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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. Nuern Plub Warn Animal Hospital looks good. They can do blood tests (specific to animal) at the hospital and get results quickly. The boss, Dr. Padet, is, I think, very good.

    Address: 21/99-100 Moo 5, Soi Sukhumvit- Pattaya 53.

    Tel: 038 406384. Mobile: 081 4379620

    Open 24/7

    Dog Hotel is excellent. Owners (husband and wife) are soooo nice. Will board your pet. Will also help you transport pet to vet, etc. Owner told me that everything to do for pet he will help. He will also cremate and collect and wrap the bones.

    Tel: 038-241686. Mobile: 086 1407896

  2. As a side note I had a friend who had a tight chest this year, he was in his late 60's ge went in for a check up and was told he needed a heart bypass, now I am not saying that he didn't however it was very rushed, he was in recovery and had a relapse, they opened him up again and he died the following day. The question I have asked is did he actually need the operation there and then? Could he have flown home and had treatment at home and if so would he have passed away there!

    Do you know what tests and examinations were done which led the doctor to the diagnosis? And what was the cause of the relapse?

  3. a bit of food with soething in it would help

    Seen this happen too. And the kids running before the wagon frantically tying string around the dogs' necks so that they would be spared.

  4. Some years ago I watched a guy (farang) dying from rabies in the Police General hospital here.

    He was a friend of a friend and the friend was far too upset to go alone.

    Shoot the doggies.

    Believe me, shoot the doggies - it is an appalling way to die, rabies.

    The ex missus's Dad was a government Doc out in the sticks and I asked him about this once.

    He maintained that once it was confirmed they just plugged the bitten into an intrevenous drip of dy hydra morphine (spelling?) ,i.e, heroin and turned the volume up every so often so that the victim went off before it got just too horrible.

    Seems reasonable to me.

    I am a dog lover -especially Staffies who have great personalities, but packs of feral dogs need sorted. I am the biped after all and extremely unlikely to give a dog rabies.



    I was bitten one fine morning, many years ago. Went to my doctor who advised to watch dog for 10 days. Went to owner of dog to tell him but dog already removed (? put down). As luck would have it had an appointment with vet for medicals for my dogs. Told him my plight. He said to go straight back to doctor and start treatment immediately. Turned out this vet was expert on rabies and spent a lot of time with rabid patients. He showed me a whole series of photos of one patient, starting with patient in hospital on IV. Second to last picture was of vet taking swabs/biopsies from the patient's mouth. Last picture was patient in coffin surrounded by the vet and the medical team. Vet said it is a terrible death.

    BTW, have read that rabid cats are even more dangerous as they will go for the face. Also, beware of monkeys.

    I, too, am an animal lover, but ------.

  5. When dogs are getting into packs and attacking people it's a serious situation. Children are often killed by dog packs. And, of couse, there is always the possibility of rabies. Many years ago I stayed in a small hotel on Dongtan Beach and the owner's pet dog was rabid! Some years ago I was told that tourists on Dongtan Beach complained about the dogs and the police came and shot them all - the dogs, not the tourists. But the tourists made a bigger hullaballoo about the shootings. A few weeks ago a beach dog was cavorting with a tourist (must have been a tourist, no sane resident would encourage a strange dog). Well, he got grazed and was very, very concerned.

    I suppose that one should complain to the police and/or City Hall and allow them to handle the matter.

  6. Looking for somewhere above 2nd road, but not to far out, and open to ideas.

    I need a small studio or similar, with air, cable, and cooking facilities.

    Must be a fairly quiet location (I know its Patters, but no Bar on site)

    Secure (As in a minimum of keycard entry)Looking at around 10,000B a month, for 1-3 months occupation, and available immediately.

    Any recommendations appreciated. :o

    I would also be interested to know of condos with keycard entry and if doors are locked 24/7.

  7. Does anyone know of a Doctor's surgery or clinic here in Pattaya that burn of those irritating ( I think the medical term is cryopractice or the like as I had some burnt or frosted off in UK ) skin tags ?

    People I know use Dr. Chanchai at Pattaya International Hospital for this sort of thing. But he is only there on Mondays. A friend had what I described as 'barnacles' and she was well pleased with the doctor's treatment.

  8. Farting is very interesting. The Merck Manual describes it thus: "(1) The "slider" (crowded elevator type) which is released slowly and noiselessly, sometimes with devasting effect. (2) the open sphincter or "pooh" type, which is said to be of higher temperature and more aromatic; and (3) the staccato or drum-beat type, pleasantly passed in privacy.

    According to Merck, excess flatulence can cause great psychological distress. So, if we come across someone who is thus afflicted we should certainly not cause any added distress by glaring, sniggering, wrinkling of nose, etc. Older people often pass wind at inappropriate times.

  9. Will some of the major posters and drinkers here ask their wives which day they wil be allowed to go. If this is not done beforehand, then we all know very well that the date will be changed or many posters will not be allowed to attend as they did not receive prior permission from their wives.

    That´s the most sensible thing I´ve read here for a long. long time!!!!!!!!! :D:D:o

    Is this piss-up, as you so elegantly call it, for men only?

  10. Dr. Padet Siridumrong DVM

    Nuern Plub Warn Animal Hospital

    21/99-100 Moo 5

    Soi Sukumvit Pattaya 53

    Nongprue Banglamung Chonburi 20150

    038 406384 5

    081 437 9620 mobile

    1 mile on Nurn Plub Warn from Sukumvit on the right side - go all the way inside the market - strip mall type stores inside.

    Drive around - you can't miss it. Quality - 4 vets when I went in and no waiting.

    Squeezed my cats ass today - abscess - yuck.

    Better them than me.

    You found this hospital same day I did! Yes they are good. Can get blood tests done on the spot. Unfortunately, my pet didn't make it. But Dr. Padet took the time to later phone me with good advice about about any other pet and for next 6 months. Also, showed me red cells under the microscope and explained. Also did barium swallow.

    A piece of info I got from another vet is that the Pet Hotel will cremate and put ashes in urn. Will try and find phone numbers and post here.

  11. They try to charge non-thais double. The baht bus drivers are greedy, pieces of excrement. Imagine what they did in their previous lives to end up reincarnated as these lowlifes.

    In all my years here I have only once had a run in with a baht bus driver and the police had to be called! The hundreds of other I've met have all been very decent human beings. (But how I wish there were metered a/c taxis in this Thailand's second city.) Like the rest of you I tend to pay 10 baht for a longish ride but only 5 for very short such as hopping on and off along Beach Road or from S. Pattaya lights to Kasikorn Bank.

  12. Too bad something similar didnt' happen when a farang hit my husband as he was turning into our driveway, with his indicators on. The farang came speeding up behind him, decided that my husband's blinking turning signal indicated that he should pass and he drove straight into our truck, damaging the door.

    The farang lied to the police and they let him off with having to pay half the cost of the damage.

    So, it isn't always the farang's fault, even when it is the farang's fault. Depends on the policeman.

    As for trying to cross the street, day or night, speeding motorcycles are a menace no matter where in thailand you are or what time of day you are trying to cross the road.

    I've always though that the person who is turning his car - overtaking or turning in any way is always at fault even though he has indicator on. He should make sure that it is absolutely safe to do any maneouvre.

  13. If you have a look at the pinned topic at the top of this forum, Udon's first post provides a good map of the area... showing the proximity of Jomtien to Pattaya.

    Personally, I'd recommend Bang Sare... only 15 minutes south of Pattaya... clean beaches... not too many tourists... but I'm not sure of the cost of accomodation in the area.

    There are no hotels there, so the resorts there are pretty much Thai-style... much the same as anywhere else in the country.

    Thanks a lot Jai Dee - exactly what I was looking for. :D

    In that case, why did you post the following on 8th October on the Pataya Vs Samui thread?


    went to Pattaya last year and would never go back -it's a shithole, full of the dregs of Thai society and farang whoremongers.


    Methinks someone in our midst is being a tad hypocrtical :o

    Dear Mobi,

    Thought you had retired from all this nonsense?! I agreed it was best to let 'the boys' get on with what they think is fun. Why, with all the other things to do in Pattaya/Jomthien they have to go endangering 'Mr. Pokey' ---------!!

  14. Have I got the last word yet? :o

    If you keep going for another 414 posts you will end up in having the last word in Bedlam, where this kind of tom-foolery properly belongs. :D

    Quite agree. I am retiring. Let's hope the others do too! :D

  15. Now, Saraburioz, what have you got to say?

    At this point in time..... probably very little. :D

    Yes, he's probably licking his wounds or sucking his thumb as he now knows he blew it... :D

    Stop being so horrid. You don't know this man, you don't know all the circumstances. I can think of lots of scenarios. Kids whining, hungry, thirsty, needing a pee, whatever. Bar looked quiet and cool. Board outside says bangers and mash. Girls glad to have a customer, someone to talk to. Man and sons happy to be sitting down in a cool place. Maybe the girl(s) used the expression 'sucky sucky' because there were 2 small boys there - baby talk just fell out of her mouth. We all say stupid things and wish we could take them back. :D

    Indeed you do, Tammi, indeed you do. :D

    Tham mai...? :D


    Have I got the last word yet? :o

  16. Now, Saraburioz, what have you got to say?

    At this point in time..... probably very little. :D

    Yes, he's probably licking his wounds or sucking his thumb as he now knows he blew it... :D

    Stop being so horrid. You don't know this man, you don't know all the circumstances. I can think of lots of scenarios. Kids whining, hungry, thirsty, needing a pee, whatever. Bar looked quiet and cool. Board outside says bangers and mash. Girls glad to have a customer, someone to talk to. Man and sons happy to be sitting down in a cool place. Maybe the girl(s) used the expression 'sucky sucky' because there were 2 small boys there - baby talk just fell out of her mouth. We all say stupid things and wish we could take them back. :o

  17. Why not believe him?


    Because, my dear Tammy, all the evidence seems to indicate that Monsieur Saraburioz is speaking in fantasyland.

    Now let's look at the evidence:

    It is a well known fact that bar girls would not approach a punter in this manner in the middle of the day if he was with his family.

    It is even pretty unusual for a girl to approach a punter alone at this time of day and offer her services.

    Believe it or not, it is also unusual for a girl to approach a punter at this time of day and even ask for a drink.

    Not one of our esteemed members whose combined ages probably run into four figures can recall an occasion when a Pattaya girl has ever used the expression "sucky sucky".

    So is it so amazing, unfair, uncharitable and downright bad mannered of us to suspect the gentleman might be telling a porky? :o

    I rest my case :D

    Thank you, Mobi. And Brit. One certainly gets an education hearkening to you guys and the other esteemed members once you calm down enough to write sensible stuff. Mobi, thank goodness, is always sensible.

    Now, Saraburioz, what have you got to say?

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