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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. I asked this question of a top Thai cancer specialist and he said no, microwaved food does not cause cancer.

    But I will not microwave foods using cling film or plastics or packaging that foods come in. I use only Pyrex or similar.

  2. My small dog is trained on paper and at 6 months + is now able to hold her pee for longer. She goes outdoors 3 or 4 times each day and may pee and poop while out.

    But I need to get her trained to go out on the balcony and know that there are Dog Potties (portable and non-portable) available in USA, Australia, etc.

    Does anyone know if and where available in Thailand?

    Any other suggestion will be gratefully received!

  3. No comments about the merits of the various View Talay projects? There seems to be 6 from what I can gather.

    In the Search box at the bottom of ThaiVisa page enter 'View Talay' or 'VT' and you will find volumes of info on VTs. Also, VT 1 and or VT2 has its own website.

  4. I have been renting for 3 years at the Jomtien Condotel. Plus - - - great pool and good tennis courts. Direct beach access and good security. I have never bought cuz rent is so cheap. The only real downside is the constant renovations that occur - over 300 units in each bldg. The reno is really a pain after a while as the building is extremely poorly insulated. That being said - if I had not found Jomtien Condotel I would have left Pattaya - Jomtien a long time ago....

    Do you think it would be possible to insulate a unit while doing a reno?

  5. Have you thought about Jomthien Condotel? You should be able to get a renovated studio for 1.5 or under. Has a Management Company and, I think, decent Co-owners Committees. At least they are not secretive about what they do with co-owners' money - everything is posted on the notice board every month! Recently put in new elevators. Buildings were repainted last year. Security is good because they have glassed in the elevator and stair areas and can only be accessed by key card and cards have fairly recently been 'redone' so you can be sure that not too many are floating around Pattaya held by ex-boyfriends. And just 200 and a little bit meters from Dongtan beach.

  6. It is the container ships off of Laem Chabang that are the main contributors. Heading out to Ko Sichang you see a lot of garbage freshly released. It's pretty hard to prevent, those ships don't care who gets the garbage, it goes overboard as they head out.

    What happens in other ports? Is it the responsibility of the Port Authority? No doubt our City Hall has communicated with Laem Chabang. Hopefully our local press is reporting this and passing it on to national press.

  7. Absolutely! It's the complainers of this world who stop total chaos.

    The only good thing about complainers is that they raise their own blood pressure and are more susceptible to heart failure.

    In our village..well in our street there are 2 houses at the end of the street that between them have 6-8 dogs and the noise they make at night is rediculous. Not all of them have collars and some of them walk down the street to crap outside our house..other peoples house too

    Spell checker?

    !. FYI, the symtom and susceptibility you mentioned do not happen to experienced complainers. In fact quite the reverse.

    2. Clever, aren't you?

  8. Has anyone seen the ad on tv regarding City Hall regs about dogs?

    Not before time!

    It says:

    1 Owners of dogs must register them

    2 Owners must put collars on their dogs that help control rabbies and

    3 Owners who let their dogs crap outside must pick up the stool. Or be fined 500 Baht.

    I have also seen a huge notice about this on 3rd road outside TOT.

    In our village..well in our street there are 2 houses at the end of the street that between them have 6-8 dogs and the noise they make at night is rediculous. Not all of them have collars and some of them walk down the street to crap outside our house..other peoples house too.

    Do you think I would be justified going to City Hall to complain?


    That would depend if your 'village' is within the City limits no?

    Then you could always complain to the owners of the 2 houses in question first.

    Absolutely! It's the complainers of this world who stop total chaos. Health Dept is on 4th floor of new building at City Hall. Somebody will show you the way. You may get redirected to Soi Bokow (? spelling) - apparently there is some govt bulding there where dogs have to be registered.

    On the other hand, you have to take into account the advice I was given when I came to live permanently in LOS. "Don't complain because if you do expect to get shot, your car damaged, your dog poisoned".

  9. My posts were not off topic.

    To say it is a final answer that a baht bus charter is 100 baht is false. That is the lowest price you will get for going even a short distance.

    The goal of public tranport is to make it feasible for as many people as possible to go without private vehicles. The more people with private vehicles, the more carbon emissions. One taxi cab can solve the auto and moto needs of maybe 100 people (or some number, anyone know)? The public transport system in Pattaya is run by a mafia. Without taxi cabs with a fair fare system, there is a HUGE HOLE in the system. Al Gore is the most famous advocate in the world against global warming, a mention of such a figure as it relates to our LOCAL problem is by no means irrelevant. Imagine New York City or Bangkok without real taxicabs. Now imagine a better served Pattaya with taxicabs. Is Thailand so backward it can only put a real taxicab system in one city in the entire country?

    Good day.

    Assuming metered a/c taxi is on road 24 hours per day (3 drivers); and one 5 km trip takes 15 minutes at an average speed of 20 km per hour. This will result in 96 trips in 24 hours. So assuming only one passenger: 100 is correct.

    Does anyone know what a 5km trip taking 15 minutes would cost in an a/c metered taxi in BKK. Not 200 Baht I am sure!

    And you are correct that the lowest price is 100 baht that you can charter a baht bus for and going less than a kilometer. I have a farang friend who does this regularly.

    But we must ask that if baht buses were replaced by metered taxis then what will the poor people do who get around on 5 baht fares?

    Of course the answer is to keep a reasonable number of baht buses and motos and have a reasonable number of metered taxis to service both the poor and the not so poor. And regulated metered a/c taxis would definitely be safer and more comfortable for tourists who mostly come from countries where this is available. Instead they come here and can get ripped off because a baht bus driver easily knows who is tourist.

  10. Hi, Does anyone know of a good cheap dog Kennel that will take care of my dog for the 2+ weeks Im out of town? I would appreciate approximate prices and info on where they are.. The dog is a Pug... Thankyou!

    I have recommended The Dog Hotel outside of Pattaya numerous times on ThaiVisa and people who have used it have written that they were very happy with service.

    Owner will pick up and deliver your pet back to you. The card I have is all in Thai but phone number is 038-241686 and 086 140 7896.

    Thankyou Tammi, do you know their approximate prices?

    Im not looking for anything too luxury, as long as he is fed well and taken care of is all that matters :o

    Sorry, I can't remember what he said he charges. Maybe someone will reply who has boarded dog there.

  11. Hi, Does anyone know of a good cheap dog Kennel that will take care of my dog for the 2+ weeks Im out of town? I would appreciate approximate prices and info on where they are.. The dog is a Pug... Thankyou!

    Better to go somewhere with a good reputation if you don't want to come back to "solly, dog ran away."

    I have recommended The Dog Hotel outside of Pattaya numerous times on ThaiVisa and people who have used it have written that they were very happy with service.

    Owner will pick up and deliver your pet back to you. The card I have is all in Thai but phone number is 038-241686 and 086 140 7896.

  12. The ONLY place I have found in Pattaya that has any idea about cutting hair is in Carrefour, all the way at the bottom, same level as supermarket, in the corner.

    Good Luck!

    I have to agree about this place! My boyfriend went there last week and told the guy working there to decide for himself what kind of hairstyle would suit my boyfriend, he designed it especially for him and gave him a haircut which really suited his face and hair type. All for 250 baht...

    AND! He said if he is not happy with the haircut, he can go back next month when its grown, and he will re-style it a different way for FREE... Good customer service!!

    Will have to try this place! What's the hairdresser's name please.

  13. So do you think that Pattayans are forever doomed to have to ride around in baht buses, that we will never be able to hail an a/c taxi and go in comfort from point A to point B with a notice on the taxis window that says "I love farang" and for a reasonable 35 baht flag fall and a reasonable charge thereafter?

    There are many limo owners in Pattaya that hand out business cards for Pattaya-Suwa'boom trips. These guys will also drive you from A to B and back whenever you like. Pricy, but if it's with the family, or friends, then door-to-door is convenient.

    Yes, I have 4 guys who are the best! But at 200 + baht per hour!

  14. Sadly you'll be dead before that happens Tammi!!! :D Anyways back to the subject at hand, befriend a few baht buses or mototaxi drivers. Get their mobile numbers. They can arrange most of your needs if the truth be told, call it a booking service of sorts. :o

    Yes, I did use baht bus 500 for a while - a very nice, helpful chap. But he wasn't available all the time and no a/c.

    JaiDee - sorry, I didn't see your post until just now. Actually, what I wanted to know when I started this post is what is this baht bust co-operative? How come there are so many baht buses? How come there are so many complaints about them? Why do they run only on some routes? Why is there no regular service on, say, Tepparasit and Sukhumvit? Why are they allowed to charge so much for 'off route'? Why can't we get a regulated, metered, a/c, taxi service!????????

    Probably because some people at city hall don't want to lose some of their regular income.


    Really? What could/can be done if that is the case?

  15. Sadly you'll be dead before that happens Tammi!!! :D Anyways back to the subject at hand, befriend a few baht buses or mototaxi drivers. Get their mobile numbers. They can arrange most of your needs if the truth be told, call it a booking service of sorts. :o

    Yes, I did use baht bus 500 for a while - a very nice, helpful chap. But he wasn't available all the time and no a/c.

    JaiDee - sorry, I didn't see your post until just now. Actually, what I wanted to know when I started this post is what is this baht bust co-operative? How come there are so many baht buses? How come there are so many complaints about them? Why do they run only on some routes? Why is there no regular service on, say, Tepparasit and Sukhumvit? Why are they allowed to charge so much for 'off route'? Why can't we get a regulated, metered, a/c, taxi service!????????

  16. So do you think that Pattayans are forever doomed to have to ride around in baht buses, that we will never be able to hail an a/c taxi and go in comfort from point A to point B with a notice on the taxis window that says "I love farang" and for a reasonable 35 baht flag fall and a reasonable charge thereafter?

    Yes - so whining does you no good darling!!! :D

    Even if it is fun?

    Dear Brit, :o

    As Weho has pointed out it is the complainers that keep this world from being total chaos. Pattaya and Jomthien would certainly be much more pleasant with regulated taxis. Perhaps our local press would like to take up the cause. And I think it's a plendid idea to have T-shirts printed and we can all march on City Hall. I am complaining about being ripped off by baht bus drivers to the tune of 200 baht when I go to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital (BPH). Then I am ripped off by Bangkok Pattaya Hospital for another 200 baht to get one of their private taxi drivers to take me back home. I have NEVER had to pay 200 baht in Bangkok and I have travelled similar distances there.

    Of course I could walk to a baht bus route and get into the back and risk having my pockets picked or being thown out the back in an emergency stop, no a/c, fumes from the baht bus and other vehicles, water thrown over me during that water festival when resident farangs either flee the country or hunker down for the duration, then pay the driver 10 baht (and maybe get sworn at or have him out of the cab treatening me) at the Dolphin roundabout, negotiate my way across the road and take another baht bus going up Pattaya Nua, pay the driver 5 baht with the aforementioned risks on paying, then walk in the heat and on cluttered and potholed sidewalks to BPH.

    It really is time that Pattaya had regulated, metered, a/c taxis.

  17. So do you think that Pattayans are forever doomed to have to ride around in baht buses, that we will never be able to hail an a/c taxi and go in comfort from point A to point B with a notice on the taxis window that says "I love farang" and for a reasonable 35 baht flag fall and a reasonable charge thereafter?

  18. Thank you Brit for this information. Now, say I want to go from Jomthien to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, would that be 100 baht?

    Give them an offer of 100 baht, and if they don't accept it then walk away. Try this with a few and you'll soon find the lowest possible price.

    Good luck. Let us know how you go.

    No way!

    They know you are going to the hospital. It is so far! (They say.) They know you are either sick or have an important appointment with a doctor or are visiting an ailing loved one. You have really no negotiating power there. 100 baht from Jomtien, forgettaboutit. Typical from a guy who defends these thugs. It is an inferior system, have to argue with a bunch of thugs to get a fair fare, when you won't anyway. Compare to Bangkok taxi meters. Get in, say where, relax.

    Why aren't there metered a/c taxis in Pattaya - one would have thought the city is now big enough?

  19. Baht Bus run around a circuit. They usually go beep beep whenever seeing potential customers. People hop on and hop off and pay the driver 5-10bht. 100bht if private taxi. Works pretty well.

    Cheers to the Baht Bus!!! :o

    Thank you Brit for this information. Now, say I want to go from Jomthien to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, would that be 100 baht?

  20. SO I went to two hairdressers in the five weeks I have ben here and both wre absolute crap.<br />So many hairdressers in Pattaya around Mike shopping second road Soi Dianna and around there.<br /><br />So anyone recommend real good ones where they can do the best mens styles and coloring etc.<br />Styles like the shaved sides and the hair sticking up on the top in a square (using gel) best way I can describe it lke the army leader in the movie The Chronicles of Riddick.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

    See example here


    Try K. Kid in Soi VC. I can't remember what the name of his shop is but it's directly across from White Knight restaurant - best buffet food in town. K. Kid opens in the afternoon about 1.30 pm I think. White Knight opens at 6.30 pm (except Wednesdays at the moment) Have dinner while watching Kid at work and decide whether to have your hair cut. Dinner 220 baht, haircut 200 baht. :o

  21. Any condo after completion will only be as good as It's management.

    Yes, you may well go all flushed at the beautiful decor, however, make sure you check with other residents how they feel about the management, noise, refuse collection etc etc.

    Often what goes on outside is more important in the long run that what goes on within ( you can always fix that bit yourself ).

    Read The Condo Act; read the Condo Regulations which is a legal document deposited with the Land Office; get the minutes of the AGMs AND the Minutes of the Committee Meetings. Does the Committee meet as specified in the Regulations? Have the projects planned for the year been completed or in progress? Ask for the AUDITED financials; ask for monthly financial statements - they are common property and some good condos put up on notice board for all to peruse. Other condos are may be secretive. Is there a Sinking Fund? Is Insurance Coverage enough? What are the yearly maintenance fees? What percentage of co-owners do not pay? Walk the emergency stairwells - what kind of lighting? Does the lighting work? Are the stairwells clear and clean? Check the fire fighting equipment; check that security personnel are smart, courteous and at their stations. Do office staff have name badges? Is the building secure or can anyone just walk in and go where he pleases? Is the perimeter secure? Is there CCTV and does it work? Are there recordings and how long are they kept? Are the grounds neat and tidy? Is the garbage room clean and tidy? How often is garbage collected? Is there 24 hour coverage by English speaking staff? Are the Committee Members approachable and helpful? Meet the Manager. If he/she won't answer questions and says go speak with the Committee then do so. If Committee says go speak with manager then unless you really like the building and would like to fight all this kind of nonsense at the AGM and during the year, go find somewhere else to live. Check the basement for damp. What facilities (residents' lounge, exercise room, etc.) are available and are they in use and good repair? Swimming pool? Tennis court? Speak with as many non-committee member residents as possible. Are there karaoke bars and other noise nearby? If there is a view is there the possibility it could be blocked in the future? Check basement rooms for trash, evidence of staff (and their friends) staying there. Ask about major maintenance projects - sewage and drainage, water and filtration, roof, roads, gardens, painting of outside of building and corridors, elevators. Parking spaces are common property and should not be allocated. If there is a key card system how often is it changed? How many key cards have been issued? How many are unaccounted for? How long to wait for an elevator during high season? Try to find out how many burglaries in past 2 years.

    Hope that helps!

    Re lawyer: Perhaps the guys looking after Jomthien Complex's problems with View Talay 7? Asia LawWorks on Tepparasit Road.

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