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  1. This is relevant how? You mean Chinese aggression only counts if it takes place in Asean? So I guess the attacks it launched on India don't count either? Is Taiwan a member of Asean?
  2. "I was just suggesting that they move permanently to those other countries since they seem to be rooting for them rather than our friends." Just more binary thinking.
  3. The point you made before is the same kind of nonsense that was directed at protestors of the Vietnam War and the Iraq War. Namely, if they don't like it here, let them go and try to protest in Vietnam or Iraq.
  4. Sure. China's way of negotiating territorial disputes is to seize or settle disputed territories. Satellite Images Show China Building Houses on Neighbor's Territory https://www.newsweek.com/china-bhutan-building-house-territory-land-grab-satellite-imagery-1851900
  5. Please. The got their butts kicked in Western Ukraine by a far more lightly equipped foe. And they still have to recover all the territory they lost after their initial incursion in the east. If Russia didn't have an ally in Trump and the Republicans, the story would be very different now.
  6. It's amazing how many right wingers now acknowledge that the Iraq War and the Vietnam war were wrong and how few acknowledged it at the time. Let's see how hindsight changes their views of this war a year or 2 on.
  7. As you well know, since it was your comment I was replying to, you didn't call them idiots because they were blocking traffic etc. Here is your comment that I was replying to along with my reply:
  8. "Only a climate change alarmist would talk about the nutritional value of rice." I have heard climate change "alarmists" accused of many nonsensical practices, but this piece of lunacy takes take. You really don't have much use for science or data, do you? Is rice a good source of protein? "Rice, Oryza sativa, is the major staple food that provides a larger share of dietary energy for more of the population than other cereal crops. Moreover, rice has a significant amount of protein including four different fractions such as prolamin, glutelin, globulin, and albumin with different solubility characteristics. However, these proteins exhibit a higher amino acid profile, so they are nutritionally important and possess several functional properties. Compared with many other cereal grains, rice protein is hypoallergic due to the absence of gluten, and therefore it is used to formulate food for infants and gluten-allergic people. Furthermore, the availability makes rice an easily accessible protein source and it exhibits several activities in the human body which discernibly affect total health." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9370113/#:~:text=Moreover%2C rice has a significant,and possess several functional properties. Before you made your commen, dDid you even consider that it has been the staple food for many nations and empires for millennia ? And believe it or not, it is possible to include both rice and eggs in one's diet. It's not like you have to be a member of either Team Rice or Team Eggs. And I noticed you still have nothing to back up your claim that warming has boosted crops by 35% since 2000.
  9. Feeling inventive today? How about this from the real world: And this is from the latest IPCC report: Regional changes in the intensity and frequency of climate extremes generally scale with global warming. New evidence strengthens the conclusion from the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C (SR1.5) that even relatively small incremental increases in global warming (+0.5°C) cause statistically significant changes in extremes on the global scale and for large regions (high confidence). In particular, this is the case for temperature extremes (very likely), the intensification of heavy precipitation (high confidence) including that associated with tropical cyclones (medium confidence), and the worsening of droughts in some regions (high confidence). The occurrence of extreme events unprecedented in the observed record will rise with increasing global warming, even at 1.5°C of global warming. Projected percentage changes in frequency are higher for the rarer extreme events (high confidence). {11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.6, 11.9, Cross-Chapter Box 11 https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg1/downloads/report/IPCC_AR6_WGI_Chapter11.pdf Rising CO2 Levels Reduce Nutritional Value of Rice Higher concentrations of carbon dioxide are associated with reductions in protein and multiple key nutrients in rice, according to a new field study by an international team that included scientists from the University of Washington School of Public Health. The study, published today in Science Advances, shows for the first time that rice grown at concentrations of atmospheric CO2 expected by the end of this century has lower levels of four key B vitamins. The findings also support research from other field studies showing rice grown under higher CO2 concentrations has less protein, iron and zinc. https://sph.washington.edu/news-events/news/rising-co2-levels-reduce-nutritional-value-rice#:~:text=Higher concentrations of carbon dioxide,Washington School of Public Health.
  10. False. This is like saying that if you live in a wooden house, you're living in a house made of fuel. It's only a fuel when it's burned. Those clothes and computers contained substances derived from petroleum. Petroleum and its derivatives are only fuels when they're burned.
  11. Same kind of nonsense was said about those protesting the Vietnam war and the Iraq war. It turned out that it wasn't they who were the idiots.
  12. Not that "The West" will enter this war, but where has Russia demonstrated any great competence at warfare?
  13. Tell that to all the countries bordering on the South China Sea whose offshore territory China claims for its own.
  14. Are you going to deny that you rejected reports of massive food shortage in Gaza by quoting contrary claims from the Cogat. And didn't you post a claim from the IDF blaming Gazans for not escorting supply trucks in Gaza when it turned out that Israel was killing policemen accompanying those trucks? I certainly don't have the time to track those statements down.
  15. I have yet to see you offer an ounce of skepticism of any of the posts that included reports from the IDF or Cogat. That says it all.
  16. So, you're claiming that you trust the Palestinian reporters in Gaza? Seems unlikely, given that you have demonstrated again and again your trust in the reports from the IDF and Cogat.
  17. The battery has passed its real world tests with flying colors. That's why a 765 million dollar plant is now in the final phase of construction. This is a company who chief executive was in charge of battery development at Tesla. And it is not incumbent upon me to educate you. Why should I take hours or even days to paraphrase what is already on offer? I offered you a link to a thorough explanation of how their conclusions were arrived at. The simple takeaway is this: an M.I.T. study determined that to get to 100% renewables it would take a battery that costs $20 per kwh of capacity. To get to 95% renewables it would take a battery that costs $151 per kwh of capacity. At the time that article was written, even getting to $151 was considered to be improbable before the year 2030. Not only do lithium batteries now cost less than that, but at least one company has reached the $20 mark.
  18. One of the most bizarre and tendentious posts ever to appear on aseannow.com. And that's saying a lot.
  19. As Philip Bump pointed out in his article, young Americans were far more pro-Palestinian before this war.
  20. Why not? For the time being it hasn't been banned from the West Bank. "The ban did not appear to affect the channel’s operations in the occupied West Bank or Gaza Strip, where Israel wields control but which are not sovereign Israeli territory." https://apnews.com/article/israel-aljazeera-hamas-gaza-war-eba9416aea82f505ab908ee60d1de5e4
  21. Which, if anything, should mean that their protests were influenced by strong self-interest and not entirely based on principles.
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