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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. What ya need a Dick for, Mobi? :D

    Perhaps to find out what his wife is up to at 4am. :D

    It's a pity a person can't ask a sensible question without getting cr** replies.

    I'm sorry I don't know anyone but feel for whoever needs one.

    Alot of shi*e comes before you find the gold.

    Dear Brit, :o:D:D

  2. Do you administer your own enemas? If yes, how do you do it - what position do you assume? What fluid(s) do you use? Do you have to 'hold it' for a certain time? How often do you have enemas? What are the contra-indications for enemas? What are the benefits?

    There are lots of personal questions I would like to ask but will respect your pertinent past personal privacy.

    What is that called again when there are several words starting with the same letter?

  3. What ya need a Dick for, Mobi? :o

    Perhaps to find out what his wife is up to at 4am. :D

    It's a pity a person can't ask a sensible question without getting cr** replies.

    I'm sorry I don't know anyone but feel for whoever needs one.

  4. You know the area that needs a better market badly? Inner Jomtien. The Foodmart appears to be used mostly by tourists. Their prices are ridiculous. Its only benefit is that it is the only farang oriented market anywhere close. Even a mini Tesco Lotus would be a big improvement.

    You are so right! It was rumoured ages ago that Friendship was to build next to VT5 but haven't heard anything since. Maybe now that they have such a wonderful basement at the Pattaya Thai location they don't need to expand to Jomthien. :o

    Foodmart is only good for emergency shopping such as smoked salmon when unexpected guests need canapes with their GTs.

    As you say "even" a Tesco lotus would be an improvement. Don't you just hate those stores with umpteen checkouts and very few manned??!!

  5. SOURCE: Pattaya Mail Mailbag: Friday 17th August 2007

    Time to raise baht bus fares

    Dear Editor,

    As the cost of fuel and living rise in Thailand, the cost of riding a baht bus remains at the same rate. How are baht bus drivers supposed to support themselves and their families? It is high time that baht bus fares be raised to reasonable rate that will reflect out current economic times. 15 baht per trip would be realistic. This is a pittance to most tourists and would hopefully lead to better service.


    Bill Turner

    Los Angeles, CA USA

    What do you think? I pay ten baht per trip to avoid hassle, if locals can get away with 5 baht, good luck to them, but 15 baht per trip might be a problem...............

    I pay 5 for very short, 10 for longer, 20 for a lot longer. In 7 years I've maybe had a problem twice and another 5 has fixed that.

    Wonder what "better service" Mr. Bill Turner is envisiging?

  6. Welcome back, Weho!!!!! :o

    Please dont leave us again, Life is not the same without you!!!


    Well, it's your lucky day, cause I've posted AN ENTIRE BOOK that I wrote, it's on the Sports board. It's called something like "Bookazine sports..." It has four complete chapters I wrote. And you can read it for FREE.

    and, if that isn't enough to keep you going, I've posted something on the GAY thread called "gay conversions".

    If anyone was thinking of ending it all, now you'll probably hold off for another day or two.

    I'm going to give you a very rare 1/2 smiley... quite frankly, you didn't warrant getting a full similey, but it's a start.

    I, too, am glad you're back - you make me smile! :D Tell us next time you are going to disappear for so long.

  7. It appears the Thai system legally allows a farang to own title ('freehold' to the Brits, or 'free and clear' to the Yanks) - to a living space that does not set directly on the ground. Hence, the proliferation of 'condos' in heavily touristed parts of Thailand.

    Using that definition, would the upper floors of a house qualify? In other words, the Thai person retains the ground floor and retains title to the land parcel, whereas the farang who buys the upper floor(s) of the house could gain title in his name - to that space, but not to the land it sits on.

    ....or can 'freehold' condos only be in large multi-unit (designated?) structures?

    Pen pai dai mai? (is that possible?) - I'd tend to doubt it. Even though the upper-story house scenario appears to fit within the definition of the existing law, this being Thailand, there could well be be lots of 'wiggle room' for Thai officialdom to tweak the rules to suit their strategy - which is, in a nutshell:

    ....disallow farang from owning property titles intheir names, though make a provision in heavily touristed regions for rich farang (to appear) to own small apartments up above the first floor.

    If you look around you will find many beautiful and spacious apartments (condo units) in Thailand. They are not all bedsits!

  8. At the request of a friend who is buying in VT7 I went down to the site yesterday to see if anything was going on. I was surprised, in the 10 minutes I stood there I saw at least 3 concrete trucks come in and I could see at least 20 odd workers attending to the concrete being poured. There was also a other machinery in use and I observed a worker climbing up the crane to the control box. It is evident to me work is definitely being carried out on VT7.

    I thought there was stop work order in place until the November court case. What is going on? How come work has resumed anyone know?

    It is my understanding that the Supreme Admin Court overthrew decision by Rayong Admin Court that no work could be done until it is sorted out how far from the seashore (looks as though they have decided mean sea level) buildings over 14 meters have to be. VT can work up to 14meters as I understand it.

  9. try sitting in one of many restaurants/bars/wherever in phuket when the western men take off THEIR tops and you will see what GROSS is.

    i wonder if the girls sit around saying things like 'jeez, those farang are getting a bit porky arent they? lucky they dont wear lace up shoes as they couldnt possibly tie their own laces. must be all the beer/mcdonalds/kfc/beer/junk/coconut curries/beer they consume. they dont look as nice as they did a few years ago do they? who would want to bonk them?'

    just wondering............. :o:D :D :D

    I doubt it.

    More likely they are talking about the how generous or cheap different nationalities are, and isn't a shame about the weak dollar.

    Hey, they are the ones selling their booties for coin now, eh?

    Thais in general are getting porkier. The change is dramatic over the 10 years I have known Thailand. The diabetes epidemic among Thais kind of proves this too.

    -- which as we all know is illegal in Thailand. Hope you all are not aiding and abetting. The BIBs will be after YOU.

  10. Cheers chaps for the advice. My problem is a weird one. It recurrs and when these people do something it seems to ga away for 2 weeks or so. At the moment my pc will not recognise my F drive (yes you guessed it thats where all of my data is stored. I have replaced 2 hard drives and a power supply and yet today it wraps it's hand in. It appears to be hardware however with the persistence of the problem I am starting to think that it is software. I have original registered copies of Windows XP Pro on my PC's so it shouldn't be that. I have found 1 guy who is coming to look later today.

    Wish me luck.

    I wish you luck. If you do find someone who knows his way around computers and solves your problem, please, please, let us all know who he (or she) is. Pleeeeeeeeease.

  11. Apparently Weho's last posting regarding the "Boys" night, got binned and this has caused him severe upset. In his own words he did not Flame, Swear, Attack anyone, etc, etc... and he thinks it unjust to censor in this way!

    He is really Pi*%$d, and is now on the verge of signing off for good.

    A sad day...

    Note....To the poster who refered to me as creepy, not at all, I just enjoyed Weho's (be it a guy or a girl's) submissions, observations and rants....

    A sad day if he/she leaves us. :o

    His/her last post was on 26 July. Maybe he/she found better things to do with his/her time. I don't understand why a report on "Boys" night would be binned, after all that's the reality of that area until it gets transferred to the boonies. :D

  12. Jeez, Louise!

    The guy has been seen and treated (Proscar, remember?) He asked a smiple question about laser surgery, and everyone jumps in with their own unsubstantiated and unsolicited advice about cancer.

    Regardless of your personal experience, unless you have had your finger up his butt, and a look at his test results, maybe an ultrasound or cystoscopy, you really ought to put a sock in it, or try to respond to his question.


    OP ended by saying that he would like "any advice pertaining to this problem". So we give him advice to make sure he does not have cancer and that his problem still is BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia, i.e.non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland). Who knows, maybe he put himself on Proscar on the advice of a friend - such things do happen!! OP needs to find an urologist who he feels comfortable with and trusts. Then he takes it from there, deciding which treatment is best for him after collecting info from his urologist and from other men who have had different procedures.

  13. Just wanna bump this thread up...I am now looking for a good osteopath/chiropractor in Bkk, does anyone have any recommendations or updated information?


    Recently, on another topic, JohnK recommended Dr. Oat on Sukhumvit 38.

  14. Its a bummer getting old and now my prostate is enlarged and I'm having trouble peeing

    Been taking Proscar for the past couple of years but I think I need to consider surgery. The thought of getting cut doesn't apeal to me.

    Thinking that laser surgery might be less invasive but don't know anything about it. Can anyone give me some advice as to where to get it done, how much should I expect to pay. In fact any advice pertainingto this problem.

    Thanhyou Joe

    I hate to state the obvious, but before you consider surgery you should have a PSA check, and/or a biopsy if the PSA is high (10+). Dr Thanoo Choovichian at Samitivej hospital Bangkok, has seen several people accessing this forum. He has excellent English, understands how farangs need to be informed, and knows his stuff.


    I think this is the correct way to follow if you suspect to have a cancer, after that you can consider biopsy....:

    Abstract – In this retrospective study, the Authors report their experience on the analysis of sensitivity and specificity of DRE, PSA and transrectal ultrasound, individually and in association, in the study of 118 patients with suspected prostate cancer. Results show that the association of these three techniques give a specificity of 96.6% but low sensitivity (53%). Key words: DRE - PSA - transrectal ultrasound - sensitivity - specificity.

    remember don't loose time and go immediately to the hospital if you or your urologist suspect a cancer...if you don't have a urologist bypass him and go directly to the hospital...urologist cost a lot and don't solve noting and make you to lost time...( my experience )

    good luck


    I would reccomend that if cancer is proven/suspected that you take time to meet and assess recommended surgeons and oncologists- find one that you are comfortable with at a hospital that you are comfortable with. I have friends who did not have surgery and are alive and doing well years after cancer of prostate was diagnosed - they had/are having other treatments.

  15. Where is your condo? Rented or bought?

    I don't stay in a condo, I was just alluding to generally poor construction standards in LOS. Maybe that's harsh and the construction is mostly sound and it's just the finishing is poor?

    A friend looked at everything in Pattaya and Jomthien and bought at Grand Condo because it seemed to him to be the only well constructed condo. Other friends are very happy at Jomthien Condotel. Both built by same developer in the 80s.

  16. I tried one of the Sai Sahm dog hotels for a week and the poor blighter came home quite sad, thinner and with a couple of broken teeth so we reckon he was trying to chew his way to freedom.

    The next couple of times we used the place that Tammi recommends in this thread and he's never been happier. In fact, when they come to collect him, you have to stop him jumping into the blokes pickup truck he's so happy to be going on 'holiday' again. When they bring him back, he's all shampooed and brushed... but the pink bow is a bit much!

    Ooooohhh that's luvely!! :o

  17. Dear Tammi,

    Can you please give me the email of her , where he had done it ?

    Please help.


    Dear All,

    Please help.


    My sis-in-law had large amount of hanging skin removed from her belly some years ago and was/is very happy to be rid of it. No problems. Find yourself a surgeon you like.

    She had it done in UK. Let me know if you still want info where she had done.

  18. Runners develop very strong hearts that beat very efficiently at a low rate. However, if you are not a runner, I would advise you check with your doctor. Also check on www.runnersworld.co.uk for problems associated with low rate that can affect anybody with low heart rate.

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