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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. he may be even more desperate tomorrow if scotland get humped by the froggys.

    as a fellow jock he needs to leave thailand now!!!!!!!!!!

    it wont do him any good staying,

    go hame tae yer maw :D she'll sort it oot :D

    i reckon he's from Aberdeen

    Not a chance !

    If he was from Aberdeen he woauld have been more likely to have contracted foot and mouth !



    Nah def think he's from Dundee!! :D

    from the shetland ils i believe :D

    He's not wooly enough. Shelties are like the ponies, lambs, and sheepdogs - lots of hair. And, anyway, they are far too shy to come to naughty Pattaya. :D

  2. I don't see much benefit in owning property in Thailand unless you have a thai wife who wants the security associated with her own place.

    I agree with you Tolley. If you’re not interested in living rent free in a market where there are no property taxes, where maintenance fees are very low and you make a yearly 20% return on your investment. Why would you ever buy a property here? But, then again I only bought and sold 20 condos or so last year, what do I know about the market?

    I keep asking but nobody, so far, will tell me about taxes payable. You say you bought and sold 20 or so condos last year. I presume you mean you personally and not a real estate company. When you go to Land Office do they say "Sir, you have to pay (say) 25% tax" ? Or how does it work? :o

  3. Between Sriracha and Bang Saen there are two 2 housing developments, both seaside. One is Heritage and is expensive, up to around 12 million, i believe. the other is Casa Lunar. Not sure about prices there. Both are on Sukhumvit between Sriricha and Nong Mon before the Nong Mon bypass if you are driving from Sriracha. I recall a new development south of Sriracha, too. Not on seaside. Across RR tracks. Can't recall the name. Sriracha John probably can. Kinda on hill? Maybe just now in completion stage?

    I agreed

    Heritage: is quite expensive and why did they have to put up 23units-4 stories townhome next to the beach!....blocking the seaview for the rest of the single homes. Most of the lots had already been sold! – to the flippers from Bangkok?

    Casa Lunar: Where is it?....couldn’t find any info on them

    And there are these two

    SriRacha Home: This is a small new development along Sukumvit – right side - on the way to Bangsaen from SriRacha, 1km before you hit Robinson – good price, but too close to Sukumvit road therefore it will be too noisy!

    Bangsaen Mahanakon: very big development, decent location, reasonably priced, but the house styles are nothing to be desired - sort of ugly cottage style!

    Developers usually always first do the bit furthest from the view. If you want to keep your view you have to make pretty sure that nothing can be built in front of you or further forward at the sides blocking those views too. Look what happened at Dongtan Beach. Powers that be decided that View Talay could build its monstrosity 50 meters (100 meters?) closer to the beach and have effectively closed the south view that Grand Condo had. Apparently, how much closer to the beach hi-rises can be built is reviewed every 5 years.

  4. Well I'd rather not go into details, needles to say it was rude crude and not my cup of tea at all. It was my first and last visit to a go go. Not that I'm judging those who do like gogo's, if you like watching naked gilrs dancing and crawling around the floor for ping ping balls or performing crude sex acts, well thats your thing not mine thnx.

    :o but better watch it. Here in naughty Pattaya you will get the name "boring old prude". :D

  5. Somehow I just don't think the OP is going to find his Thailand version of Seattle here. LOL

    I agree. I know that part of the west coast and it is soooooo beautiful, and clean and organised and I found it sooooo boring.

    A good place for OP to look might be one of the village condos on Dongtan Beach at Jomthien. Ones that come to mind are Jomthien Condotel and Grand Condotel. Very peaceful as the villages are a buffer to Tappraya Road. And clean, fresh air off the Gulf. And sunsets! Short walk to baht buses.

  6. To those that posted condos are not selling now. I bought two units on September 18 and sold them September 20 at a 15% profit. I also sold 3 other condo this month. So I don’t see the slow down your talking about.

    Did not say I renovated them, just that bought and sold them. Made a good profit too!!!

    What about taxes? How much is payable on this sort of income?

  7. I was a telecom engineer before retiring ( B.T. ) and had to repair a fault in this house.

    It was a Monday and a pre made appt. so i kept knocking when i didn,t get a response.

    Anyway this guy sheepishly opens the door after possibly hearing me shout through the letter box.

    " Hello, anyone home, i,m the tel. eng and need to check / repair a reported fault from inside please. "

    I started my elimination proceedure starting from the access point just inside the door above a shelf.

    I noticed they had indeed turned the gas meter round and where obviously doing as you described, possibly over the weekend.

    Anyway you,ll be pleased to hear i never mentioned it and carried on as if i hadn,t noticed it.

    Your story reminds me of gas man coming to empty the meter just after we were married. He emptied it out on the kitchen table, counted the shillings, doffed his hat, and departed. Then my spouse said "Look at that". I had clean forgotten that we had laid out on the kitchen table, to decide on the best one, all the 30 or so sample condoms that we had had sent through the mail. Maybe he didn't see them but I think he probably had a good story to tell his mates. :o

    (Off topic, but I couldn't resist).

  8. Having travelled all over Thailand and seeing what's available, I know if I was new and coming to Thailand, I wouldn't settle here. Having settled here now for quite some time, moving is not an easy decision to make.

    Where would you go now in Thailand?

  9. Hi All,

    I went to the Bangkok-Pattaya Hospital, Heart Day affair. You got a free electro cardiogram if u were in the first 100. I was favorably impressed by the surroundings, etc. That is until they gave me a BMI test, (body mass index). BMI is figured by using body weight and height, nothing else and u can find plenty of BMI calculators on the internet. Instead they have this little device with two handles. The nurse enters your height and weight into it, then you have to stand up, hold this thing with arms stretched out ,and the nurse presses the "calculate" button.

    My question: Who are they trying to fool? Do they actually believe this routine? Are they just trying to impress me/other patients with hocus pocus. Because afterwards my EKG was "abnormal" and they wanted to sell me further tests. A treadmill test that would have cost me $50 bucks.

    You went to the Heart Day at BPH. Are you concerned about your heart? If so, take yourself to Bumrungrad Hospital in Bangkok and see Dr. Visuit Vivekaphirat.

  10. Baht Bus(s) rule, stop whinging!!! :D

    Dear Brit,

    Why don't you start a new thread called "Bash Tammi"?

    It would be a relief to all who have to put up with your instinctive negative comments to a person you have never met. How about a coffee? We might fall in love. :o

  11. The lower cost will eventually drive the price down. One will do it first to get an advantage on the competition, and the rest will have to follow suit.

    Look the only things that come down in pattaya are.

    Knickers. not the cost of a Taxi.


    :D yes taxi fares go up and down like a brides nightie :o


    Bride's actually wear nighties?

    To get back to taxis --- when are we going to get taxis in this Thailand's second city? Its totally ridiculous that when having a night out ( yes, guys, I do have nights out!) I have to take one of those awful baht buses or hire a car. Can't phone for a clean, a/c, taxi with a sign on the window saying "I love farangs"

  12. I dont think that the new airport will have much effect in attracting additional tourists to Pattaya but I do think that numbers will increase from the east namely China, Korea, Taiwan and Japan . The Tourist Authority of Thailand seem to be focusing all their energies on attracting visitors from the east (and Russia). Little seems to be done in attracting Europeans/Americans/Aussies. Has the recent rchange in regulations re: visas, land/home ownership only impacting on farangs? :o

    Fact: Bus load of Taiwanese or Korean tourists draw up at a go-go joint. All the men troop inside and all the ladies sit on benches outside until men reappear and then all get back on bus. Jeeeeez!

    And, guys, (you know who you are) please stop telling me to go elsewhere. I've loved Thailand, and the Thai people I come in contact with, from the moment I set foot here and, I think, I have been here a lot longer than any of you. It's very sad that Pattaya has got the name that it has because of the people who come here for nefarious purposes. As I've said before, there are many, many nice farangs and Thais here as you can see from the Pattaya Mail and Pattaya Post every week. It's a pity that the nefarious minority ruin the place. Why is it always so difficult to get rid of evil?

  13. You are right, but in 10 years time do you really expect to see soi 6,7,8, Post Office, Pattayaland etc in their current mode of business ? I think not. Shopping malls are my guess with Beach Road pedestrianised.

    I can remember people asking this same question 10 years ago and the answer is still yes.

    Sex is Thailand's bread and butter! :o

    Agree UG.

    Get rid of sex and Pattaya is dead.

    That's totally ridiculous to say "get rid of sex and Pattaya is dead". This is Thailand's 2nd largest city. Getting rid of sleaze and everything and everybody who indulges would do Pattaya a power of good. Hundreds of thousands of people who never venture into Pattaya because of all the sleaze would absolutely love to come to town of an evening and not be accosted by bar girls and have to see men pretending to be gay so they can get money from a few farang tricks.

    I am beginning to wonder about you Tammi. Have you ever been to Pattaya?

    Would since 1975 be Ok with you?

    My interpretation of accosted is to be approached and spoken to.

    Well it would be pretty boring if you were sat at a bar and nobody behind the bar spoke to you wouldn`t it?

    There's bars and bars. But I guess it would be boring for lonely guys and that seems to be why most of them are here - to have somebody, anybody to talk to.

    As far as Tourist females are concerned ( I assume that you include females within the word `people` which you use) you will find that the bar girls have the utmost respect for them and would never approach them in the manner to which your post infers.

    Nonsense. It was wriien elsewhere on another thread about the middleaged, matronly, grey haired, lady who was given a leaflet for restaurant with under the table services. This on her way to the Post Office! And if I am in town I hear the bar girls say "Madam, madam, come Madam." And the 'boys' outside their esablishments, and the go-go girls. All trying to get anybody to come watch them do their thing. Not fun for the hundreds of thousands of 'other' people.

    A husband and wife tourist can go to as many bars as you would like to name and neither would be approached by a bar girl in a solicitous manner.

    Sorry to tell you, but I have seen this happen, much to the horror and embarrasment of the wife.

    You really don't know anything very much, do you?

    Your generalisations I feel would be better if you could back them up with facts. :D

    All the above are facts. Pattaya is sleazy and is known world wide for its sleaze.

  14. You are right, but in 10 years time do you really expect to see soi 6,7,8, Post Office, Pattayaland etc in their current mode of business ? I think not. Shopping malls are my guess with Beach Road pedestrianised.

    I can remember people asking this same question 10 years ago and the answer is still yes.

    Sex is Thailand's bread and butter! :o

    Agree UG.

    Get rid of sex and Pattaya is dead.

    That's totally ridiculous to say "get rid of sex and Pattaya is dead". This is Thailand's 2nd largest city. Getting rid of sleaze and everything and everybody who indulges would do Pattaya a power of good. Hundreds of thousands of people who never venture into Pattaya because of all the sleaze would absolutely love to come to town of an evening and not be accosted by bar girls and have to see men pretending to be gay so they can get money from a few farang tricks.

  15. Most of these women are over 18, but he says that young teenage girls walk the streets looking for customers, while underage boys are offered up as 'masseuses'.

    I along with 99.9% of people abhor paedophilia, but I personally have never seen it being touted around the streets of Pattaya.

    I would love somebody to take one of these NGO spokesmen to task about showing evidence when making statements like this. If they could actually provide evidence I am sure the police would arrest the perpretrators and the problem would cease to exist, and the reputation of Pattaya would eventually improve also.

    But unfortunately these people never actually seem to be very good at providing evidence, just good stories.

    Oh and by the way, IMHO,.........30 mins closer is not going to bring in Thousands of more tourists

    Come on, john 101! Do you go ask the girls how old they are? Do you ask the boy "masseuses" how old they are? People do provide evidence and the police do make arrests.

  16. I had my eyes lookd at by doctor at BHP who said retinas looked as though they would detach and while my eyes were dilated why not come downstairs and he would fix. I ran away to Bumrungrad where I've been told 3 times since BHP that nothing wrong with retinas. :o:D

  17. bad news for everyone including me. Nigel told me he was closing shop the end of the month and moving out of country :o

    There's an American acupunturist. Nigel will know if he is still here and where he lives. Since Nigel is leaving he probably won't mind giving out the info.

    If you are talking about Jerry McGinness then I'm sorry to tell you that he left Dodge City about 18 months ago and now lives on Koh Samui

    Used Gerry a few times with his needles on my shoulder injury, did not help just gave me more pain than I could stand. :D

    For me I have found by trial and error over the years that a better way to block pain and re generate damaged tissue is a two or four channel micro tens, one pad on the site of the injury and one on a handy acu point. Worked for me and you can use it at home any time :D

    Please, what is a two or four channel micro tens?

  18. bad news for everyone including me. Nigel told me he was closing shop the end of the month and moving out of country :o

    There's an American acupunturist. Nigel will know if he is still here and where he lives. Since Nigel is leaving he probably won't mind giving out the info.

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