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  1. Right now in the middle of a pandemic this is how you propose to tackle the problem? That's like suggesting you install a sprinkler system in your house when it's on fire. That's a long term public health problem that would requires years to implement. And of course, right wingers would approach any effective steps to achieve this as nanny state intervention. I remember when Mayor Bloomberg banned the use of trans fats in NYC. Howls of indignations arose from conservatives.
  2. No foundation? Really? Here's the latest evidence to show how nonsensical your assertion is. Pennsylvania releases new COVID-19 data on breakthrough cases 97 percent of COVID-19-related deaths were in unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated people. Among a total of 6,472 COVID-19-related deaths identified in Pennsylvania in 2021, the latest data shows 213, or 3 percent, post-vaccination deaths identified. Cumulative death incidence among the unvaccinated and not fully vaccinated was 7.9 times as high as the death incidence among the fully vaccinated. https://www.wgal.com/article/pennsylvania-new-covid-data-breakthrough-cases/37618865
  3. Thalidomide was a medication, not a vaccine. A chemical. Unlike vaccines, medications are repeatedly ingested or injected into a patient.. So there is a history of medications causing illness. There is nothing in the history of vaccinations of symptoms arising years after inoculation. No plausible mechanism has been proposed. On the other hand, there is a history of at least one viral disease resulting in new symptoms and death years after infection. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/post-polio-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20355669
  4. What you don't acknowledge is that it's been standard in vaccine trials not to include pregnant women because those doing the testing didn't want to make pregnant women run a risk. "All the COVID-19 vaccine trials, like virtually all clinical trials, have excluded pregnant and lactating individuals from participating; however, developmental and reproductive toxicity studies with the Moderna vaccine in rats haven't uncovered any worrisome signals." https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2777024#:~:text=All the COVID-19 vaccine,t uncovered any worrisome signals. Researchers assumed that if the results showed that the vaccine was safe for the general population then most likely it would be safe for women. Now there's a movement among scientists to change that approach and subject pregnant women and their foetuses to run the same risks as others.
  5. But there isn't any question that pregnant women are being admitted to ICUs at a much higher rate than the average.
  6. Maybe Pennsylvania is part of the plot? Pennsylvania releases new COVID-19 data on breakthrough cases 97 percent of COVID-19-related deaths were in unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated people. Among a total of 6,472 COVID-19-related deaths identified in Pennsylvania in 2021, the latest data shows 213, or 3 percent, post-vaccination deaths identified. Cumulative death incidence among the unvaccinated and not fully vaccinated was 7.9 times as high as the death incidence among the fully vaccinated. https://www.wgal.com/article/pennsylvania-new-covid-data-breakthrough-cases/37618865# Denmark can reopen because 74.2% of its population has been fully vaccinated and it has an excellent public health system. What you failed to note about Israel is that it's vaccination rate stalled at about 60%. https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/israel Thanks in large part to the ultraorthdox who devote their time to studying sacred texts that apparently tell them that vaccination is evil. They have an extremely high fertility rate and live at close quarters in a community that stresses the importance of communal activities.Still, lately, the rate of first inoculations have risen so there is hope for the future. And preliminary studies of boosters show that antibody levels rise sharply after the booster is delivered. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/25/world/middleeast/israels-vaccine-data.html
  7. There may have been good reasons for caution early on, but now the data shows overwhelmingly that the risk to pregnant women is far greater than to those who aren't pregnant. So, no, conclusions aren't ongoing. From the report: "An analysis of 77 cohort studies published last September4 made clear that pregnant women are a high-risk group. The review included data from more than 11,400 women with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 and who were hospitalized during their pregnancy for any reason. The odds of pregnant women with a COVID-19 diagnosis being admitted to the intensive-care unit (ICU) were 62% higher than for non-pregnant women of reproductive age, and the odds of needing invasive ventilation were 88% higher. " The study did recommend that in the future pregnant women should be included in trials. It also concluded that foetuses of unvaccinated women aren't at greater risk than those born to vaccinated women. It seems that the disease isn't transmitted to foetuses even if the mother is infected.
  8. I was referring to a study published about Chlorine dioxide in the journal Hilaris. Not to anything about hydroxychloroquine.
  9. Brazil has long used Sinovac's vaccine thanks to the pionering work of the prestigious Butantan Institute. Now there's this: Brazil Moves Away From Chinese Covid-19 Vaccine Brazil, a major buyer of China’s CoronaVac shot and a poster child for Beijing’s efforts at vaccine diplomacy, is making a speedy retreat from the Covid-19 vaccine as concerns grow over its efficacy against the Delta variant and other vaccines become more readily available. Brazil’s federal government has halted negotiations over additional doses of Sinovac’s vaccine, CoronaVac, spokespeople for the government and its local producer, the Butantan Institute, told The Wall Street Journal. The government has also said it won’t recommend use of CoronaVac for a third booster shot. https://www.wsj.com/articles/brazil-moves-away-from-chinese-covid-19-vaccine-11631368138
  10. More States Seeing Uptick of Pregnant COVID Patients in ICUs — Nearly all are unvaccinated, sources say A report from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) in August revealed that there had been a sharp increase in the number of pregnant patients who were being hospitalized with COVID-19. Nearly a month later, physicians from other states have started to voice similar concerns about the growing number of unvaccinated pregnant patients who have been admitted to ICUs with severe infection. Mississippi state health officials announced on September 9 that eight pregnant women had died from COVID-19 in recent weeks; their babies were all delivered prematurely and survived, said state medical officer Thomas Dobbs, MD, MPH, during a press conference. https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/94529?xid=nl_mpt_DHE_2021-09-16&eun=g1943859d0r&utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Daily Headlines Top Cat HeC 2021-09-16&utm_term=NL_Daily_DHE_dual-gmail-definition
  11. How do you know it's scientific and that its results are valid? If so, why is it being published in a pay-to-publish journal?
  12. China's success predates vaccines and has nothing to do with them. Rather, right from the start China instituted a very strict program of contact tracing and quarantining. China has a huge advantage over most other nations because it's an Orwellian police state.
  13. No. Because a system that was created much earlier to monitor the effect of various diseases on pregnant women says so. Or was the system also lying about the effects of the zika virus and other disease vectors on the pregnant? "Surveillance for Emerging Threats to Mothers and Babies collects information on pregnant people and their children through the first 3 years of life. This system aims to figure out how health threats, such as COVID-19, hepatitis C, syphilis, and Zika, affect these populations. It may also track birth defects, developmental problems, and other disabilities as these children age. CDC scientists use these data to Monitor and improve the health of pregnant people and infants; Link families to medical and social services to get recommended care; Strengthen laboratory and clinical testing to find emerging health threats quickly; and Ensure public health is ready and prepared to meet the needs of pregnant people and infants during emergencies. https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/aboutus/pregnancy/emerging-threats.html
  14. Perhaps English isn't your first language. But you should learn that there is a difference between lying and stating falsehoods. It goes to the question of intent.
  15. Well, if you have a good home recipe for mRNA based covid vaccines please pass it along. That way we can stick it to Big Pharma!
  16. A 7/11 closed? I thought they were immortal!
  17. Dr. Brytney Cobia from Alabama wrote a moving letter about holding the hands of those dying from Covid in the hospital where she is a front line worker. They were asking for vaccine even thought it was too late. Your response was to assert that she was a fabrication, that no such doctor existed. The only source for this allegation that I was able to find was some nutter on youtube. You claimed you had proof. The proof being that if someone tried to call the hospital, they would find out that no such person existed! Obviously this is nuts. This doctor was featured on major news outlets around the country. Surely the staff there would have exposed this fraud if it was a fraud. There are plenty of records going back years that show this person exists. So let's just say that your judgement of what is a reliable source and what isn't ought not to be taken seriously..
  18. He will not be missed. From the article you linked to: "Vaccinations were not the first topic he was controversial about. In the 1990s, friends and families of people who died due to AIDs campaigned for his television show Bob Enyart Live, which later became a radio show, to be taken off air after he referred to victims of the disease as “sodomites”. In addition to this, Enyart would recite their obituaries while Queen’s Another One Bites The Dust played in the background. The band’s singer, Freddie Mercury, died due to complications from AIDs."
  19. Even (or is that especially?) when they are stomping on the innocent. Which is what they are doing by flooding hospital ICUs and emergency facilities with their godly and covid-ridden bodies.
  20. The problem with your claim is that it takes no account of excess mortality. Serbia has one of the highest excess mortality rates in the world. It comes in at 5th place, with 445 per 100,000 people. right behind Russia. Whereas Thailand has 44 excess deaths per 100,000 people. https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/coronavirus-excess-deaths-tracker
  21. Wow! I never thought I'd see the day when a religion would be created whose chief article of faith is worshipping the immune system.
  22. Assuming that all the necessary information is correctly submitted, how long does it take for a COE to be issued?
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