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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. If the problem persists you should go see a chiropractor. Dr. Oat on Sukhumvit 38 is very good. If you have never been to a chiropractic doctor you will be amazed I know I was. How just a subtle miss alignment of a few millimeters can trigger so much discomfort.

    The chiropractor I used in the states has a device that measured the heat along your spine. Where there was inflamation the spot was warmer. That was her target finder so she would know where the adjustment was needed. It is amazing how modern technology helps us.

    Please do you have a phone number for Dr. Oat the chiropractor on Sukhumvit 38?

  2. So after all the debate and court cases a decision is still not made. The reason why is very simple. Issue 9 does not state that a building cannot be constructed within 200m of mean sea level and it does not show this on the map attached to the decree. If it did VT7 or all the other projects would never have started. I will put my cards on the table and bet that VT7 and all the other projects will go ahead as planned.

    So, I wonder, why does the Law bother stating anything about MSL and 200 meters?

  3. there are lots of dog shops of pattaya 3rd below pattaya klang

    There's the story I heard about a gentleman who left his dog at a pet shop while he was away from Pattaya. Came back and no dog. Pet shop said no problem he could have one free from them to make up for his loss. Be careful where you board your beloved pet.

  4. on a dematologist in pattaya to look at a sudden dark patch on my leg that look extremely suspect, I don't want to go BPH, possibly a clinic or another hospital where it is known that they have a skin specialist, BPH out of my price range.

    many thanks in advance

    I know people who use Dr. Chanchai at PIH for their skin problems.

  5. You gotta always watch the workers... My condolences to the loss of your ipod.

    And you gotta keep your doors locked. Friends in condos and houses have had thieves just walk in and steal handbags and computers. Security in condos is worse than useless and probably a waste of upwards of 1 million baht a year (!) Condo co-owners who are disinterested and management who will not manage security are a real pain in the a***

  6. Am looking for a good dentist who does good tooth veneers and would appreciate any advice/experiences about dentists here in Pattaya who can do the work.

    Many thanks in advance.

  7. I can only see the Admin Court's reputation for taking the tough decisions and upholding the law being sustained at the expense of VT. After all, it was the same court which dissolved TRT and there were many who doubted it was capable of such. The Admin Court, being a relatively new institution, may not yet be in the hands of the infuential. However, if the potential for a 500 million baht loss on VT7 is correct that's a lot of baht to buy some influence with. Added with the possible demolition of VT5 and there's a mighty big pot with which to pervert the course of justice if one was so inclined.

    and would the Court order the suspension of other projects like the Northpoint and Regatta which are also in violation of the 200 meter rule?

    interesting question - i live next door to Northpoint - the pilings work was completed about 2 weeks ago and there has been no activity on the property since that time - is it possible that that Raimon Land is waiting for the decision to come down from the courts prior to beginning construction?

    I believe with Raimon Land they are probably playing the waiting game, Mr. M is no mug and he would realise that awaiting the outcome of any investigation and losing a few baht in late fees is better than throwing a whole wad of cash at something you were not permitted to finish. I also believe that they are probably (100%) going to complete that project. I cannot see a company renown and respected in Thailand making such a faux pas as to commencing selling and building a site that they cannot complete.

    What is the latest buzz on Regatta and since when have they brought VT5 into the afray. This could get messy and who would that be good for? Not the likes of us you can bet your last on that matey boy.

    Anyway chaps those are my thoughts on the mattar as it stands. :o

    What do you mean by 'this could get messy'? And who do you think the 'mess' wouldn't be good for? Who do you mean by 'the likes of us'?

  8. I'm planning a visit to Pattaya soon with the TGF, but never stayed in the Jomtien area before.

    Can anyone give me any advice or direction to pick out of these 5 hotels. From everything I've gathered on the internet they all seem very similar in price and quality.

    Grand Jomtien Palace

    Jomtien Garden Hotel

    Jomtien Holiday Hotel

    Jomtien Thani Hotel

    Welcome Jomtien Beach Hotel

    or any other suggestions?

    Looking to spend about 1000/ night, would prefer a room with balcony and sea view although not necessary.

    And nothing too isolated from the main roads. Actually I'd like to be around wherevere the most action would be on Jomtien Beach...where would that be?

    What kind of 'action' are you looking for?

  9. They sure are concreting and armoring like mad. They are actually finishing the basic concret structure. Somebody told me they can do that up to 14 metres.

    I suppose if true and next week would be negative for VT7, they would build up to 14 metres

    and keep on fighting until loophole big enough to go on. I suppose they won't quit before

    Jomtien is covered in concrete and when tourists find out beach water brown and beach view

    concrete and have nicer places to go, they will have made their millions and who cares.

    I understood from the BKK Post article that Supreme Admin Court said VT were not allowed to work on VT7. Did I read it wrong?

  10. From my reading of the article in Bangkok Post the Supreme Admin Court has said that VT cannot do any work at this time. BKK Post says that there is a final hearing next Wednesday at the Rayong Admin Court on whether the project can proceed as presently planned, i.e. 27 storeys. Will a decision be made next Wednesday?

  11. there is a bar there call Sams bar going down on the left hand side, the last 2 days there have been 2 girls there attacked and bitten by a cat, it is very possible this cat may have rabies, so just be careful where you put your feet, the bar seems reluctant to get the cat removed. If anyone here knows the owner please pass on.

    Thank you for this warning. If the attacks were unprovoked it is very possible that this cat is rabid. Rabid cats are more dangerous than rabid dogs because cats will often go for the face, nearer the brain. First Aid for animal bites is wash well with soap and water and then get the injections against rabies. Rabies is no laughing matter and we should be grateful to Mr. Harkness for alerting us. My advice is to keep well clear of all feral cats.

  12. If you need a good hospital then I highly recommend this hospital. My story. Went to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital to get my GF a check up as she had lower abdominal pains. Saw a gynecologist, had an ultra sound and then a consultation with the specialist. Outcome 7000 baht (3500 consultation/3500 ulta sound) and she needs an operation (a woman thing cost about 150,000). Rule of thumb, always get a second opinion so we went to Samitivej Hospital in Siracha as I was at an Expat meeting at the Grand Sole and met the International Ofifcer of the hospital there after she gave a very good presentation (she spoke perfect English). Went to see a specialist at Samitivej, consutation was 400 baht (had the ulta sound pictures with us from Bangkok Hospital) and the quote on the operation was 80,000 baht. Then I asked for a tour of the rooms available. She said do you want the Thai rooms or Foreigner rooms. I said what is the difference and she said all the rooms are the same (dimensions and price) but on the foreigner floor everyone speaks a second language where on the Thai floor they only speak Thai. We looked at both floors (5 & 8) and they are both alike. The cost of a basic room is 4500 baht which includes the room,food and nurses. Well the basic room is like a 4 star hotel room with frig, hot water heater for drinks, 42" flat screen, desk with ADSL hook up and a coutch the folds down to a second bed so a second person can stay overnight. All the rooms have a balcony with an ocean view as the hospital is accross the street from the water. There are more expensive rooms, a one bedroom suite costs 11,000 baht (about the cost of a basic room at Bangkok Pattaya). The food is on a menu and there are 4 choices for each of the 3 daily meals and all 7 days have a different choices (example, dinner one night was baked chicken in red wine sauce with baked potatoe, salad and dessert (not a typical hospital menu). For the additional person there is a room service menu which is the best room service menu I have seen in a long time. The cost of the most expensive item was 180 baht for a steak dinner with baked potatoe and vegtables. Needless to say my GF had great pains on Saturday morning and called the doctor at Samitivej. It was his day off (holiday weekend) but said he would come in and see here at 11am. She needed an emergency operation as the cyst had grown and she was operated on at 1pm Saturday. She was out of surgery at 3pm and she stayed in the hospital till Tuesday noon. The doctor came in every day and checked on her. They asked for my credit card at check out and I thought..80,000 for the operation, 4500/day room, meds, etc,etc.....at least 100,000 baht. The bill was exactly 80,000 baht no add ons. I almost fell over, an honest hospital....what next.

    If you would like a tour of the hospital you can call Jane Tonsombun, the International Officer, at 0-3832-0300 ext. 3118. PM me if you have any questions.


    Thank you for taking the time to make this report. One error though - the basic superior room at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital in the new building is 7,650 baht. i.e. room 5,000, food 750, nurse service 1,300, Hospital service 600. The rooms are cheaper in the old building

  13. I have been interested upon my retirment in buying a place to live in Pattaya.

    I have read alot about what is legal and the possible pitfalls.

    I have heard that if you make a Thai person, trusted friend, or wife, a beneficiary, in a Usufruct arrangement, that if things go wrong, you may be worth more dead to that person than alive. In fact I have heard of several trajadies recently where this has in fact happened. The Farang then some how ends up deceased.

    I have just thought of a way out of that predicament.

    What you do is that you buy the property in the name of the Pattaya Children's Orphanage. They then sign a Usufruct agreement. A Usufruct give you the use of the property for your life time. When you die the Orphanage gets the property.

    What do you think about this idea?

    I know of cases where farangs have willed their Thai estates to Thai companions and the farangs all died of natural causes or are in the process of doing so while being very well looked after.

    I know of a case where farang has willed his Thai estate to the Orphanage.

    So it seems you have heard of the bad news and I the good news.

  14. No need for you to take the dog to Dog Hotel. The Thai gentleman who owns and runs the place will come collect the dog and deliver back to you.

    Thanks Spaniel & Tammi. Have you seen what the place is like? Also any ideas on 'room' rates?

    I've been to the place and it's really nice. Very clean and individual quarters (kennels) are large. Owner said he was going to put in a swim pool for the dogs but don't know if he has done so yet. I said that cabins for dog owners would be good - I would go for weekends. I can't remember what room rates were.

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  15. We left our dog at a place called the Dog Hotel. It's a little difficult to find the first time but well worth the effort. We were very satisfied and will leave our dog there again. Here is their phone number so you can call for directions. They didn't speak much English so unless you can speak some Thai best get a Thai speaker to talk to them. They are located a short distance outside Pattaya going in the direction of Lam Chabang.

    038 241686 or 086-1407896

    No need for you to take the dog to Dog Hotel. The Thai gentleman who owns and runs the place will come collect the dog and deliver back to you.

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  16. My friend died. He was old and had cancer and other problems so had been in hospital. At home he was attended by a farang doctor. He died at home. The farang doctor was phoned and he said correct procedure was to phone police since the death occurred at home. Police came and were very nice. Local newspapers also came with photographers but we told them to B---er Off. Police took photo(s), asked for passport and took details, wrapped body in new clean white cloth and put in pickup and transported to Bangkok to the Police Forensic Dept at the Police Hospital for autopsy.

    A farang friend notified the British Embassy and overseas relatives. As far as I remember the Embassy said to go to local Town Hall for Death Certificate. The Embassy issued a Letter of Release which is in Thai and is permission to move the body. Cost of this letter was Baht 1,763. The death certificate needed to be translated from Thai to English and Embassy cost for this was Baht 4,475. In order to do translation Embassy needed original death certificate, passport, and postal order made payable to embassy along with a cover letter and address to which translation was to be be sent. Extra certified copies were avalibale at baht 2,263 each. Embassy asked that covering letter and documents be sent to them by EMS but because we didn't trust EMS we hand delivered to Embassy.

    Friends went to Embassy to get Letter of Release and body was transported to local Bangkok Hospital as there was no room at the Wat. The Funeral Director said he would transport for baht 15,000. Cost of overnight stay at local Bangkok Hospital was baht 1,000 and hospital transport to Wat the following day was baht 500. Hospital needed to see Death Certificate and any other relevant documents.

    As far as I know funeral director was not involved because the deceased's Thai partner organised everything (coffin, flowers, etc.) with the Wat. But Embassy recommended Teckhong Funeral Directors, Khun Harin, tel 02 221 1680. I can't remember what K. Harin said it would cost if they looked after everything.

    To receive Letter of Release from Embassy the Embassy will need to see your ID.

    I suppose all the necessary info re death of foreigner is available on your Embassy's internet site.


    However, having written the above, I am now told that if a farang dies at home and has a history at an hospital, all that is needed is that someone phone for the hospital ambulance and have body taken to the hospital where Customer Relations will help and advise. If you have been a chronically ill patient at a hospital but die at home there is no need to involve the police and have autopsy.

  17. Thai friends do not tip in restaurants and will not allow me to tip. What do you think? Do Thai waiters think farangs are crazy to leave 10% tips?

    I don't give a fig what other people do. This is my policy -

    1. If the food is at the standard I expect it to be, and the waitress/waiter is helpful and cheerful - I tip.

    2. If the food is at the standard I expect it to be, but the waitress/waiter is unhelpful and miserable/surly - No tip.

    3. If the food is below the standard I expect it to be, and the waitress/waiter is unhelpfuland miserable/surly - No


    4. If the food is below the standard I expect it to be, but the waitress/waiter is helpful and cheerful - I tip.

    5. If a gratuity is included in the bill - No tip.

    6. A tip is always 20 Baht irrespective of the cost of the bill.

    Thank you all for your replies and I think Chelseatops summarises nicely and I will follow his/her lead.

  18. There's a time and a place for everything and a family resort town is not the place and no time is suitable except in a designated red light area. Again I say that developers should build a walled Sin City out in the boonies.

    Not too far out Tammi, I have to walk home.

    I envisage that the "Sin City" will provide free transport.

  19. There's a time and a place for everything and a family resort town is not the place and no time is suitable except in a designated red light area. Again I say that developers should build a walled Sin City out in the boonies.

    How bout we send tammi to the boonies and put a wall around her??? :D

    Dear Brit, :o:D

  20. I dont get it.

    There are hundreds of bars yet the girls still work beach road,Last time I was in Pattaya I had a freelance outside starbucks offer to lick my ar##e I was with the wife it was 8:30 in the morning.

    Sorry but pattaya beach is totally Fuc^^d up,

    Other post ask where have the tourists gone? heloooo

    I fail to see why you condemn enterprising young women, was it the time of day or the fact that your wife was with you? Would you have accepted had you been alone?


    There's a time and a place for everything and a family resort town is not the place and no time is suitable except in a designated red light area. Again I say that developers should build a walled Sin City out in the boonies.

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