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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. What I said was to the effect that it's significant that the White House has backed way off its unqualified backing of Israel. That reality has forced it and Israel's other allies to qualify their support. Unlike you, they can no longer accept, for example, that Israel is not obstructing delivery of aid to Gaza. Of course, you may have changed your tune on that issue since the last time I dropped in on this forum. Or maybe you're still supporting the relevant Israeli authorities' laughable claim in that regard. Because to you, they are still authoritative. A pretty lonely position to hold.
  2. Really? You claimed that a White House is an authoritative source. Because by the very nature of being a spokesman for the White House, propositions will be advanced that would run counter to the favored political narrative? It is to laugh.
  3. Haven't the time or inclination to go back. I do recall you blaming Islam for the hatred Palestinians feel for Israel and not recognizing at all the relevance of Israel's brutal and rapacious treatment of Palestinians for the last 50+ years. That would be proof of your ignorance.
  4. Tell me, when the Iraq war was ongoing, did you accept White House statements as being authoritative? Naive much?
  5. I'm not about to engage in giving you a course in remedial reading. My schadenfreude, if it exists, would be from the fact that your predictions have failed and your ignorance exposed. Much the way that I might have enjoyed the discomfort of the neocons when their predictions about Iraq failed.
  6. It's not news or significant when a Biden Administration official continues with its policy of supporting Israel. What is interesting and significant is the breaks that are occurring with more and more frequency. And as even Kirby noted "And it is the how that the president was focused on, the way these operations are being prosecuted, and the additional harm that it being brought upon civilian aid workers and innocent Gazans."
  7. I would certainly have grounds for schadenfreude as the predictions of you and your fellow travelers come up croppers.
  8. I'm holding hostages? How did you find that out? It hasn't been easy locatng kosher meals for them here in Thailand. But I'm doing my best. Anyway, you got any different approaches at deflection to come up with? Or are you just going to keep on trying to make it personal?
  9. That I replied with two separate posts is relevant how? More deflection from you. And it was you who raised the issues of the hostages in your reply. Hoist by your own petard much?
  10. But at least it has succeeded in destroying Hamas... Or is about to... There's no doubt about that, right?
  11. How's that hostage recovery going so far? You don't seem to recognize the fact it's not just Hamas but the Netanyahu government that is being held responsible by an increasing number of Israelis for the failure to obtain the return of the hostages.
  12. More emotional and evasion from you. Not even Israel's staunchest allies believe Israel's claims anymore about its concern for non-combatants. I've seen no evidence of any contrition from Israelis for the harm wreaked upon Palestinians because of Israel's support of Hamas.
  13. What day do you suggest we adopt to memorialize the thousands and thousands of non-combatant Gazans who died and are maimed because of Israeli brutality? Virtually none of Israel's allies are buying anymore its claim that it did its best to avoid inflicting casualties and starvation on civilians.
  14. About those hysterical references to the Holocaust.. you mean like repeating the mantra that October the 7th is the day that the most Jews were killed since the Holocaust?
  15. More empty emotionalism. Another evasion of facts.
  16. There are lots of ways to make a point. Sarcasm is one of them. There are also lots of way to evade addressing a point. Which is what you've just done. Sarcasm is what the simpleminded quote you offered deserves. "On this somber occasion, our nation should reexamine who we can count on to be on our side and who stands on the side of the terrorists."
  17. Yes, even the United States is now migrating to the side of the terrorists. Poor, innocent Israel.
  18. The Israeli invasion of Gaza looks to be an even bigger success than the Iraq War was...for Israel's enemies. In Six Months, Everything Has Changed for Israel Nation that was building new alliances before Oct. 7 now appears as isolated as ever Today, after a bloody attack that might have brought it the world’s sympathy, Israel is closer to being a global pariah than ever before... “Israel’s longevity is in question for the first time since its birth,” said Benny Morris, an Israeli historian. The only time Israel faced a similar existential threat, he said, was in its war for independence in 1948, when it battled five Arab countries and local Palestinian militias. https://archive.ph/LWU1m https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/in-six-months-everything-has-changed-for-israel-5c5130e9?mod=world_lead_story
  19. Very believable. Or maybe not: Israel’s major ground war in Gaza is over; the state of war inflicted by Hamas is not Sunday’s withdrawal of IDF ground forces from Khan Younis marks the end of so-called high-intensity conflict, though Hamas is still standing, and still holding 129 Oct. 7 hostages Is this how the war ends? Not with a bang, or even a whimper, but with the IDF pulling its ground forces out of Khan Younis, and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant asserting, in defiance of reality, that Hamas has “stopped functioning as a military organization throughout the Gaza Strip,” contradicting himself in the next breath, and clarifying a few hours later?... As Israel on Sunday marked six months since the October 7 massacre, the two prime declared goals of the war — destroying Hamas’s military capabilities and bringing home the remaining 129 hostages abducted that day — are patently unfulfilled... As retired general Israel Ziv — a former IDF operations chief who plunged back into battle on October 7, driving down south to see what he could do to help turn back the Hamas terror onslaught — told a Channel 12 interviewer soon after Gallant spoke, “in these very hours” Khan Younis is going “back into Hamas hands.” And in the absence of any kind of alternate leadership, “Hamas’s control in the Strip continues.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/israels-major-ground-war-in-gaza-is-over-the-state-of-war-inflicted-by-hamas-is-not/
  20. Can anyone recommend a good swimming instructor for a 9 year old child?
  21. I believe that this person has me on ignore. So someone may want to pass along this passage that comes from the article in question. "Adding further greenhouse gases to the atmosphere warms the ocean cool skin layer, which in turn reduces the amount of heat flowing out of the ocean. Reducing the heat lost to the atmosphere allows the oceans to steadily warm over time - as has been observed over the last half century." https://skepticalscience.com/How-Increasing-Carbon-Dioxide-Heats-The-Ocean.html It should be pointed out that this is the 2nd paragraph in the article.
  22. No, not from the UN. Basically from treaties. "Treaties are primary sources of international law. Conventional international law is based on consent of state parties and as such treaties applies only between those consenting parties. In determining treaty application, check to see which state parties have both signed and ratified the treaties" https://libguides.uclawsf.edu/international-law/treaties#:~:text=Treaties are primary sources of,signed and ratified the treaties
  23. The study I cited earlier from the CATO institute has been updated. Here is a summary of the most important findings "According to Nowrasteh's findings from 2012 to 2022, undocumented immigrants have a homicide conviction rate 14% below that of native-born Americans... Most of the data on crime and immigration status in the U.S. comes from the Texas Department of Public Safety, the only agency that keeps such detailed records. Texas has the nation's second-highest population of undocumented immigrants after California, Nowrahsteh said, adding that he believes national data would be similar." https://www.cato.org/blog/illegal-immigrants-have-low-homicide-conviction-rate-setting-record-straight-illegal-immigrant And here is a link to the study itself. Illegal Immigrants Have a Low Homicide Conviction Rate: Setting the Record Straight on Illegal Immigrant Crime https://www.cato.org/blog/illegal-immigrants-have-low-homicide-conviction-rate-setting-record-straight-illegal-immigrant Lots of interesting data there.
  24. Congratulating someone on the aptness of name that was obviously meant as a joke would be irrelevant even if it were meant as a compliment. I have offered data to you. In return you offer rants. Yours is the disingenuousness of a child. Grow up.
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