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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. What I do not understand is why so many guys on this forum knock down anybody who writes a bad experience in Pattaya. However, not so long ago a guy wrote that his male friend had been raped in a soi and I don't remember any of you having anything to say about that. It was too "ooooouch"?? Bet you are all watching your backs(sides) when you go up your favourite sois.

    Oh boy, this gets better! :D

    Are you really so naïve and gullible that you believe everything you read courtesy of an anonymous poster?

    Keep 'em coming, Tammi...! :o

    So, I presume you also don't believe a word I say about friend being drugged waking up naked and penniless,etc., about naked farang man on street early morning, about under table services offered to elderly farang woman?

    Saraburioz is an advanced member of ThaiVisa with 52 posts. He is Australian, married to a Thai, has 3 children - 2 boys and 1 girl, ages about 7+, 5+, and 2+. He is about 33 years old and his wife is about 30. From his posts we learn that he is a family man concerned for the health and welfare of his children.

    Will look forward to some informative posts from you and your 'bashing' friends.

    Then why in the world would he take them into a bar in Pattaya when there are so many family oriented restuarants here?

    Maybe the bar looked innocuous. Maybe the girls looked sweet and friendly. Maybe the girls were having a slow day. Maybe they needed some quick money for whatever. Point is Saraburioz had an experience he would rather not have had in front of 2 small boys and it shocked him. Why not believe him?

  2. What I do not understand is why so many guys on this forum knock down anybody who writes a bad experience in Pattaya. However, not so long ago a guy wrote that his male friend had been raped in a soi and I don't remember any of you having anything to say about that. It was too "ooooouch"?? Bet you are all watching your backs(sides) when you go up your favourite sois.

    Oh boy, this gets better! :D

    Are you really so naïve and gullible that you believe everything you read courtesy of an anonymous poster?

    Keep 'em coming, Tammi...! :o

    So, I presume you also don't believe a word I say about friend being drugged waking up naked and penniless,etc., about naked farang man on street early morning, about under table services offered to elderly farang woman?

    Saraburioz is an advanced member of ThaiVisa with 52 posts. He is Australian, married to a Thai, has 3 children - 2 boys and 1 girl, ages about 7+, 5+, and 2+. He is about 33 years old and his wife is about 30. From his posts we learn that he is a family man concerned for the health and welfare of his children.

    Will look forward to some informative posts from you and your 'bashing' friends.

  3. I went to Pattaya a few months ago with my Thai wife and our two sons because my wife's work were having a conference. I went for a walk with my two boys and decieded to get something to eat and a beer in a local bar. I couldn't believe two of these bar-girls actually asked if I wanted a "sucky sucky" in front of my sons. Treated as an ordinary customer, sure, if the ordinary customer is a whoremonger who thinks nothing of getting sucked off by desparate Isarn girls who were obviously addicted to amphetamines. This was right next to where our conference was(Montien hotel).

    You don't say what time of day it was but I assume it was daytime as your wife was at the conference. You also don't say what kind of bar it was. If it was a plain beer bar during the afternoon you'd have been lucky to find anyone at the bar let alone the offer of a BJ.

    As you say you went in to the bar I therefore assume this was not a beer bar but most likely a short time bar. This does tie in with the BJ offer but quite frankly you'd have to be a first day first timer to not know what you were walking into.

    And the girls "were obviously addicted to amphetamines" were they? Bit of an expert in drug addictions are we? Yes many of the girls working in these places are on various types of drugs but to just assume they are is merely stating baseless opinions to sex the story up a bit.

    And "sucky sucky"? I have never heard that term used, usually it is referred to a smoke or smoking although the katoeys will ask "you want to go sucking f###ing?"

    No, sorry, this sounds like another product of a lurid imagination posted for no other reason than to be negative. I lived in Pattaya for twelve years and thought it a great place. Sure there is sleaze, but if you look for what you want you'll find it in Pattaya as in many other places in the world.

    Agreed. What I do not understand is why so many guys on this forum knock down anybody who writes a bad experience in Pattaya. However, not so long ago a guy wrote that his male friend had been raped in a soi and I don't remember any of you having anything to say about that. It was too "ooooouch"?? Bet you are all watching your backs(sides) when you go up your favourite sois.

    Someone I know woke up minus clothes, jewelry, and money. What else had happened to him while he was drugged? A friend on his morning walk met a stark naked farang - probably another drugging victim. As I have written before an older lady on her way to the post office was offered 'under the table services' at a restaurant. You made fun of that.

    SummerT, Pattaya is OK if you stay away from certain places and people. Be careful.

  4. Dear oh dear, the Pattaya Bashers are getting so desperate they now have to resort to fiction!

    How sad... :o

    No doubt you have changed your mind now that both Suiging and Mobi have said they have had the same experience as Saraburioz and been approched for 'sucky sucky' and 'smoking'.

    You should apologize to Saraburioz.

  5. Not much of a topic guys Iknow, but I like pattaya so much I've decided to move here. Probably next week some time. Just happy I'm making the move. look out for more posts on where can i buy this or that :D

    Not much of a topic???

    Can't you feel the chill in the air, the darkening of the sky a rustling in the hedgerows as the wailers, whiners and whingers gather in the gloom to crawl back into the web site to have another go at Pattaya bashing?

    For days they have had nothing to do, no way to vent their anal mutterings or slide around in their slimy vats of holier-than-though juice....you have released the hoards of the melancholic, the self flagellating born again drudges - the “Pattaya Dellenda Est” brigade!


    Very good wilko :D

    Read it several times to enjoy it even more :D .

    How poetic. As I said before, I hope you all take suitable precautions sliding around in what you slide around in. :o

  6. .mmmmmmmm hang on a sec. I have been to many bars on my jack and the immediate " sucky sucky......." has never happened either !!!!!

    mmmmmmmmmm, I wonder why? It does happen after a 'decent' interval of time?

  7. Pattaya Number One!

    wilko, you did leave out (intentionally or not) the "special" massage parlors, where not only your back gets a good rub.. ;-) That alone makes me love the place.

    Different strokes for different folks. I trust you take all necessary precautions. I know a guy who carries a duck-bill speculum and head lamp Quite right too!

  8. Quite a story. I think I would have called the Tourist Police or as the poster above said you could "have just gone to the hospital". I fault the condo staff for their uncaring attitude but they were strictly enforcing the rules. Did you really expect them to help you "break in" to your unit?

    Surely, the staff could have got a locksmith? Or sent for the police?

    Yes, the OP could have gone back to hospital. But he had just been in a serious accident and was not thinking straight.

    Do condos employ night time desk staff? Where I live we are on our own from 5pm to 8am except for a guard.

  9. It is rare to have gratuity charges on the menu in the US, people know they gotta shell out the 20% and always do unless they are a mega slimeball

    That's not nice calling me a mego slimeball! There's no "gotta" about it. The waiters, etc. are getting a salary. If the service was superb I might give 15%, if its OK, 10%, and if it's horrid, ziltch.

    I have friends who were waiters and tips were pocketed by the owner! What to do?? :o

    If you don't tip in expensive Western-oriented restaurants in Thailand, then you must be heartless scum. The so-called "salaries" are a bad joke! :D

    Dear Ulysses,and B&B, you certainly know some epithets; mega slimeball and now heartless scum. How dare you, Sirs! Why don't you both - or are there 3 of you? - flee up and burst. I will continue my practice in Thailand of leaving a small but decent tip for polite, efficient service, and good, tasty, well presented food. My favourite restaurants: Sea Falcon on Dongtan Beach, Sizzler, and White Knight in Soi V.C. :D:D:D

  10. It is rare to have gratuity charges on the menu in the US, people know they gotta shell out the 20% and always do unless they are a mega slimeball

    That's not nice calling me a mego slimeball! There's no "gotta" about it. The waiters, etc. are getting a salary. If the service was superb I might give 15%, if its OK, 10%, and if it's horrid, ziltch.

    I have friends who were waiters and tips were pocketed by the owner! What to do?? :o

  11. When one can get a perfectly nice meal at many restaurants for 4 to 5 hundred baht I won't be going to Manhattan. Who needs to pay Manhattan prices even for a melt in the mouth steak - my friend assured me that her steak did just that. And she had he own personal waiter. I will feel much better sending the money to the Street Kids (Mobi) and to the other charities.

    Hey, Mobi, you should ask Manhattan to put a Collection Box on the bar. I have a good feeling that they will do it. :o

  12. C.B.... when you next come to Pattaya gives us a shout...........you/ll be surprised at how much there is here....................

    Unless your opinion of the place has been fixed forever of course? :o

    I wont be back, but you are more than welcome to get in touch with me when you come to Bangkok to tell me about the good side to Pattaya :D

    Should take all of 20 seconds :D


    As Thai Bob has said, probably "a troll post" but just in case it was not:

    Dear Cigarette Burn, many posters, Summer T, Beavis and Butthead, Bmanly, Cobra, Glenbat, Britmaveric, etc, have given you very good reasons for living in Pattaya. Their answers should be collated and pinned so that posts like yours can be answered quickly and concisely.

    The reasons I live here are:

    I like the Thai people.

    Where I live is very beautiful and I get first suck of the fresh air off the Gulf. (I am told that Bangkokians have to stay indoors all the time with a/c running!).

    Many golf courses.

    Bridge club.

    Well run charities to be involved in.

    My days are filled with beauty, happiness, and contentment.

    Of course, I wish that the place was cleaner and that the sex industry was not primarly located at the beach front. But,as all Buddhists know, change is inevitable and I think it probably will be for the better. :D

  13. I'm slowing loving the place, I started coming here for just two nights fri and sat, then started coming on thursday and now I stay from thurday till monday morning. Becoming quite the regular at the Angel witch, but thats a whole other thread. As others have said personal choice if ya dont like dont complain just dont go back!

    I presume the Angel witch is a bar. Please tell the OP 3 things you love about Pattaya apart from the Angel Witch and such like. But maybe you don't know anything but the AW and such like.

  14. Hey, Brit, I was wondering where you'd got to!!

    OP asked why you all live here. None of you have given him a reply. Instead you attack him.

    Noel has called OP a prat and changed his alias from Cigarette Burn to Fag Burn.

    Expat gaz has questioned OP's sexual orientation.

    Mighty Mouse says OP is snotty nosed.

    Artisan says OP is boring.

    Dear Ulysses calls OP a eunuch.

    Are you 5 guys representative of the expats living in Pattaya? No. But you do love to jump in the most obnoxious ways, on anyone who sees Pattaya differently to you.

    Now, why don't you all tell the OP 3 things you like about Pattaya without mentioning bar girls, prostitutes (male and female), and bars.

  15. I drove along Beach Road a few days ago and was shocked at the state of the prom. When will there be a promenade that will last more than a year? At the moment it's a disaster area and the tourist season nearly upon us! You should wear good walking shoes when venturing there at night. :o

  16. Walking on the opposite side of the road from the beach is much more dangerous. Indian tailors are much more of a nuisance than katoeys.

    The katoeys are on that side of the road as well.

    I notice that more palm trees have been planted along Beach Road recently which will give even more cover for these pests.

    Yesterday I noticed that the Police were actively patroling along the Beach Road in pairs during the daytime, but this did not seem to deter the hookers who were hanging around and making use of the new tiled seats which have been built along the prom.

    Up to 3 years ago there were only working girls from Tip plaza to royal garden. then the katoeys moved into that area. Now there are young thugs taking money off the girls when they go with customers.I have seen some of these molesting the girls who are trying to make a living.

    I have read somewhere that prostitution in Thailand is illegal. ????????

  17. Two Australian House owners loose cash and valuables in break-ins.

    The second case comes from Central Pattaya. This house is owned by Mr. Wisser aged 41 also from Australia. The alleged theft occurred in the early hours of Tuesday Morning and resulted in the theft of 80,000 Baht in cash and two Laptop computers. Mr. Wisser explained to Police that he suspected a neighbor who he believes is monitoring the activities of Mr. Wisser.

    The money was withdrawn from an ATM earlier in the evening and taken back to the house. Mr. Wisser went out briefly with his wife and returned to find the money had disappeared. A point of entry for the suspected thief could not be determined as windows and doors were unlocked. Police are investigating and will begin with a house-to-house enquiry.

    -Pattaya City News

    Tuesday 10th October 2006

    Mr. Wisser suspects a neighbour is watching his movements but he goes out a leaves his doors and windows unlocked after being at the ATM! I didn't think anybody was watching me, felt quite safe and secure as have nice neighbors, guards on duty, and other family in the apartment (!) so I left door unlocked and thief walked in. Police came and promised a very good investigation. Haven't heard from them since. Guard on duty at the time was relieved. Insurance can't pay as no sign of B&E. A friend had her handbag stolen from her unlocked apartment sitting room where a friend was asleep on the sofa! Since my misfortune have spoken with many people and quite a few of them left doors unlocked. They don't do it now! LOCK YOUR DOORS AND WINDOWS EVEN IF YOU ARE GOING OUT FOR JUST A FEW MINUTES and even if there is other people in the house!! What if my friend's friend had woken and caught the thief in the act or my family members had seen the thief. Possible they would have been murdered!

  18. go to


    and click on how can I help.

    The details are there for donations within Thailand, via Paypal, and from the UK.

    Tammy, you are very welcome to put money into the ATM but if you do so, we have no way of knowing who paid it, or keeping a proper record of your contributions. Please bear with us and we'll hopefully get it all sorted.

    As I've said, a lot of money needs to be raised on a regular basis, so we must put it on a firm footing.

    Thanks for your understanding. :o


    Dear Mobi, will send 1,000 baht every month. Mai pen rai you do not know from whence it comes.

    All best wishes.

  19. Dear Mobi,

    I'll be pleased to give the kids 1,000 baht each month. Recently gave up drinking gin so glad to find a better use for the money! Wish I could do more but not possible at this time. Does Mercy have a bank account I can transfer the money to?

    Best regards.

  20. I would encourage all farangs to move to Sri Racha. I plan to do this soon from my Bangkok Apt. This is a prime area with numerous nice Apts, condos and houses to live in. The Apt chain I live in in BKK has a serviced Apt outlet I am moving to there. It's a beautiful area with all the amenities that a farang looks for. I can understand why folks currently living there don't want to say anything nice about the place as the last thing they need is more farangs moving in and driving up prices. That attitude is not fair though and rather selfish. So go and have a look! You'll be glad you did. Hope to see you there in a few months!

    I bought at Jomthien in mid 80s and it was so beautiful. I had the whole of Dongtan beach to myself and green fields all around. Now? You know what its like now. Fields are 99.9% under concrete and the beaches 99.9% under scruffy chairs, tables and umbrellas.

    I don't know Sriracha but have visited Bang Saen beach for a very short time and was impressed by the order and cleanliness and state of the roads and sidewalks and stalls, which begs the question: Why can't Jomthien and Pattaya have the same?

    Let's hope that the Sriracha powers that be have good planning in place for Sriracha. Presently, here at Jomthien, I have a 'nightclub' at the back of the building and the noise is horrible but, luckily, it can't be heard when I am inside with the doors and windows closed.


  21. maprao, Your response actually made me laugh. Good one!!

    Seriously though, I would appreciate any recommendations. I have found some resorts around the area but the average nightly rate is around 4000 baht. Come on, there has to be some places...Please!

    You could try Grand Condotel - small dogs are allowed, I believe, and there are usually one bedroom apartments for rent.

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