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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. I'm looking for a decent clinic to go to for minor stuff like sore throat etc. rather then a hospital. Has anyone had any experience with Dr. Olivers or can you recommend any other clinic in the area. How are their prices for a visit compared to like Pattaya-Bangkok Hospital?

    Dr. Olivier is very nice and good. I think he has a great bedside manner

  2. Have I got the dt's or didn't we do all this about 6 pages ago? :D

    Or am I in a different time continuum? :o

    (I'm talking about chingching, not Tammi - who got in between.)

    I didn't get in between - Britmaveric did. In my first post on this thread I gave reasons why Pattaya has become so dangerous. Pattaya attracts the worst from the west and the worst from Thailand. Britmaveric decided to answer my post and used words that trivialize child molestation. He calls it "child fiddling" and that it is not in the open.

  3. If Mum and Dad see nothing wrong with what's on show in Pattaya, the kids think it's OK too. The Thais cater to the drinking, womanising, porno, child sex, yuk folks who come here on holiday and, I'm afraid, the clean,good, upstanding, residents get tarred with the same brush. I know an older woman, grey haired, matronly, a resident, who walking in Soi Post Office was handed a leaflet offering a meal at a restaurant with 'under the table services'.

    What's wrong with womanizing, porn and drinking between consenting adults??? :o

    As for child fiddling, sure its going on, but certainly not out in the open as you imply.

    As for being handed a leaflet wih a meal with under the table services? Not a big deal - why should one care? (amusing more than anything)

    BTW everything you mentioned is available everywhere in Thailand, so not just Patters.

    Hopefully, you are doing a bit of winding but I think not.

    Child FIDDLING!!! Is that what YOU call it? If you know of it happening you are duty bound as a decent human being to report it and put the perpetrators behind bars. But are you decent?

    Re leaflet mentioned: It's not amusing. It's disgusting. AND humiliating that Thais should think that an older western woman would be interested in such a thing. Or a younger one.

    Not EVERYWHERE in Thailand. If you do believe such a thing of the Thais YOU should leave this country. Hopefully you are on a visa that will take you to the moon. No, that would be too nice a place for you.

    I'll never read your posts again without feeling sick.

    There's an Ignore user function ..... <I am confident that some people are using it now ... but not on Brit>

    Sure, use your ignore user function. But every morning from now on you will wake up and think of the innocent children being sexually molested and used for porno, and you will weep for the pain and the horror inflicted on them by the perpetrators and all who turn a blind eye.

  4. If Mum and Dad see nothing wrong with what's on show in Pattaya, the kids think it's OK too. The Thais cater to the drinking, womanising, porno, child sex, yuk folks who come here on holiday and, I'm afraid, the clean,good, upstanding, residents get tarred with the same brush. I know an older woman, grey haired, matronly, a resident, who walking in Soi Post Office was handed a leaflet offering a meal at a restaurant with 'under the table services'.

    What's wrong with womanizing, porn and drinking between consenting adults??? :o

    As for child fiddling, sure its going on, but certainly not out in the open as you imply.

    As for being handed a leaflet wih a meal with under the table services? Not a big deal - why should one care? (amusing more than anything)

    BTW everything you mentioned is available everywhere in Thailand, so not just Patters.

    Hopefully, you are doing a bit of winding but I think not.

    Child FIDDLING!!! Is that what YOU call it? If you know of it happening you are duty bound as a decent human being to report it and put the perpetrators behind bars. But are you decent?

    Re leaflet mentioned: It's not amusing. It's disgusting. AND humiliating that Thais should think that an older western woman would be interested in such a thing. Or a younger one.

    Not EVERYWHERE in Thailand. If you do believe such a thing of the Thais YOU should leave this country. Hopefully you are on a visa that will take you to the moon. No, that would be too nice a place for you.

    I'll never read your posts again without feeling sick.

    Brit is one of the most decent folks on Thai Visa and don't try to imply that he is condoning kiddie fiddling because that is not what he said - at all. He clearly states that he is not a prude about what goes on between consenting adults!

    Why don't you get off your high horse and move to Iran if what goes on in Pattaya bothers you so much? :D .

    Brit, the Defender of the Realm, clearly stated "As for child fiddling, sure its going on, but certainly not out in the open as you imply."

    I, for one, would think more of him if he had said something like "Paedophilia does happen here a lot and the perpetrators should be castrated and rot in jail for the rest of their miserable lives and that also goes for all the people who turn a blind eye to it".

    Instead he calls it "fiddling" which to me implies that he dimisses paedophilia as a minor infraction

    I will stay on my high horse.

  5. If Mum and Dad see nothing wrong with what's on show in Pattaya, the kids think it's OK too. The Thais cater to the drinking, womanising, porno, child sex, yuk folks who come here on holiday and, I'm afraid, the clean,good, upstanding, residents get tarred with the same brush. I know an older woman, grey haired, matronly, a resident, who walking in Soi Post Office was handed a leaflet offering a meal at a restaurant with 'under the table services'.

    What's wrong with womanizing, porn and drinking between consenting adults???

    As for being handed a leaflet wih a meal with under the table services? Not a big deal - why should one care? (amusing more than anything)

    Most of the "clean, good, upstanding" residents are the John Carrs of the world with their dirty, nasty, sick little fantasy worlds. :o

    I note you said "most of" and not "all of". So you do know some nice people? Maybe there's hope for you. How did you find out what is going on in the minds of the rest of the clean, good, upstanding residents?

  6. If Mum and Dad see nothing wrong with what's on show in Pattaya, the kids think it's OK too. The Thais cater to the drinking, womanising, porno, child sex, yuk folks who come here on holiday and, I'm afraid, the clean,good, upstanding, residents get tarred with the same brush. I know an older woman, grey haired, matronly, a resident, who walking in Soi Post Office was handed a leaflet offering a meal at a restaurant with 'under the table services'.

    What's wrong with womanizing, porn and drinking between consenting adults??? :o

    As for child fiddling, sure its going on, but certainly not out in the open as you imply.

    As for being handed a leaflet wih a meal with under the table services? Not a big deal - why should one care? (amusing more than anything)

    BTW everything you mentioned is available everywhere in Thailand, so not just Patters.

    Hopefully, you are doing a bit of winding but I think not.

    Child FIDDLING!!! Is that what YOU call it? If you know of it happening you are duty bound as a decent human being to report it and put the perpetrators behind bars. But are you decent?

    Re leaflet mentioned: It's not amusing. It's disgusting. AND humiliating that Thais should think that an older western woman would be interested in such a thing. Or a younger one.

    Not EVERYWHERE in Thailand. If you do believe such a thing of the Thais YOU should leave this country. Hopefully you are on a visa that will take you to the moon. No, that would be too nice a place for you.

    I'll never read your posts again without feeling sick.

  7. yes they might do anywhere in the world, but lets face it, anywhere in the world you would need to go off the beaten track to be subjected to this sort of violence, pattaya beach road is a tourist area, name me anywhere iin the world "as you put it" that has many tourists that wouldn't feel safe walking on a beaach front, this is supposed to be a holiday resort for phuck sake, I've been all over the world and yes there are places in every city that you are advised not to go..........including my own and probably just about every city in the world.........since when did the beach front right slap bang in the middle of a supposed tourist hot spot become a no go area...........defenders of pattaya you need as business owners start talking to the local authorities instaed of wasting time trying to convince readers here that all is normal in pattaya and it happens everywhere.............it doesn't

    gharknes and I have had few run ins in the past, and as you all know, I am a staunch defender of Pattaya.

    I have to say, however, that there is something in what he says.

    Up to recently, it has been my perception that most of the more serious crimes were committed away from the main areas of Beach road. Most crimes happened in the small hours, but usually occurred in locations like the back streets of Jomtien, Na Klua, 2nd Road, 3rd Road, etc, but not too much violent crime where the majority of tourists - especially families and those from the more upmarket hotels would congregate - i.e. beach Road.

    But now, it seems that there aren't any no-go areas for crime, and due to the incompetence and disinterest of the police, even a relatively small area like Beach road cannot be protected from serious crime.

    gharknes is right, you wouldn't expect this sort of crime in the main area of any self respecting holiday resort. OK, maybe pick pockets and petty thieves, but not gangs of locals knocking people senseless with wood and breaking their bones - without a cop in sight, and not even any follow up until the hue and cry goes out.

    It is getting beyond the pale, and I have said this before - in this area of beach road it should be possible to eliminate crime. Not everywhere in Pattaya, I accept, but if this area was properly patrolled, at least tourists could feel safe in having an 'after midnight stroll' in one small area of Pattaya without going in fear of their lives.

    Something needs to be done - quick!

    ...well, I don't think it's typical to find safety at night on the main drag of beach resorts in third world countries. Opposite is true in my opinion. Take Copacabana Beach in Rio. You wouldn't walk along Avenida Atlantica after dusk unless you're looking for trouble. I can't think of any place in a third world county where it's safe at night in a place like the Beach Road in Pattaya.

    What a load of cobblers!! does not have to be holiday resorts in 3rd world countries,Brisbane and the Goldcoast are just as bad if not worse than pattaya as far as muggings and stabbings are concerned, foreign tourists in Sunny Blackpool put their lives at risking on the golden mile after midnight , visit some of the coastal resorts in peaceful Holland ,the wrong accent or vehicle registration is enough to get you a beating, crime and violence after dark is prevalent all over the world , not just Pattaya and third world countries :o Nignoy

    Was it ever thus? I think not. 30 years ago I walked in th middle of the night thro many cities and towns with no problem. Wouldn't do it now. What has changed? Everywhere has got TV and the kids love the gore and guns and fights and murders in the movies. The kids learn about hard drugs and how to use. Porn is available on the internet and magazines. Its a whole new scene for the kids today. I see many western families in Pattaya - Mum and Dad with the kids. If Mum and Dad see nothing wrong with what's on show in Pattaya, the kids think it's OK too. The Thais cater to the drinking, womanising, porno, child sex, yuk folks who come here on holiday and, I'm afraid, the clean,good, upstanding, residents get tarred with the same brush. I know an older woman, grey haired, matronly, a resident, who walking in Soi Post Office was handed a leaflet offering a meal at a restaurant with 'under the table services'.

    The authorities need to take control of the situation and clean Pattaya up. But maybe they can't. Maybe its past critical mass.

  8. Many thanks to you all for your replies - much appreciated. Grand Condo certainly has a great location right on the beach. And huge private balconies - bigger than a lot of studios. But too bad about the View Talays so close. But a lot of plants should block and the rest of the views can't be blocked, unless, of course, the powers that be say hi-rises can be built closer and closer to the beach. Hard to decide. Like what I hear about La Royale and it will be managed by CBRE, I believe. Hear that Grand Condo has a Residents Interest Group. Do other condos have this too?

  9. That's not to say there all places are like that, but I suspect the smug security 'lords' are either not so common or we just haven't encountered it very much. I can only guess they realize if they don't act in a professional manner, they'll be quickly unemployed.

    Depends on the management. Where there is poor management guards - and all staff - will take advantage and not be polite or keep the condo/housing estate in good condition. Problem is its difficult to get rid of poor management. Any suggestions on how to get rid of a poor manager who bends over backwards to keep staff happy while allowing the place to become a pig sty?

  10. Still looking for a home. Does anybody have an opinion on Grand Condoltel? Right on the beach. But it's old - maybe the first condo to be built in Pattaya area?

    Nobody knows anything about this place? Maybe that's a good sign. Will take another look at it.

    But have heard not so nice things about Dongtan Beach upon which Grand Condo is situated.

    I had a friend who lived there and I thought the complex was quite nice with a good location and security although not friendly if you must use baht buses. His unit add an unusual floor plan which I didn't like and was in the low-rise section. He had some water leak issues and came home from vacation and found the condo association had authorized a contractor to cement-over his skylights!

    I see very few re-sales for this complex which must say something. Curious what not so nice things you've heard about Dongtan Beach?

    A man and wife in their 60s told me they were bug eyed watching the gay men and when the gays needed to cool off (or be more amorous) would go into the sea. Not the kind of beach I would go to. :o Pity when folks can't behave properly in public.

    Yes, this section of the beach is popular with gays. I've never witnessed any inappropriate conduct there. If being around gay people bothers you this may not be the location for you. On beach behavior, I think it is inappropiate for women to parade down a public beach with their breasts exposed but I just keep my thoughts to myself.

    Being around well behaved gays doesn't bother me. Behaviour in public places and restuarants (!)

    that is more suited to the privacy of one's home does bother me. Do these guys think that we enjoy seeing them feel up each other.

  11. Still looking for a home. Does anybody have an opinion on Grand Condoltel? Right on the beach. But it's old - maybe the first condo to be built in Pattaya area?

    Nobody knows anything about this place? Maybe that's a good sign. Will take another look at it.

    But have heard not so nice things about Dongtan Beach upon which Grand Condo is situated.

    I had a friend who lived there and I thought the complex was quite nice with a good location and security although not friendly if you must use baht buses. His unit add an unusual floor plan which I didn't like and was in the low-rise section. He had some water leak issues and came home from vacation and found the condo association had authorized a contractor to cement-over his skylights!

    I see very few re-sales for this complex which must say something. Curious what not so nice things you've heard about Dongtan Beach?

    A man and wife in their 60s told me they were bug eyed watching the gay men and when the gays needed to cool off (or be more amorous) would go into the sea. Not the kind of beach I would go to. :o Pity when folks can't behave properly in public.

  12. I am sorry to be brutally frank but most of the replies above are of no real value.

    You can establish the quality of condo management ;

    1. Ask to see the most recent audited accounts of the condominium juristic person. That is the association in Thai law which owns the structure. These accounts should be audited, though with accounting standards such as they are in Thailand, this is no absolute guarantee of accuracy. In any building catering well to expatriate owners there will be an English language copy. Use your common sense to review income and outgo, accumulated net worth, presence of reserve funds etc. Ask to see a list detailing maintenance arrears. Be careful if the developer is the major creditor or arrears are substantial/chronic.

    2. Ask for a copy of the minutes of the most recent Annual General Meeting. As with the accounts, any well managed building will have these in English translation. Review this to see if key issues like financial viability, management quality, maintenance planning and the like are discussed. See also how election of board is conducted, if it is!. Many condominiums here are autocratically run by the developers as a cash cow with no real ownership input/control.

    3. Ask for a copy of the insurance policy covering the building. This will likely be in Thai but check with your lawyer what is covered,who is the beneficiary, for how much and with whom. Often insurance is completely inadequate, covers only fire and is with a company even for major buildings no-one has ever heard of. Strangely such companies often pay brokerage of some substance to the "manager" which should not be done for obvious reasons re independent assessment. Thailand has many reputable brokers in Bangkok who can arrange the right policy with the financially capable insurers plus advise on coverage amount which will increase over time to cover replacement costs. Check there is 3rd party insurance also though this will be rare. Good insurance companies will also offer staff fire training.

    4 See a utility bill for a condo and check the unit costs of electricity and water against those an independent householder would pay. These items should not be a "profit centre" for management.

    5. Ask for a copy of the association,s land deed which of course should be in its name (e.g. "name of condo" Juristic Association). In many cases the association will own only the footprint of the building and you can have a fun park or shophouses next year on what you thought were your clubhouse grounds or gardens. This is common. One building mentioned above as an exemplar has allocated only 2.5 rai(about an acre) for its new 33 storey twin tower. Now tell me that makes sense!

    6. Walk down the fire stairs as you leave. A sign of good management is that these will be completely clear, properly emergency lit etc. Check the maintenance plate in the elevators. Is the manufacturer the maintaining coy? Shoddy lift maintenance is a time bomb. Again commonsense viewing will give you an idea of overall tidiness and housekeeping quality.

    All this is a bit long but based on experience. I am the Treasurer of my condominium which is, I believe, capably run by the owners. We employ our own manager and security and cleaning staff and have had most of them with us since opening 12 years ago.

    We are about, with a consulting engineers assistance, to commence a full refurbishment programme which will run to millions of baht. We can face this because our owners take a real interest in the building (75%+ attended the last two AGMs) and are willing to fund transparent running and extraordinary expenses.

    So any questions or brickbats- I'm ready.

    I have been thinking about your post ever since 3 Sept. It is wonderful that your co-owners attend AGM 75%+. What's the name of this paragon of condos? Are there any condos for sale? I want so much to find a clean, secure, safe, healthy, well run condo building.

  13. Based on the info you gave us Napolean_Complex I think you have enough. As long as that Mutual Fund keeps returning that amount and you reinvest the 30K per Month surplus then you will have enough. Health insurance at your age in Thailand is cheap, just get some of that then increase it as you get older. There is one thing some expats forget, Australia, Britain and Canada have a National Health System. You can go back home should you get seriously ill and get free treatment, that is my back stop too. In the case of Australia you do lose it if you are out the country for 5 years or more. Go ahead and retire, you will enjoy it, cheers. :o

    If the airline will accept a seriously ill-looking person. And what about waiting lists in the UK and Canada? My experience before I left to retire in Thailand was that hospital emergency couldn't find anything wrong. I had to pay nearly $1,000 to have private MRI that showed problem. Then my gynae of several years said she had no time to see me. I eventually found a surgeon willing to take a look and he was only free to see me because he was just back from 3 months suspension for leaving a swab in a patient which, I think, was not his fault - there are Op Room Sisters and nurses who should have counted swabs. And because I went private to have MRI my best friend (!) was annoyed 'because I had taken an appointment that should have been filled by a poor person'.

  14. Still looking for a home. Does anybody have an opinion on Grand Condoltel? Right on the beach. But it's old - maybe the first condo to be built in Pattaya area?

    Nobody knows anything about this place? Maybe that's a good sign. Will take another look at it.

    But have heard not so nice things about Dongtan Beach upon which Grand Condo is situated.

  15. Why this question?

    His money is already offshore, i.e. outside Thailand. And if with offshore you meant outside the UK, it does not matter in which country his savings are, he still won’t be liable to pay tax in Thailand on the money he brings into Thailand.

    I understood something else : by offshore, it means tax free.

    Why leaving his money in UK, where he will pay somes taxes (withholding, capital gain etc.)

    Thank you, that's what I meant. Offshore from UK and therefore free of UK taxes. :o

  16. There was a recent thread on this. 4K - 6K is the going rate. They would work 8 am to 5 or 6 pm , 6 days a week, or live in with board and would be available for even longer hours. That's a rough guide.

    For 9 K you could hire a masters degree graduate who would manage your whole life for you. :o

    My maid does just about manage my whole life. B6500 per month. Please, God, keep her safe and well.

  17. I am not surprised by some of the responses on this topic. In my view this forum has many members with a big index finger but no information. Sarcastic remarks but no experience.

    There is a Maid agency in this area,

    For a maid 9am – 5pm 5 days a week the cost is 9,000bht one per month.

    Contact information [email protected] telephone 079077212 (Yada_pu)

    I am sure there are many more companies – maids available to provide this service for you.

    I could use a maid to clean and cook, but I'm not sure about a 9 - 5 maid. If she gets in at 9, then breakfast would have to be late 10ish and lunch would be 2ish. There lies the problem, she would be gone before it's time for the 6:30ish dinner :o So, what am I to do? There's also the weekend prob.

    So get a maid who will work 8 to 12 and 4 to 8, 6days a week. I've done that for years and means I get my afternoon kip in peace and quiet. And the maid has afternoon off to sleep, socialise, do a part time job, whatever. I eat 6.30ish too and maid tidies up and is usually away by 7pm.

    On her day off, no problem. Gives me a chance to do all the cleaning she doesn't do! :D

  18. Well I was looking at a monthly income fund offered through the BMO (Bank of montreal). Basically 10$/share pays out 6 cents. So every 50,000CAD will pay around 300/month. Also that is one of the cheaper income trusts that is offered. There are others that pay around 12 cents per share. For example Thy.un (thunder energy trust) fund, or pure energy. Those ones havent been around for 15 years like BMO's income trust fund, so I dont have as much faith in there performance over the long term. But I still plan on putting money into them because 50,000CAD should be 600CAD per month.

    And what about income tax (in Canada) ?

    And why you get for granted the future yield based on the past performances of thoses funds ? I've checked THY. Well last year they paid 15 cents per month...

    And what it will be next year ?

    There is no tax for a non-resident of canada. (assuming I went that route) But if I did then the extra 30KTHB/month that I havent saved for re-investment will go towards that. Regarding Thy, ive already said that all my estimates are based on 6cents/share rather than the 15 cents pershare that thunder offers. I agree, its to risky for me.

    I am non-resident of Canada. How come I pay 25% withholding tax?

    Im not sure what to tell you I found a link saying that it might be able to only charge 5% on mutual funds. Its tough to decipher. here is the link, its page 8.


    You are right according to CCRA. Can you tell me have you ever thought on going around this like like cclub75 has mentioned? WHats the point of becoming a non-resident of canada then.

    I just called CCRA he directed me towards this website. Im told that if you are in thailand then you should only be paying 15% tax, and if you look further into the treaty and it differs from this form than the treaty takes precidence.


    I am paying 25% withholding tax on CPP and LIRA which is fair enough as it wasn't taxed when I was contributing.

    I am absolutely sure that Canadians will tax any and all investments but perhaps at different levels depending on what is being invested in. I took everything out of Canada.

    Point in leaving Canada is to get away from over 50% income tax and the zillion other taxes Canada has. And the rain, and the snow, and looking out your window and not seeing a living soul - they are either watching TV or in a car. Here is much more fun.

    Advice: 1) Try to keep a bank account in Canada to have your CPP paid into and avoid the hassle of having a check sent to Thailand and maybe lost in mail.

    2) Get good health insurance.

  19. Will be in Thailand permanantly as of the end of Sept.

    I am 47, married to a Thai lady.

    No need to work as I am lucky enough to have plenty of savings in the UK.

    Will be drawing on these savings to live in Thailand.

    As I do not want any hassle/tax liability shocks in the future I was wondering about paying tax in Thailand.

    You have no tax liability in Thailand.



    Why don't you put your savings offshore?

  20. Hello

    I am considering the purchase of a villa at Majestic residence, does anyone have an opinion on this development?

    Would View Talay or Jomtiens Park Villas be a better value propostion.

    Any other recommendations? Budget 11m.

    And thanks in advance for any replies.

    I don't know anything about Majestic but would like to refer you to a post by Sattahip on 2006-9-03 that was full of good advice under thread heading "Well managed Condo".

  21. Well I was looking at a monthly income fund offered through the BMO (Bank of montreal). Basically 10$/share pays out 6 cents. So every 50,000CAD will pay around 300/month. Also that is one of the cheaper income trusts that is offered. There are others that pay around 12 cents per share. For example Thy.un (thunder energy trust) fund, or pure energy. Those ones havent been around for 15 years like BMO's income trust fund, so I dont have as much faith in there performance over the long term. But I still plan on putting money into them because 50,000CAD should be 600CAD per month.

    And what about income tax (in Canada) ?

    And why you get for granted the future yield based on the past performances of thoses funds ? I've checked THY. Well last year they paid 15 cents per month...

    And what it will be next year ?

    There is no tax for a non-resident of canada. (assuming I went that route) But if I did then the extra 30KTHB/month that I havent saved for re-investment will go towards that. Regarding Thy, ive already said that all my estimates are based on 6cents/share rather than the 15 cents pershare that thunder offers. I agree, its to risky for me.

    I am non-resident of Canada. How come I pay 25% withholding tax?

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