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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. Have I maligned you? If you don't believe that Trump was robbed of his legitimate victory in the 2020 election, then you have my sincere apology. Of course, that doesn't have any relevance to the multitude of the deluded who still cling to that belief.
  2. Last time Trump didn't start with many extreme right wingers including Christian Nationalists.
  3. Well, given that the lack of valid evidence never stopped you people in the past, I don't see why the lack of it would in the future.
  4. If you had no history of posting here you might have a better case.
  5. Maybe Trump plans to abolish the FBI and replace it with the KGB? Trump sides with Russia against FBI at Helsinki summit US President Donald Trump has defended Russia over claims of interference in the 2016 presidential election. After face-to-face talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Mr Trump contradicted US intelligence agencies and said there had been no reason for Russia to meddle in the vote. Mr Putin reiterated that Russia had never interfered in US affairs. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-44852812
  6. But they cite actual data to support the case. Whereas you just cite your impressions and given your political orientation, there's nothing surprising in either what your impressions are or the conclusions you draw from them.
  7. Well, for you it's a no lose situation., Even if the official count declares Trump the loser, you and your fellow Trumpistas will claim that he really won.
  8. I would call those comments frank. They were about what you wrote. For a comment to qualify as rude, I think it would have to be personal. Of course, if you take comments about what you write personally, there's nothing I can do about that.
  9. That argument was already rebutted not only by the Inspector General of the Justice Dept, but also by John Durham, who was appointed to reinvestigate the issue because William Barr was dissatisfied with the AG's conclusion about the role that political prejudice played in the original investigation.
  10. Why did you choose these 3 particular governments? What are your criteria?
  11. The source of the power is utterly irrelevant to that issue of grid capacity. Did you not read that there are already sources in place waiting to hook up to the grid? From the article: "Last year, a study from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory called “Queued Up” revealed that at the end of 2022, more than 10,000 power plant and energy storage projects (95% were zero-carbon resources) were waiting for permits to connect to the grid. That’s enough additional capacity to double the country’s electricity output, mostly from clean energy."
  12. Thank you for your nonpartisan and entirely objective report.
  13. according to those graphs foreign born employment has increased by more than 2 million since just before the covid crash. Not the one million you clam. And the reason for the decline in native born workers' percentage of the population is simple: Immigrants’ Share of the U.S. Labor Force Grows to a New High Native-born workers’ slice is shrinking as retirements rise and population growth slows https://archive.ph/tHanL https://www.wsj.com/articles/immigrants-share-of-the-u-s-labor-force-grows-to-a-new-high-67805c45
  14. You might want to check whose name is in the topic line of this thread before making accusations about TSD. Given your apparent inability to understand what it means for his name to feature in the topic line, maybe it's you who should be seeking help.
  15. There have been all kinds of predictions about all kinds of things since forever. But climatology only got its start as a science in the 1970's with the advent of advanced computing power.
  16. The U.S.' aging infrastructure is struggling to keep pace with the rapid growth of renewable energy. IEEE: improvements and replacements to the grid’s 8,000 power-generation units; 600,000 circuit miles of AC transmission lines and 70,000 substations to support increased renewable energy and battery storage could cost $2.5 trillion. Upgrading existing lines using advanced conductors actually costs less than half what a new power line would cost because it does away with much of the construction spending. https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/This-Might-Be-The-Fastest-Way-to-Double-US-Grid-Capacity.html
  17. Immigration has propelled the U.S. job market further than just about anyone expected, helping cement the country’s economic rebound from the pandemic as the most robust in the world. That momentum picked up aggressively over the past year. About 50 percent of the labor market’s extraordinary recent growth came from foreign-born workers between January 2023 and January 2024, according to an Economic Policy Institute analysis of federal data. https://news.yahoo.com/economy-roaring-immigration-key-reason-181700645.html
  18. Whether or not the rich can exploit opportunities - and since when hasn't that been the case - is irrelevant. Now maybe you're a socialist and resent private enterprise. Me, I'm all for for it as the best way of making progress. As for the science, the denialists have consistently been proven wrong in their predictions about the global warming trend. So, all they've got left is to allege a huge conspiracy to deny them their say.
  19. Well, apparently, the people who criticize climate change on account of the behavior of the wealthy and prominent, think personal details are somehow scientific data.
  20. And, of course, even worse is that his daughter and son-in-law were actually high level govt officials, particularly Jared Kushner who was assigned responsibility for the Mideast. Even while Kushner was still a government official, Qatar participated in bailing his family out of Kushner's disastrous purchase of a building in Manhattan. We only know that because under NY law certain investments have to be made public. We still don't know how much of the total investment was Qatar's and other possible participants. There is is virtually universal agreement that the terms of the agreement make no financial sense for the investors. So most likely the participants were parties with money to burn.
  21. Nepotism would be Biden giving his son a job or intervening to get him one. I don't know that there's any evidence that really happened. Whereas Trump's three dim bulbs we're all working directly for him.
  22. Well, he is stating some facts. Hunter Biden admitted to Devon Archerthat he was using his father's name to get business. He also admitted that he had absolutely no influence over his father. And it's true that Biden didn't sanction Baturina. But it's also true that Baturina is no longer an oligarch. She's living in exile, an enemy of the current Russian regime.
  23. It's clear you don't understand that facts aren't enough. The facts have to be relevant.
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