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  1. I see you have no answer for the deleterious effect that pollution has on the poor. Ya think being ill is good for their incomes? And on what actual facts do you lay your claim that renewables will make A/C unaffordable? Finally, right now there are EVs in China selling for about $5000. The West is terrified that cheap EVs will put paid to their automobile industry.
  2. Probably saving his powder for the election. People don't pay much attention to the issues until after the conventions.
  3. Wrong. Teen births in US fall to record low, as overall total drops by 2%: CDC The number of births have been declining since the mid-2010s, the report found. The overall number of births in the United States dropped in 2023 as teenage births reached a record low, according to new provisional federal data published early Thursday. https://abcnews.go.com/US/teen-births-us-fall-record-low-total-drops/story?id=109572998
  4. Because nothing makes a politician look so good as being ignorant of the contents of a bill he pushed for. A masterstroke by Johnson!
  5. The 8 billion targeted for water infrastructure, was only a small portion of the bill. President Biden signed a $1 trillion infrastructure bill into law Monday, enacting a key piece of his domestic spending agenda that will funnel billions to states and local governments to upgrade outdated roads, bridges, transit systems and more. The event — which the White House said was in front of some 800 guests, including members of Congress, governors and state and local officials from both sides of the aisle, as well as labor and business leaders — saw the president deliver on two key campaign promises: his vow to broker legislation that could get support from both Republicans and Democrats; and his pledge to get major legislation to provide badly needed money for public works projects that his predecessors from both parties tried repeatedly to move, but failed to deliver. https://www.npr.org/2021/11/15/1055841358/biden-signs-1t-bipartisan-infrastructure-bill-into-law
  6. I think just restoring the NHS will be quite enough to earn voters' gratitude after the Tories turned it into a shambles. And given that the British public is no longer buying the Conservative line about the benefits of Brexit, we might expect to see an improvement in relations with the EU.
  7. Sure. That's what made the story newsworthy. That eventually he turned up with an acceptable I.D.
  8. Since when is standing up and publicly stating where you stand the same thing as going on a rampage etc?
  9. What kind of heroes would they be if they didn't openly profess their opposition to Khan? I'm confidently that they made sure to stand up publicly and be counted.
  10. Air pollution hurts the poorest most https://www.unep.org/news-and-stories/story/air-pollution-hurts-poorest-most Poor produce fewer traffic emissions than rich but are most affected, study finds https://www.uwe.ac.uk/news/poor-produce-fewer-traffic-emissions-than-rich-but-are-most-affected Global air pollution exposure and poverty https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10363163/
  11. Kudos to all those heroes who put their lives on the line by voting against him.
  12. Right. Labour's support for Israel, which cost them support among British Muslims, means that they are friends with Hamas.
  13. Right. Sadiq Khan's victory in London means that the terrorists have won!
  14. You sure about that? Teen-age pregnancies have plummeted in the USA. Teenage birth rates in the US reached historic lows in 2022, CDC report finds https://abcnews.go.com/Health/teenage-birth-rates-us-reached-historic-lows-2022/story?id=99720479 Solo mothers – those who are raising at least one child with no spouse or partner in the home – no longer dominate the ranks of unmarried parents as they once did. In 1968, 88% of unmarried parents fell into this category. By 1997 that share had dropped to 68%, and in 2017 the share of unmarried parents who were solo mothers declined to 53%. These declines in solo mothers have been entirely offset by increases in cohabitating parents: Now 35% of all unmarried parents are living with a partner.2 Meanwhile, the share of unmarried parents who are solo fathers has held steady at 12%. https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2018/04/25/the-changing-profile-of-unmarried-parents/ And who is it who supports abstinence only education? It isn't progressives. Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Programs Are Ineffective and Harmful to Young People, Expert Review Confirms https://www.guttmacher.org/news-release/2017/abstinence-only-until-marriage-programs-are-ineffective-and-harmful-young-people Abstinence-only sex education increases teen pregnancy in conservative US states, study finds https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/abstinence-sex-education-us-teen-pregnancy-rates-states-a8763051.html
  15. Well you do have a point about the infrastructure. Biden actually passed a huge bill which among other things targets these. His predecessor repeatedly promised a big infrastructure bill, much like he promised a big health care bill, but somehow failed ever to come up with one or the other. "The Senate on Tuesday approved an expansive bill to rebuild the nation’s aging roads and bridges, with $8.3 billion specifically targeted to water infrastructure projects in the West and billions more to fund national projects to mitigate the impact of wildfires. After months of negotiation among President Biden, Democrats and a group of moderate Republicans to forge a compromise, the Senate voted 69 to 30 in favor of the legislation. In the end, it had support from 19 Republicans, including Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky." https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2021-08-10/infrastructure-bill-california-water
  16. No. You failed to mention that he was turned away.
  17. Really? The US economy has been growing at a faster pace than any other major fully developed nation. Unemployment is low by historical standards Manufacturing is moving back. It's even producing gas and oil at record rates. How exactly is the USA falling apart?
  18. Where did I mention morality? Morality is quite arbitrary. For a devout Catholic using birth control is immoral.
  19. I'm getting tired of this. First off, it's distributed power. So it's not a case of one city depending on one other city. And the point is that batteries can be cheap enough at $20 to provide plenty of reserve power. And among other calculations that went into the MIT study, was research on weather from which algorithms were derived. Get back to me in the unlikely event that you read the article that I have linked to several times.
  20. After he was turned away he had to fetch his driver's license: Writing in his Daily Mail column, he said: "I want to pay a particular tribute to the three villagers who on Thursday rightly turned me away when I appeared in the polling station with nothing to prove my identity except the sleeve of my copy of Prospect magazine, on which my name and address had been printed. "I showed it to them and they looked very dubious… within minutes I was back with my driving licence and voted Tory." https://news.sky.com/story/boris-johnson-pays-tribute-to-polling-station-staff-who-refused-to-let-him-vote-without-photo-id-13128674
  21. Do I really have to explain the obvious to you? The hours a battery can discharge are based on a constant flow. So if less power is consumed at night then you will need less batteries discharging power.
  22. You seem utterly resistant to recognizing the the role that interconnectivity has to play in all this
  23. More information about yourself. Who knows, it may even be true. But true or not, it's utterly irrelevant to the topic at hand.
  24. First off, you take no account of the fact that nighttime consumption is far lower than daytime consumption. Utilities often charge lower rates at night than during the daytime precisely for this reason.
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