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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Clearly, your comments betray no understanding of the the economic laws of supply and demand.
  2. Well, while it's touching in a way for you to confess to your own mental incapacity, I don't know why you're sharing it with us here. Are you looking for some kind of remediation?
  3. Maybe in an alternative universe Hillary claimed that she actually won the electoral vote and that a conspiracy by government officials denied her her rightful victory. Not so much in this one. You've got nothing.
  4. You mean pointing out its emptiness means it's not empty? You got any actual reasoning to back that assertion up?
  5. One explanation from that article: "The simplest case against sensationalism comes from understanding the sample sizes of many of these polls. Jackson and Cox are quick to point out that many of the headlines hyping up the discontent of young voters are reporting on numbers in the crosstabs of polls, which usually represent a smaller number of respondents with larger room for error. The USA Today/Suffolk poll, for example, was of 1,000 registered voters; the conclusion about Trump leading Biden was drawn from the responses of 238 people under the age of 35." https://www.vox.com/politics/24034416/young-voters-biden-trump-gen-z-polling-israel-gaza-economy-2024-election
  6. Just out of curiosity, do you think that the 2020 election was stolen too? Or is this your only venture into batsh*t conspiracy theorizing?
  7. First off, you're denying what you claimed earlier which was this: "if all these illegal immigrants are so industrious and hardworking, why are their own original countries so economically deprived? Why are such valuable assets able to leave their home countries so easily in the first place ?" So trying owning up to your falsehood instead of denying it. You may not see much value in what fast food delivery men offer society, but what about the people who plant and harvest America's produce, tend America's dairies, and staff its meat processing plants. And as for fast food delivery, delivery service has become crucial to large segments of the American restaurant industry which contributes close to 1 trillion dollars to American GDP. As for drug dealers, given the demand and economic opportunity, basic laws of supply and demand tell us there will no shortage of salespeople whether native or foreign born. Right. All those people working in jobs native born Americans won't do, are in the US to try and get on welfare.
  8. Here's a link to another article. He doesn't feature in it at all but other climatologists do. https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/north-atlantic-el-nino-national-oceanic-and-atmospheric-administration-scientists-university-of-sussex-b2356711.html Here's a link to another https://www.carbonbrief.org/daily-brief/north-atlantic-temperature-anomaly-sparks-concern-among-climate-scientists/ and another https://www.lemonde.fr/en/environment/article/2024/02/01/ocean-temperatures-reach-impressive-and-worrying-record-levels_6485327_114.html
  9. One has to be remarkably ignorant of history to to blame immigrants on the poor economic conditions of their country of birth. America is a nation of immigrants who mostly went there because the economies of their country was in poor shape. Are you claiming that these immigrants ruined the American economy?
  10. Whatever case you might have had, and what evidence you did provide shows how poorly you understand the documents case against Trump, this paragraph of yours clearly indicates why your comments are laughable. Unless, of course, you can prove evidence that the election really was stolen from Trump.
  11. For those of you who may be puzzled by Wrwest's comments in a thread about a warming North Atlantic, here's a summary of the movie I believe he's referring to: "The Day After Tomorrow is a 2004 American science fiction disaster film[2] conceived, co-written, directed, co-produced by Roland Emmerich, based on the 1999 book The Coming Global Superstorm by Art Bell and Whitley Strieber, and starring Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal, Sela Ward, Emmy Rossum, and Ian Holm. The film depicts catastrophic climatic effects following the disruption of the North Atlantic Ocean circulation, in which a series of extreme weather events usher in climate change and lead to a new ice age.[3][4]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Day_After_Tomorrow
  12. When I was a kid I thought that a great retort was "I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you." Apparently, some of us haven't outgrown that kind of thinking.
  13. Do you believe that in a threat entitled "The prospect of a second Trump presidency has the intelligence community on edge", members should not be mentioning him? Got any other ridiculous observations to share with us?
  14. If it is a problem, it's one created by the Republicans who subpoenaed him to do just that. What's worse, if past is prologue, he'll succeed in refuting their nonsense, too.
  15. Why focus only on their crimes? What about the crimes by authorized aliens that have actually happened?
  16. So far you've posted only irrelevancies and personal comments. I have no idea what you mean by me turning my head away. Certainly not from the stuff you've posted here.
  17. And would the murders have happened from authorized aliens if no aliens were authorized to be in the country?
  18. Since you've got nothing substantive to answer with, you make it personal. You've still got nothing.
  19. Nor would crimes by authorized aliens have occurred if Biden had barred them from entry. What's your point?
  20. Have you any more irrelevant comments to add?
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