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  1. Please share with us who in this thread or any other supports the belief that the state should own the means of production.
  2. I assume you're referring to Thomas Jefferson who had his own version of the New testament printed without any references to the miracles that Jesus supposedly performed.
  3. Do you know how many times "God" is mentioned in the body of the Constitution? If your answer is greater than zero, then you're wrong. You think the founding fathers just forgot to put it in?
  4. Jesus also said "Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and one’s foes will be members of one’s own household” (Matthew 10:34-36)." So maybe Jesus was, after all, just another one of those vengeful Jews that anti-Semites like you are so fond of postulating?
  5. That's because, like most politicians, they believe in invoking unpopular sentiments no matter what the political cost.
  6. A larger but rapidly declining percentage. Only 49% of millennials describe themselves as Christian 40%, say they have no religious affiliation. And the rest follow other religions. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2019/10/17/in-u-s-decline-of-christianity-continues-at-rapid-pace/
  7. The pledge of allegiance is not a legal document. In fact, i the original version was a creation of a socialist, Francis Bellamy. It was only in 1954,, during the Red Scare, that "under God" was added to the text.
  8. It's clear that you haven't followed the link to the information. If ignorance is bliss, I envy you your happiness.
  9. Are the police terrorists? Can you document what terrorist acts they have committed? What we do know is that Israel targeted them while they were carrying out crucial police functions.
  10. I have provided a link on what it means to be an occupying power. Israel was widely held to qualify for that position even before its invasion of Gaza. A government that doesn't govern is obviously incompatible with the existence of an occupying power. The 2 can't coexist. It doesn't make sense.
  11. Whether or not Hamas is paying its police force is irrelevant. The issue is whether or not the police are able to perform police functions. Have you looked up the meaning of de facto yet?
  12. Sure, and if all the police were removed from a major city and rioting broke out, the lack of police would have nothing to do with it. And to make it worse, in the case of gaza, there are desperate and starving people as well as criminal gangs. Such nonsense you come up with. And more nonsense when you claim that it is legitimate to target the police when they are engaged in functions that are not only perfectly legitimate but crucial to Gazans survival. Now if the Israelis were to offer to provide security to convoys, you might have half a point. But they haven't, so you don't.
  13. Actually, the liar in question is named Smirnov but a shared love of Smirnoff might explain why the Republicans have pushed this nonsense for so long.
  14. The problem isn't only confined to Northern Gaza. And what this article fails to note is that Israel has made it too dangerous for local police to provide security for escorts: Israel Struck Palestinian Police Escorting Gaza Aid, Says US Envoy The top U.S. diplomat involved in humanitarian assistance for Gaza said on Friday that Israeli forces earlier this month killed Palestinian police protecting a U.N. aid convoy in the enclave's embattled southern city of Rafah. As a result, Palestinian police have refused to protect convoys, hampering aid deliveries inside Gaza because of threats from criminal gangs, said David Satterfield, Washington's special regional envoy for humanitarian issues. “With the departure of police escorts, it has been virtually impossible for the U.N. or anyone else, Jordan, the UAE, or any other implementer to safely move assistance in Gaza because of criminal elements,” Satterfield told an event hosted by the Washington-based Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. https://www.usnews.com/news/world/articles/2024-02-16/israel-struck-palestinian-police-escorting-gaza-aid-says-us-envoy
  15. I just cited an article from the Wall St. Journal about Israel targeting the police. But if that's not enough for you, how about this: "Israel has not presented specific evidence for its claim that Hamas is diverting U.N. aid, and its recent targeted killings of Gaza police commanders safeguarding truck convoys have made it “virtually impossible” to distribute the goods safely, a top U.S. envoy said in rare public criticism of Israel... David Satterfield, the Biden administration’s special Middle East envoy for humanitarian issues, said that with the departure of police escorts following Israeli strikes, criminal gangs are increasingly targeting the truck convoys carrying badly needed aid. He said the lawlessness as well as regular Israeli protests at entry points by those opposed to aid going into Gaza have disrupted delivery. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/u-s-envoy-says-israel-has-not-shown-evidence-that-hamas-is-diverting-un-aid-in-gaza
  16. Well, given that they are police, they are armed. And given that Hamas controlled the government, the police were members of Hamas. That doesn't make them soldiers or terrorists.
  17. You're evading the fact that Israel is targeting the very people who could protect convoys.
  18. Those would be expected consequence of both the lack of an active police force and of desperate people facing starvation.
  19. My post was not just about Northern Gaza. Also, it doesn't specifically address the fact that Israel is attacking Hamas police which makes it too hazardous for them to enforce public safety. As the NY Times article I quoted above notes: "Gazan policemen are now refusing to protect the convoys because they fear they will be targeted by Israel because of their affiliation with the Hamas-run government, the officials said." And the Wall St. Journal that I quoted above notes that "Aid groups had been working with Hamas police forces to deliver aid, but U.N. officials said they were increasingly reluctant to do so because they have been targeted by the Israeli military. Tetro said “Hamas blue police” should be responsible for providing security for aid distribution. But he declined to say how they could continue do so when they have been attacked by Israeli forces that have set out to end Hamas security control in Gaza." 2 interesting articles. Have you read them?
  20. Posting here instead of engaging in personal relationships is the most useful thing I can do for society. At least, that's what my parole officer says.
  21. To those who suffer from the delusion that Hamas is still running things in Gaza: Gazans Ambush Aid Convoys Amid Food Shortages "But the Western officials said the attacks appeared to be mostly organized by groups of Gazans who were unaffiliated with Hamas, or were the spontaneous acts of desperate civilians. Hamas officials are barely present on the ground in any part of Gaza, the officials said, and international aid organizations are no longer coordinating their movements with the group that until October controlled the entirety of the territory... Gazan policemen are now refusing to protect the convoys because they fear they will be targeted by Israel because of their affiliation with the Hamas-run government, the officials said." https://archive.ph/1bvtW https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/02/21/world/israel-hamas-war-gaza-news Vital Aid Fails to Reach Gazans as Security Void Grows Aid groups had been working with Hamas police forces to deliver aid, but U.N. officials said they were increasingly reluctant to do so because they have been targeted by the Israeli military. Tetro said “Hamas blue police” should be responsible for providing security for aid distribution. But he declined to say how they could continue do so when they have been attacked by Israeli forces that have set out to end Hamas security control in Gaza. https://archive.ph/oRAD2 https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/vital-aid-fails-to-reach-gazans-as-security-void-grows-46d010c9
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