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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. ... Moral of the story: If you want to keep your sea view forever, buy one a unit in this construction or next door in the recently completed VT. ....

    Not neccesarily, there is long narrow plot of land just north of VT7 (other side of the Sea Falcon restaruant) that has high-rise condo written all over it. Select your unit carefully.

    I think plot you mention also belongs to VT. But I could be wrong. Not often I am right according to the regulars on Pattaya Forum. If it does indeed belong to VT we'll get another 2 cereal boxes. :o And laundry!

  2. It would appear that Pattaya is the hub of necklace snatching. Maybe an advisory notice should be put up in hotel rooms advising guests NOT to wear necklaces or carry bags :o

    Yet another thing to scare away tourists.

    Office staff in Bangkok have known for umpteen years to remove their jewelry before going out, to walk as far as possible from the kerb, and to keep handbag away from kerbside.

  3. There's absolutely nothing that Jomthien Complex owners can do about this. They were probably told when they bought that nothing over 4 storeys could ever be built to block the sea view. But I have been told that City Hall can review every 5 years and if it says, and Environmental Agency agree, then Bingo! Unless Jomthien Complex owners can take it to court and get VT on environmental issues then no hope to stop this cereal box construction. Moral of the story: If you want to keep your sea view forever, buy one a unit in this construction or next door in the recently completed VT. That is if you don't mind waiting 20 minutes for elevator and your neighbour cooking up on his balcony, and, of course, washing strung across balconies.

  4. Another thing for City Hall to sort out. I would have thought that ranks can only be set up with permission from City Hall and police agreement.

    Why didn't the police lock up the whole 'rank' for aiding and abetting? And is it not possible to examine hands to find out who fired? But, I guess, the shooter was long gone before police arrived.

    What a mess! Back to City Hall.

    Just another thing to scare the tourists away from Pattaya and my friend, a hairdresser, not getting clients - husband long gone and 2 kids at home with Granny.

  5. Dear Tammi

    Thanks for the reading, im sure this is the norm for all condo blocks.

    I just wanted to point out how snobish your comments about putting washing on balconies to dry


    BTW Thais will do as they want, with or with out Falang controled condo Management teams.

    The above is not the norm in thailand. but that is your yard stick not mine.

    Have a nice day

    And you have sweet dreams. I'm off to bed with my bible!

  6. Dear Icecubes,

    Please read below.

    QUOTE(sattahip @ 2006-09-03 10:20:23)

    I am sorry to be brutally frank but most of the replies above are of no real value.

    You can establish the quality of condo management ;

    1. Ask to see the most recent audited accounts of the condominium juristic person. That is the association in Thai law which owns the structure. These accounts should be audited, though with accounting standards such as they are in Thailand, this is no absolute guarantee of accuracy. In any building catering well to expatriate owners there will be an English language copy. Use your common sense to review income and outgo, accumulated net worth, presence of reserve funds etc. Ask to see a list detailing maintenance arrears. Be careful if the developer is the major creditor or arrears are substantial/chronic.

    2. Ask for a copy of the minutes of the most recent Annual General Meeting. As with the accounts, any well managed building will have these in English translation. Review this to see if key issues like financial viability, management quality, maintenance planning and the like are discussed. See also how election of board is conducted, if it is!. Many condominiums here are autocratically run by the developers as a cash cow with no real ownership input/control.

    3. Ask for a copy of the insurance policy covering the building. This will likely be in Thai but check with your lawyer what is covered,who is the beneficiary, for how much and with whom. Often insurance is completely inadequate, covers only fire and is with a company even for major buildings no-one has ever heard of. Strangely such companies often pay brokerage of some substance to the "manager" which should not be done for obvious reasons re independent assessment. Thailand has many reputable brokers in Bangkok who can arrange the right policy with the financially capable insurers plus advise on coverage amount which will increase over time to cover replacement costs. Check there is 3rd party insurance also though this will be rare. Good insurance companies will also offer staff fire training.

    4 See a utility bill for a condo and check the unit costs of electricity and water against those an independent householder would pay. These items should not be a "profit centre" for management.

    5. Ask for a copy of the association,s land deed which of course should be in its name (e.g. "name of condo" Juristic Association). In many cases the association will own only the footprint of the building and you can have a fun park or shophouses next year on what you thought were your clubhouse grounds or gardens. This is common. One building mentioned above as an exemplar has allocated only 2.5 rai(about an acre) for its new 33 storey twin tower. Now tell me that makes sense!

    6. Walk down the fire stairs as you leave. A sign of good management is that these will be completely clear, properly emergency lit etc. Check the maintenance plate in the elevators. Is the manufacturer the maintaining coy? Shoddy lift maintenance is a time bomb. Again commonsense viewing will give you an idea of overall tidiness and housekeeping quality.

    All this is a bit long but based on experience. I am the Treasurer of my condominium which is, I believe, capably run by the owners. We employ our own manager and security and cleaning staff and have had most of them with us since opening 12 years ago.

    We are about, with a consulting engineers assistance, to commence a full refurbishment programme which will run to millions of baht. We can face this because our owners take a real interest in the building (75%+ attended the last two AGMs) and are willing to fund transparent running and extraordinary expenses.

    So any questions or brickbats- I'm ready.

  7. They are still saying in the sales office finish end of next year 2007...

    Where is the VT sales office now? I thought it was in front of VT2, but I see that building has been torn down.

    If there are different sales offices for the various VT projects, I would be interested in the sales office(s) for VT5 and VT7.

    VT has taken down a cereal box? Good.

  8. [Yes, good location. Also, enough of the units are being sold as "empty shells". Nice if you are away while the workers is making it up for you.My guess, it's 5-7 years of banging and jack hammering. In dawn. You never know how long u can sleep. They determine that. For many years to come.

    You're very trusting. In my experience workers need to be watched every minute.

    Give VT its due - starting whistle is at 7.30 am. And have heard that workmen doing finishing are out at 5 pm so evenings are quiet.

    Maybe when they get a management committee organised residents won't be allowed to hang washing on balconies. :o

    Thats got to be the best joke of 2006 on this forum.

    Way to go mate, you tell em


    BTW building work will go on as long as the builder can get away with it at night.

    At best tradesmen in pattaya, will turn up with a bent screw driver and a hammer.

    to do the work. so it may take some time for the banging to stop.

    have a nice day with the residents committee. laugh.

    What part of my post was a joke?

    Reno work in condo I am in starts at 9am and finishes at 5pm. No work allowed on weekends and public holidays. And because tradesmen are not good -as you say turn up with a bent screwdriver and a hammer - they need to be watched. Of course you'll get dirty looks and hear lots of the word 'farang' but you will make sure walls are perpendicular, tiles are properly laid with not toooo many chips, electrics are safe and plugs are where YOU want them, paint is the quality you specified but be careful, they put rubbish paint in Jotun containers. And so on. One thing you won't be able to change is the Thai belief that every door, even the lightest one, needs 4 hinges.

    And what's your problem with Residents' Committees?

    Condo I am in does not allow washing to be seen on the balconies.

    Are you trying to get me to believe you have some influence over

    the way a codo building is run.?

    Look mate the Thais own the majority of the units and they will do as they wish, with or with out you.

    That’s what the joke bit of your post was that I found amusing.

    BTW I moved out of the Uk to get away from snobs shame they are coming to pattya.

    Hope this is not a up would trend.

    Have a nice day.

    Yes, I am happy to say that I and the other farangs do have influence in our condo.

    Yes, Thais do own majority of units and are interested in the upkeep.

    Some weeks ago there was a very good post from a farang who is on the Management Committee of the condo he is in. I will try to find it for you so that you can see that there are well run condos - well run with the help of the farang co-owners.

    It has been my observation over the past 20 years that if a condo is badly run and the upkeep is terrible it is the fault of the manager not managing. Therefore, it is very important that the farang co-owners (Thai co-owners are usually not resident) keep the manager on his toes. And you have to attend the AGM, and you have to attend, or at least read, the Minutes of the Management Committee meetings. And you have to inform the Management Committee and/or manager of everything you see wrong. You have to be active. You do have rights.

    Which Snob Hill did you live on in UK? Where did you live before that? Seems you missed the washing fluttering from a working class tenement building. Now, before you get your knickers in a twist, I have nothing against the working class being such myself but we had a line at the back of the cottage. I just see no need to have to look at other people's knickers, etc, dangling from balconies. Laundering is so available and soooo cheap here in Pattaya.

  9. [Yes, good location. Also, enough of the units are being sold as "empty shells". Nice if you are away while the workers is making it up for you.My guess, it's 5-7 years of banging and jack hammering. In dawn. You never know how long u can sleep. They determine that. For many years to come.

    You're very trusting. In my experience workers need to be watched every minute.

    Give VT its due - starting whistle is at 7.30 am. And have heard that workmen doing finishing are out at 5 pm so evenings are quiet.

    Maybe when they get a management committee organised residents won't be allowed to hang washing on balconies. :o

    Thats got to be the best joke of 2006 on this forum.

    Way to go mate, you tell em


    BTW building work will go on as long as the builder can get away with it at night.

    At best tradesmen in pattaya, will turn up with a bent screw driver and a hammer.

    to do the work. so it may take some time for the banging to stop.

    have a nice day with the residents committee. laugh.

    What part of my post was a joke?

    Reno work in condo I am in starts at 9am and finishes at 5pm. No work allowed on weekends and public holidays. And because tradesmen are not good -as you say turn up with a bent screwdriver and a hammer - they need to be watched. Of course you'll get dirty looks and hear lots of the word 'farang' but you will make sure walls are perpendicular, tiles are properly laid with not toooo many chips, electrics are safe and plugs are where YOU want them, paint is the quality you specified but be careful, they put rubbish paint in Jotun containers. And so on. One thing you won't be able to change is the Thai belief that every door, even the lightest one, needs 4 hinges.

    And what's your problem with Residents' Committees?

    Condo I am in does not allow washing to be seen on the balconies.

  10. Oh, forgot to say...

    People living on the high floors once appauded when the lift came to the ground. 15-20 mins to get up or down is a daily routine. If you forgot something from the grocery, you may leave the need wait the next day or week.

    That's true. I visit a friend in a VT and after the first couple of times learned to take the stairs. But first time I used the stairs to go down didn't know which door to use to get out into hall, opened one of the doors and found a drop of quite a few feet. Could have had a nasty injury!

  11. [Yes, good location. Also, enough of the units are being sold as "empty shells". Nice if you are away while the workers is making it up for you.My guess, it's 5-7 years of banging and jack hammering. In dawn. You never know how long u can sleep. They determine that. For many years to come.

    You're very trusting. In my experience workers need to be watched every minute.

    Give VT its due - starting whistle is at 7.30 am. And have heard that workmen doing finishing are out at 5 pm so evenings are quiet.

    Maybe when they get a management committee organised residents won't be allowed to hang washing on balconies. :o

  12. That has to be one of ugliest building I have ever seen! :o

    How can the city let them build it? Don’t they have the architectural control committee at the city’s building and planning dept? It’s so bad for the city aesthetic image!

    I couldn't agree more. Then add washing hingledingelling!

    Hopefully, excreta is being properly dealt with.

  13. View Talay 7 progresses and JomTien Complex owners protest.


    Anybody know how far back from the sea they are building? In 1986 I think hi-rises had to be 200 meters back, then 2 or 3 years ago VT allowed to build nearer to the sea by 50 or 100 meters. Reason given was that City Hall can review building regulations every 5 years. Now this one in front of Jomthien Complex - how close to beach is it?

    And IMHO not pretty buildings. And kitchens and washing on the balconies! Yuck!

    So whats wrong with putting washing on balconies to dry.

    Does it not fit in with your style.

    what a thing to say.


    Washing on balconies looks 'slummy'. Many condos do not allow because the management of those condos think same as I do. Washing (and kitchens) on balconies doesn't fit in with my style.

  14. View Talay 7 progresses and JomTien Complex owners protest.


    Anybody know how far back from the sea they are building? In 1986 I think hi-rises had to be 200 meters back, then 2 or 3 years ago VT allowed to build nearer to the sea by 50 or 100 meters. Reason given was that City Hall can review building regulations every 5 years. Now this one in front of Jomthien Complex - how close to beach is it?

    And IMHO not pretty buildings. And kitchens and washing on the balconies! Yuck!

  15. If you have dormant accounts (I am thinking of my backup Thai accounts) it might be wise to trickle money through them from time to time so that when you do need to use them it does not trigger unusual activity alarms.

    The same goes for credit card activity, the anti-fraud protection on many CCs now is getting quite good at identifying unusual transactions, causing cards to be blocked within an hour (or less) of the transaction reaching the issuing bank. Wise to notify your CC issuer of your holiday to Thailand (wherever) before travel as a blocked CC on holiday is a pain. No money no honey.

    Interesting that you feel you need backup Thai accounts.

  16. So its not the garbage, unfinished building work, drunken thais on the beach promenade, holes in the pavements everywhere, blackfumes from cars that should be taken off the road, stray dogs and dog sh^t? Of course all Thai villages are beautiful retreats into the country with no plastic bottles, boxes and empty chang bottles every where, Do you and I live in a different country ?

    You really do love it here.. I can see why you want to stay

    It is messy here. We should all join that guy who writes to Pattaya Mail asking us to bend at the waist to pick up garbage. I do it and have been commended by police and Thai folks tell me I'm Number 1. Wear gloves and take a plastic bag (or 2) on you walks.

  17. I transfered money earlier on this week to my Pattaya Siam bank account from a HSBC offshore account, not a huge amount, enough to cover day to day expenses etc.

    Bank contacted me via email to contact them by phone.

    Appears that the Bank of Thailand has recently instructed banks that any money being transfed has to have a

    , what it will be used for? I was told that in future I must give a reason?

    Thet were quite happy to put living expenses down as a reason.

    Be aware if you are going to transfer money, as this delayed my transfer as never contacted bank immediatley.


    Yes, this happened to me a few weeks ago. Bank tried to contact me but I was away at the time and they didn't try cell phone. But once I got it sorted it came pdq - quickest ever!

    Yes, they need a reason.

  18. As a family man, I hated Pattaya at first but now I like it.

    This is why:

    - Close to BKK

    - It has that Water Park, for my child to enjoy;

    - Lotus/Tesco, Biq C, Carefour supermarkets;

    - Good hospitals;

    - The beach to breath some fresh air when jet skis and speed boats are off;

    - All day worth entertainment for a kid - underwater world, zoo, tropical garden...

    In reality, a parallel world to what Pattaya is known for.

    That "other" world has never complained.

    Some rumbles did come from "my world" but nothing that may signal no-coexistence.

    Please tell us why you like the hospitals.

  19. Here's some advice the next time you get 12,000 in meds. (this process assumes you have a pair)

    1. Ask "what is this and why should I take it?

    Every time I get my grab bag I get online and check what everything is and what it is for. With the exception of the largest package, which is Tylonol (13 cents) most seems appropriate. The bottom line is if you feel you've been given something you don't think you need just question it. I would be the first to agree that they give you too many pills but nobody is holding a gun to your head.

    As for them hugely overcharging, this would certainly explain why hundreds of thousands of people are coming from western countries for medical treatment here. Ironically most from GB where you have "national healthcare"

    I have a pair of balls if that's what you mean!!! :o

    There are other threads on the Forum relating to Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital. One of these threads is called "Pattaya Hospitals" and have a look at one of my posts on this topic. It's a long post but please read it...along with the complete topic if you're interested.:

    A Story From Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital

    Have read your previous post. What a mess! Am struck by these words of yours "I remember that the first doctor not once looked at either my wife or me throughout the original consultations."

    If anyone ever has the misfortune to consult a doctor who will not look at you, please get up and go find one who does. Good doctors and nurses watch a patient from the moment the patient enters the room to the moment the patient leaves the room.

  20. We do bring the money to this city and if we left what would be left ? If you think I am inacurate, please explain your thoughts

    Depends who you class as we? I recall similar comments on how Thailand would never survive if the visa rules were changed, I never noticed any negative impact and never read any adverse reports.

    I - We what ever don't include me in your little band of people who keep Pattaya alive and well.

    Do you work here? are you paying tax apart from your 7% purchase tax which every one has to pay?

    I doubt Pattaya would suffer if half of the long stay residents here left, as I am sure we will see in 90 days from the 1st of October.

    It was a thriving city when I came here 10 years ago and there were probably only 30% of the whinging Cheap Charlies there are now.

    Like i said why not test your theory and round up your band of big spenders and see if the rest of us here like it better or not.

    As for what makes Pattaya look like a shit hole ask the Thais, they will tell you its the fat gutted farrangs walking around town with their bellies hanging out.

    Soi Bukhow doesnt have many street dogs but it is the largest shit hole in Pattaya.

    Yes, they are rather unattractive. And generally so miserable looking and will not give one space, will not step aside one inch on the sidewalk so that we can pass each other comfortably. Must be because of crowded European cities.

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