be your friend.
  8. Do you understand I wrote "that truth" not "the truth" and what that difference signifies?
  9. So, you think that there's no significant statistical connection between local elections and general elections. The Tories just happened to suffer a major loss because of ??????????
  10. Once your words are written, you don't get to be the final arbiter of what they mean. As for truth, as a general proposition the ruth matters. But the discussion was about motivation. And as I have repeatedly pointed out, Muslims have plenty of motivation for rage, regardless of their rejection of the truth that Hamas massacred Israeli civilians.
  11. Maybe you take no interest in what your government does. If that's the case, there's no point in trying to explain why others do.
  12. We'll never know how the world would have regarded Israel had it treated Palestinians decently.
  13. Keep up the mindless accusations. All it signifies is that you've still got nothing.
  14. Nice try. It's obvious that we were referring to not truth in general but 2 different truths. Yours, the facts of the Hamas massacre of Israeli civilians. Mine the brutal treatment of Palestinians by Israel.
  15. Please there was plenty of anger and denunciation being levelled at the Saudis. Admittedly, little of it came from the political right. And possibly the reason that the Israeli case draws more ire is that despite its relatively small population, in absolute terms Israel receives more foreign aid from America than does any other country.
  16. I didn't make any sort of such generalization that "the truth does not matter." and you know it. You claimed that the Muslim disbelief in Hamas' massacre of civilians didn't bode well. I pointed out that they had plenty of reasons for rage that had nothing to do with that. So their denial doesn't matter as far as their rage goes. Enough of your pearl clutching, already.
  17. Did you actually even scan just a little the points that this research was addressing? It wasn't about people who have actual grounds for rage. It's about lunatics who become enraged because of conspiracy theories.
  18. Once again, trying to make it personal. You've got nothing.
  19. Truly a bizarre comment. Do you believe that the world gets all or most of its news from aseannow.com? Or that the decisions of the moderators about what stories to post represents a statistically sound example of world news? Or is just that case that the only source of news for you is aseannow.com?
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