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  1. I think his point was pretty clear. Some pregnancies are dangerous to a woman's health. Laws like the one in Idaho make it unclear when a physician can intervene to save a woman from the consequences of such a pregnancy. In effect, it means that a physician risks imprisonment if the state decides she has broken the law. In fact, women are already being endangered by such laws. If you were a woman with a problematic pregnancy, would you rather be in a living in a state where such laws make the government's judgement paramount?
  2. In the meantime, it's Trump and his supporters who are still sniveling about the 2020 election.
  3. Inside Mar-a-Lago, Where Thousands Partied Near Secret Files "Most of the classified documents in August were found in a storage area, which is accessible through two sets of arched doors, people familiar with the property told The Times. The doors are near the pool area, a popular event space."... "Federal agents seized documents, including ones labeled as “Top Secret,” from a small room within the storage area, a space where cleaning supplies, beach chairs and umbrellas were also kept." "Security camera footage from the hallway outside had captured a Trump aide moving boxes from the storage area, both before and after the Justice Department subpoenaed Mr. Trump and demanded the return of classified records." https://archive.ph/AJrNr https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/12/15/us/mar-a-lago-trump-documents.html
  4. Well, for one thing your claim that because creatures began in the sea, this somehow means that there isn't overwhelming evidence to support the theory of evolution with particular reference to humans.
  5. This is false. As the secret service itself has said, it was there to protect persons, not property. The areas where Trump stored many of the documents were not where he or family members were likely to be. Former President Donald Trump allegedly kept classified documents at various places in his Mar-a-Lago resort, including a public ballroom, bathroom and a bedroom. According to the special counsel’s indictment of Trump released Friday, the Florida resort hosted more than 150 social events including weddings, movie premiers and fundraisers between January 2021 and August 2022, when the FBI executed a court-approved search of the premises for the documents. While the Secret Service protected Trump and family members after he left office, the agency wasn’t responsible for the boxes or contents, nor did Trump say classified documents were at Mar-a-Lago, the indictment states. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/09/politics/heres-where-donald-trump-allegedly-kept-classified-documents-at-mar-a-lago/index.html Where Documents Were Found at Mar-a-Lago https://archive.ph/Ibkws https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/06/09/us/politics/trump-indictment-documents-mar-a-lago.html
  6. He also hated Communists and Socialists and had them slaughtered by the thousands. He did the same to unionists. That article is by George Watson, an old line cold warrior. In fact, if you look at Hitler's actual policy, they had nothing to do with the state seizing the means of production which is the essence of socialism. Rather, his economic policies were aligned with supporting the major business interests at the expense of workers and supporting the military. This combined with nationalism and xenophobia are the essence of fascism.
  7. The used the word "Socialist" in their name, therefore they must have been socialists. That pretty much sums up the evidence.
  8. Do you believe that forms of fascism are the only options? No other choices out there?
  9. Please share with us the evidence that Trump is popular with black Americans.
  10. The Dobbs decision proved to be a disaster for Republicans in the midterm. But for some reason, so far, most voters don't connect states' extreme anti-abortion laws to Trump. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/02/trump-biden-2024-election-roe-dobbs-poll/ The Democrats will do their best to educate voters by featuring videos such as these boasts from Trump.
  11. But before there were animals in the sea there was life. Cyanobacteria for one. And it's still irrelevant to the issue of subsequent evolution.
  12. This way, you can go on living in your own error-ridden world. Another example of the law of the conservation of ignorance.
  13. You're the one who wrongly questioned the theory of evolution and then claimed I "didn't know what evolution theory was. Hoist by your own petard, much?
  14. What Christian values was I attacking? And I think you need to repeat first grade.
  15. Who doesn't know the scientific argument? Here's your question again: "Do you have proof of evolution? Who created the sea animals?" You clearly didn't understand the article you linked to. Here's a quote from it: "It wasn't until a billion years later that the first life was brought forth, filling the atmosphere with oxygen." Animals don't create oxygen. Actually, the earliest sea life in the fossil record is cyanobacteria. "The oldest known fossils, in fact, are cyanobacteria from Archaean rocks of western Australia, dated 3.5 billion years old." https://ucmp.berkeley.edu/bacteria/cyanofr.html#:~:text=The oldest known fossils%2C in,dated 3.5 billion years old. And what does this have to do with human evolution? Or, for that matter any evolution subsequent to the record offered by the earliest fossils?
  16. You're "Pretty sure Biden lies all the time."? Now there's a shocker! All groups have loosened their standards on the relevance of personal morality to performance in office. But White Evangelicals have shifted the most. From having the least tolerance to having the most. Has Trump caused white Evangelicals to change their tune on morality? In 2011, only 30 percent believed that personal immorality was consistent with an ethical performance of official duties. Today, 72 percent of white evangelicals—up an astounding 42 points–believe that the two can go together... As recently as 2011, white evangelicals were the least likely of any religious group (including unaffiliated Americans) to say that personal immorality was compatible with an ethical political life. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/has-trump-caused-white-evangelicals-to-change-their-tune-on-morality/
  17. Can anybody here explain what Dolf thinks he's getting at by citing sea animals? I don't expect much of one from him.
  18. I get it. Fossils were created by God to fool humans into believing in evolution. It's a test of faith.
  19. Not surprising that that Evangelical Christians, who overwhelmingly believe that humans are not the product of evolution, but were created by God in the Garden of Eden, also believe in Trump.
  20. Unlike this Marxist: Luke 18:24-25 King James Version (KJV) And when Jesus saw that he was very sorrowful, he said, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God! For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. https://www.bible.com/bible/compare/LUK.18.24-25
  21. Bobolinski previously claimed that he had incriminating evidence against Biden stored on his mobile phones. Rupert Murdoch's Wall Street Journal and Fox News meticulously examined the contents of those phones and found nothing.
  22. "Common knowledge" is just another lazy all-purpose expression like "everybody knows that". It has zero corroborating value.
  23. After leaving office Trump actually read out loud to a journalist and others from a document he acknowledged was still classified.
  24. "The remaining OBGYNs will adapt and quality medical treatment will prevail." Because they were underworked and had plenty of time to spare?
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