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  1. As I recall, da previous set of local elections resulted in another rout for the Tories. And Johnson was PM back then.
  2. First you tell us that dictionaries are woke. Now it's that fossil fuel companies are powerless against the onslaught of Big Green. Are you some kind of would-be comedian?
  3. To slightly modify an old proverb, you can lead a horse to evidence but you cannot make it think. I provided evidence with links concerning coal, gas, and nuclear energy. Coal and gas had huge spikes in prices not long ago and nuclear energy has had huge cost overruns. Do I really have to spell out for what that means for power rates? In addition, maybe you should consider that fact that renewables, while dominating as a percentage of new power plants being built, are still a fraction of the world's total installed base. As for how batteries will provide energy when the wind doesn't blow and the sun doesn't shine, if you actually are interested in learning something, here's a link to an article that explains an MIT report about getting to 100%. https://www.vox.com/energy-and-environment/2019/8/9/20767886/renewable-energy-storage-cost-electricity The report stipulates that the cost of a storage device should be about "$20 per kilowatt hour in energy capacity costs" The report projected that wouldn't happen until 2030 at the earliest. But, as has consistently been the case, battery technology has consistently outrun predictions: Form Energy to begin manufacturing iron air batteries in Weirton to stabilize electrical grid https://www.wesa.fm/environment-energy/2024-02-19/weirton-form-energy-battery-manufacturing Power when the sun doesn’t shine https://dmse.mit.edu/news/power-when-the-sun-doesnt-shine/
  4. In the future you should use this: https://archive.ph/ As for now: https://archive.ph/aOz70
  5. Parts of Gaza Are in Famine, World Food Program Chief Says The director of the World Food Program, Cindy McCain, says that parts of the Gaza Strip are experiencing a “full-blown famine” that is rapidly spreading throughout the territory after almost seven months of war. Ms. McCain is the second high-profile American leading a U.S. government or U.N. aid effort who has said that there is famine in northern Gaza, although her remarks do not constitute an official declaration, which is a complex bureaucratic process. “There is famine — full-blown famine in the north, and it’s moving its way south,” Ms. McCain said in excerpts released on Friday of an interview with “Meet the Press.” https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/04/world/middleeast/cindy-mccain-gaza-famine.html
  6. The thing is, Einstein's theory disproved the existence of the luminiferous aether. Whereas the denialists have repeatedly been proved wrong in their predictions that the climate was going to cool down in the early part of the 21st century. They are actually comparable to the scientists who disbelieved in Einstein's work.
  7. What makes it particularly moronic was that Planned Parenthood does offer such services. Yet right wing legislators have repeatedly attempted, and in some cases succeeded, in defunding Planned Parenthood.
  8. Yes, the comment you were replying to was particularly moronic. There have been referenda in several red states now, and in all of them the pro abortion rights proposals were endorsed by majorities.
  9. Interesting ideas? Really? How many people would be able to post a bond of $150,000? And this comment "If abortions are illegal but an abortion occurs, the man who impregnated the woman should be equally liable to prosecution." is an interesting idea? I love the part about the man being equally liable to prosecution". Given that the woman has died, that would mean no prosecution at all. Or maybe they dig up her body and put her on trial again? Of course, that's just a minor stupidity. Holding one person responsible for the independent choices of another is obviously nonsensical. And Cory1848's comment about punishing someone for impregnating a woman in a state with lack of access to medical care, while obviously nuts in itself, does go far to showing the real motivations behind the anti-abortion movement.Namely, it's the states that restrict and punish abortion most harshly are those that offer the lowest support for women needing neonatal care. Which just goes to show that the real motivation behind the antiabortion legislation is not about concern for the fetus, but about punishing women
  10. Not a matter of who supports or the validity of the case. It's your one-sidedness on particulars that's the issue.
  11. There's also this for you to contemplate: Cost overruns and delays risk nuclear’s place in energy transition https://archive.ph/4Aoky
  12. And here's something else for you to contemplate whilst you are doing your research: https://tradingeconomics.com/commodity/coal
  13. While you are busily engaged with your research, I though I might share this with you.
  14. Right., It's a case of Big Green showering them with cash while the bullied and impoverished teensy fossil fuel interests, unable to compete for the favor of the major financial institutions, cower helplessly. So sad.
  15. Addled much? Gotta give you credit for packing so much nonsense into so few words
  16. Unfortunately your comments about the sources of CO2 are false. We know that they are false for 2 reasons. The main reason is Carbon 14. Carbon 14 is continually created in the upper atmosphere by cosmic rays striking carbon atoms. After about 14,000 years, virtually all that carbon 14 decays into Carbon 12. The entire rise in CO2 since the onset of the industrial revolution is is composed of CO2 that contains no C14 but only C12. That would be coming from ancient and sequestered stocks of Carbon like OIl, natural gas, and coal. Similarly, volcanoes are a source of CO2 some if which is made up of Carbon 13, another isotope of Carbon, as well. There has been no rise in the gross production of CO2 that has a C13 component. In other words, you've got nothing.
  17. If we didn't have your word for it, one would think that you were in in the bag for Trump. Ignoring stuff like this much? Jury Hears Tape of Trump and Cohen Discussing Hush-Money Deal On it, Mr. Cohen discusses a hush-money deal that the parent company of The National Enquirer made on Mr. Trump’s behalf with the former Playboy model Karen McDougal, as well as the question of how to deal with “the financing” — that is, repaying — the supermarket tabloid’s publisher, David Pecker. “What financing?” Mr. Trump asked, suddenly snapping to attention. He then directed Mr. Cohen to “pay with cash.” https://archive.ph/XjcM8
  18. But you are the one with whom he disagrees about Brexit. And for him, that's what makes it an annoyance.
  19. Here's some evidence from 3 of the worlds leading financial analysis companies: Lazard, Ernst & Jung, and Mackenzie Woods. Got any evidence to rebut this? https://www.lazard.com/media/2ozoovyg/lazards-lcoeplus-april-2023.pdf Solar LCOE now 29% lower than any fossil fuel option, says EY A report from Ernst & Young (EY) shows that despite inflationary pressures, solar remains the cheapest source of new-build electricity. The global weighted average levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) for PV is now 29% lower than the cheapest fossil fuel alternative. https://www.pv-magazine.com/2023/12/08/solar-lcoe-now-29-lower-than-any-fuel-fossil-option-says-ey/ According to Wood Mackenzie’s latest analysis of the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) for the Asia Pacific (APAC) region, the LCOE from renewables reached a historic low in 2023. This is significant because it marks a shift toward making renewables increasingly competitive with coal, a mainstay in APAC’s energy mix. The driving force behind this trend is the substantial reduction in capital costs for renewable energy projects. https://electrek.co/2024/02/29/utility-solar-dethrones-coal-as-the-cheapest-power-source-in-asia/#:~:text=Renewable energy costs in Asia,according to a new study.
  20. This comment is just nonsensical. A hypocrite is a kind of liar. I'm not surprised that you think accusing someone of being a kind of liar isn't an insult. What makes it even less intelligent, which is a pretty hard thing to do, is that you characterized me as being a hypocrite on the basis of absolutely no evidence. What evidence is there in my comments that I am a hypocrite?
  21. In that case, it looks like all the dictionaries I consulted, are also woke. More nonsense from you.
  22. I decided to look at the definition of "denialist" offered by several dictionaries. None of them mentioned the holocaust. I think all of them used climate change denialist as an example. Some also used covid denialist as an example. I recognize that you used the more generic term "denier". But denialist is the word commonly used to characterize those who, like you, reject a widely accepted scientific theory.
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