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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. What are you planning to say to the families of the proportionately more numerous Americans killed by the native born? You've still got nothing.
  2. The issue isn't whether it was sarcasm; but, rather, what was the target of the sarcasm.
  3. He wasn't fired. Along with a lot of other officials from the Trump administration, Biden asked him to step down. This is not unusual when a new administration takes office. And what does it matter if he is rich or not. It the implications for public policy. What kind of medical system is it where treatment for dehydration can cost $5000? And the US has a terrible healthcare performance compared to other advanced economies. It costs more and the results are mostly worse. Except if you're wealthy. If money is no object, then it's great.
  4. But there's a lot lot less of it among where it counts: actual elected officials. Keep in mind that almost 3/4 of Republican House members voted not to approve of the 2020 election results.
  5. As far as Kushner goes, it's even worse. While he was still the Mideast Czar, his family got a huge bailout via at least in part thanks to Qatar from a disastrous investment that Kushner made. Qatar was involved in intensive negotiations with Kushner to help get Saudi Arabia off its back. The only reason we even know of this is that NY law mandates that certain investors involvement has to be made public. The terms of the investment made zero sense for the investors. Except, of course, if it could win them important favors elsewhere.
  6. 'Former US Surgeon General Jerome Adams said he got a $5,000 bill for a recent ER visit. He said he was fighting the bill, which had been "mentally taxing." His experience highlights big problems with US healthcare, including high costs and no transparency. https://news.yahoo.com/former-us-surgeon-general-says-202911840.html
  7. Thanks for the explanation. But, don't think that the oceans are actually releasing CO2 into the atmosphere. Certainly not on balance. Rather the uptake of CO2 is being slowed. Unlike oxygen, CO2 constitutes a double hex. Elevated levels of carbonic acid in the water lead to all sorts of dire consequences thanks to the lowered PH. Among other things, it inhibits mollusks, corals, foraminifera and other sea creatures from making shells. The level of Carbonic acid in the sea is still rising but at a somewhat lowered pace as the oceans get warmer. So the lessened uptake keeps more CO2 in the atmosphere than would otherwise be the case.
  8. Between the ages of 3 and 58, president Donald Trump inherited at least $413 million from his father’s business empire using some potentially fraudulent tax-dodging methods, a blockbuster New York Times investigation shows. The last tranche came in 2004—years after his father, Fred, died—when Trump and his siblings sold off their father’s empire. The deal seems to have been done in a rush, and they offloaded the building for hundreds of millions less than it was worth, the Times reports. Nonetheless, Donald picked up $177.3 million, or $236.2 million at today’s rates, the Times reports. https://qz.com/1411006/trumps-413-million-inheritance-doesnt-explain-his-mysterious-cash-spending And keep in mind that in current dollars that would amount to a lot more. Once Trump's father was out of the scene, Trump repeatedly got out-negotiated and paid way too much for businesses and asset he acquired. With the result that... TRUMP WENT BROKE, BUT STAYED ON TOP https://archive.ph/wWo9N https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1992/11/29/trump-went-broke-but-stayed-on-top/e1685555-1de7-400c-99a8-9cd9c0bca9fe/ Basically, Trump exploited the dismal state of bankruptcy law to retain much of his fortune.
  9. Nothing you've cited has any bearing on whether undocumented aliens commit proportionately more crimes of violence than do authorized immigrants or native-born Americans. As for crime in red sections of the USA In Rural America, Violent Crime Reaches Highest Level in a Decade The loss of jobs and the opioid epidemic are two of the biggest reasons. https://www.governing.com/archive/gov-crime-rural-urban-cities.html
  10. So, since you've got no sensible answer, you try to make it personal instead. You've got nothing.
  11. Underlying psychological traits could explain why political satire tends to be liberal The need for cognition — a psychological term used to describe the enjoyment of thinking and analyzing problems — could help explain the differences in humor appreciation between liberals and conservatives. According to new research in Psychology of Popular Media Culture, political conservatives tend to score lower on a measure of need for cognition, which is related to their lack of appreciation for irony and exaggeration. “Having studied the content, effects, and psychological processing of political humor and satire for 20 years, I could never escape the question of why political satire tends to be liberal,” said study author Dannagal G. Young, an associate professor at the University of Delaware and author of the forthcoming book Irony and Outrage: The Polarized Landscape of Rage, Fear, and Laughter in the United States. https://www.psypost.org/underlying-psychological-traits-could-explain-why-political-satire-tends-to-be-liberal/
  12. So how would those checks and balances work, say, if the President had Senators who opposed him murdered?
  13. Clearly, you don't understand what "primary driver" signifies. In this case it means that global warming is the ultimate source of this anomalous rise in temperature. But there are intermediate processes not yet fully understood that have led to the current situation.
  14. The narcisstic mouth pointed out that the "evidence" offered or claimed to exist by the Republicans has repeatedly been discredited or has evaporated. If CNN is a disinformation channel, then you should definitely report that to the mods.
  15. Also, the lower the CO2 retaining capacity. A dramatic example of this is what happens when someone opens a can of warm soda.
  16. I'm not sure how much your observation has to do with thinking. At least with rational thinking. Like so many other denialists, you don't seem able to distinguish between climate and weather.
  17. You asked how I judged your political stance. I cited this post of yours as as further evidence. Nowhere did I liken you to Joe Biden. That was your own weird take on my post.
  18. New Research on Illegal Immigration and Crime Like our other research on illegal immigration and crime in Texas, this working paper uses data collected by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) that records and keeps the immigration statuses of those arrested and convicted of crimes in Texas. As far as we’ve been able to tell, and we’ve filed more than 50 state FOIA requests to confirm, Texas is the only state that records and keeps the immigration statuses of those entering the criminal justice system... In 2018, the illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 782 per 100,000 illegal immigrants, 535 per 100,000 legal immigrants, and 1,422 per 100,000 native‐born Americans. https://www.cato.org/blog/new-research-illegal-immigration-crime-0
  19. The problem with the polls showing the under 35 support for Trump is that they were based on the number of voters in the crosstabs of the polls. So a poll that may have started out with 1000 people ended up withn 238 voters under the age of 35. That's a noisy poll. Also, it's still a long way out and people only start focusing on the elections after the conventions. I wonder what conclusions those younger voters will draw when when see videos of Trump repeatedly claiming credit for overthrowing Roe v. Wade. As for whinging daily for 4 years...if they do, they will only be following the example of Trump supporters who have been whimpering about the 2020 election for over three years already.
  20. Also, the dairy industry How undocumented immigrants became the backbone of dairies — and how to keep the milk flowing in America’s Dairyland Farmers, experts say reliance on immigrant workers, many of them in the U.S. illegally, will continue unless dairies — and Congress — make significant changes https://wisconsinwatch.org/2017/10/how-undocumented-immigrants-became-the-backbone-of-dairies-and-how-to-keep-the-milk-flowing-in-americas-dairyland/ U.S. Dairy Industry’s Economic Impact Totals $753 Billion https://www.idfa.org/news/u-s-dairy-industrys-economic-impact-totals-753-billion
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