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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. This is a serious reply.

    I would suggest you look around for shops that sell plastic goods such as tubs, water containers, small boats etc. They will often have large heavy duty tubs that could do what you need. We have two that are used to mix cement in. We also have two others that are so large they would be used to water cows with in America.

    My point is, don't think medical, think out side of the box....

    Thank you for the answer.

    As a short time solution this might work, and we will have a look around tomorrow.

    Alas, to be effective, the inside of the tub must be as a chair, a higher part to sit on, and a lower part for the feet.

    Also, because of the handicap, the tub needs to be rather strong, eventually it needs to be a permanent solution, including fixture in the bathroom.

    In Europe you see those tubs everywhere, at a price of course, but up till now, no luck in Thailand

    But thank you for thinking with me.

  2. I am, rather frantically, searching for a small freestanding bathtub,

    Also known as a seatbath, sitting bath....whatever.

    Size around 100-110 cm long and 70-80 cm wide.

    Somebody needs this bathtub for medical treatment and the treatment must be done sitting.

    Cannot find in Khon Kaen, maybe somewhere else in Thailand?

    Please send personal message?

  3. A situation that could have, and should have been avoided.

    As tourists they should have taken the guy's word and found another parking spot. You don't go to someone else's country and do what's you think is right in your country.

    This guy who beat them is still a piece of human excrement and should be thrown in jail but I put some blame on the tourists.

    You put some blame on the farang.....of course.

    Having no idea, probably, where it was all about.

    The whole thing is that actions like this are costing a lot of Thai people a lot of money.

    Those French people will probably never come back to Thailand, and I wonder how many other French people will decide not to take their chances.

    This stupid Tuktuk-pilot with his his thoughtless action probably will probably cost Thailand a lot of income....again.

    No way, the French family has any blame, probably.

    All the blame must be laid on the tuktuk-arsehol_e.

    If so many Thais cannot understand that tourists are guests in this country, and to earn money from those tourists you should have some consideration with them, they deserve to remain poor.

    Yes, I know, maybe utopia thinking from me to think that one day, before it is too late, the Thai people in general will see that tourists mean income.

  4. Mooning is bending over and exposing your arse in public. It is commonly done by drunken youths in passing cars. I remember reading that the UK bans certain sex offenders from leaving their country. I would imagine they are smart enough to tell the difference between a prankster and a real criminal.

    BTW, in the US there are many people on the reportable sex offenders list for the horrible crime of urinating in public. I had an old friend who actually spent a month in jail for that. Such people are stigmatized for life and put in the same boat as real criminals. It is basically insane.

    Are you really serious?

    And for that you will be declared a sex offender??????

    I can only conclude that the politico's and police are so keen on putting people on lists, just to cover up the fact that most real crimes cannot be solved.

    Now they have something to cover up that fact.

  5. Bank, everywhere in the world, are more or less legalised criminal organisations.

    Indeed, the greed and deeds of banks are the reason for the financial crisis we have at the moment.


    Some examples.

    By European law transfers from an account in one country to an account in another country should cost as much in both countries as a transfer between accounts within the country of transfer and the country of receipt.

    The UK banks still charge GBP 7 for a transfer from EU-countries.

    By European directive the difference between the intrest on savings and the intrest on loans should be a maximum of 4 %.

    In the Netherlands the banks pay you, if your lucky, 1%, per year on savings

    A lot of banks charge you, for loans, an intrest of 1% too, but then per month.

    The difference is much more as is allowed, and as the EC poured a lot of funds (tax money) into the central banks of the member states for making loans cheaper to battle the crisis, the refusal of the banks to lower the intrest of loans is criminal and certainly not helping solve the crisis.

    The bonus culture in the banks is the main reason for the financial crisis.

    In a lot of countries tax money was poured into the banks to "help" the banks to survive.

    The bonus culture keeps on going, in the UK the amounts have grown to unknown levels.

    Mind you, the taxpayer paid for that.

    I can go on for hours.

  6. My son runs one of those car-shops in Holland where anything can be done to a car, body, chassis, the lot.

    He tells me the diff-lock would not be such a big problem, just a case of some parts swapping and installing some electrics/electronics

    The ABS/EBD would be very difficult and timeconsuming, involving big changes in the brake system and onboard computer (remapping), installing lots of electronics and more.

    The end result would be, even if done by a competent shop & staff, highly expensive and not very trustworthy.

    Remapping the computer is the biggest problem.

    Not for changing the characteristics of the engine (more power), but the program including the ABS/EBD is not freely available from the factory, and seems unable to upgrade into a working system.

    However, going back to the factory might be possible (?????), but even then remember that reserve parts are nearly 50% more expensive to buy.

  7. Funny thing.

    When I was in Holland I used my Thai Makro card......no problem

    First time I went to the Makro in Khon Kaen, showed my Dutch Makro card......same thing.....no problem.

    However, the manager in Khon Kaen tells me that officially the card is only meant for businesses.

    But non-Thai can get the card too, depending on having an address in Thailand

  8. If I were the woman I would pay the man generously for his time.

    Maybe even 60 dollars an hour.

    There was a case like this in Holland some years ago.

    A woman won nearly a million Euro in the local state owned casino.

    She was there with a friend, she used her money to feed two machines, friend pushed the buttons of one machine.

    Indeed the judge in Rotterdam decided that the man was "working" for the woman at that time.

    So he should be compensated for his time.

    He got 2 hours at € 60 per hour, € 120 in total.

    The funny thing was that this man got a reminder from the tax office.

    Please pay us 52% of the € 120 extra income, 15% tax on gambling and the rest income tax.

    At the end of the year he found out that because of this payment, he came out in a higher tax-class.

    Which cost him additional income tax.

    The woman also got a note from the local tax office.

    She had to pay employers fees for the man, social security payments and had to register in the local trade office.

    Besides that she also paid 15% gambling tax.

    By a decision of the high court she paid no income tax on the gambling gains.

  9. Does the son really come with the mother??

    If so, it will take more time and will be a"bit" more expensive, because the (Thai)father has to agree.....

    If the boy stays with the grandparents, the OP has to calculate monthly about 200 euro+ to send to thailand.

    Not sure if he thought about that, because he scares about the costs of a wedding party in Isaan.

    € 200????

    Nearly 10,000 baht.

    The whole family could live on that.

    Including the natural father.

    Think again!

    However, that said, for the OP.

    If the father of the boy is still in the vincinity of the village, forget the wedding till you know more!

    Try to find out things when you come to Thailand next time, visit the village, look around, keep your eyes open, don't get married yet!!!!!

    If there is any pressure to get married, and the father of the boy is still around, if the "house-question" is raised, just go back to Ireland and forget the whole thing.

    And why marry in Bangkok?

    Does your future wife works in Bangkok?

    What does she do?

    If you decide to get married anyway and get married in the Amphur, describe what is yours, and what will be from you and your wife.

    Besides that, make a will in Ireland that states that all what is yours in Ireland goes to your Irish family.

    Also, when registering the Thai marriage in Ireland, make certain that everything you owned in Ireland before the wedding remains yours!

    Slowly, don't hurry, wait, keep cool, find out things, discover things.......

  10. Thanks for the answer.

    I did already had the idea, from what I read on TV, the Embassy route might be the best.

    She left Thailand 30 years ago after marriage to a US-military and left the country as a military US-subject, I think.

    She does not remember if she went to the amphur for de-registration, but I guess not.so

    She also forgot to do anything to keep the Thai paperwork in order, so there you are.


  11. Friend of a friend of my wife has a problem.

    The friend 30 years ago married an American man.

    Her husband died this year, and the woman wants to come back to Thailand.

    She entered Thailand on a US passport, and now wants to know what to do to get a Thai ID-card again.

    Went to the local Amphur in Khon Kaen, and was sent away, could not be helped, cannot get her US-pension into Thailand, blah-blah-blah

    The facts:

    - Born in Thailand 62 years ago, ergo Thai nationality

    - Parents were both Thai, since deceased

    - Still has some family living in Khon Kaen neighbourhood

    - Has her Thai birth certificate, don't know if she still has old Thai passport or ID-card.

    What must she do, besides getting an extension/visa on her US-passport entry?

    Re-visiting the US is possible, indeed necessary clear her house and to arrange various affairs, financial, pension, house, etc.


  12. Khon Kaen, today, village 2, nearest hub nearly 2 km away.

    2Mb contract

    Last Result:

    Download Speed: 1737 kbps (217.1 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Upload Speed: 327 kbps (40.9 KB/sec transfer rate)

    Latency: 313 ms

    woensdag 16 december 2009 8:37:40

    In the afternoon, around the time "school is out" it drops down to half of the above.

    Picks up around 21:00 to this speed.

    Called oversubscription.

    True internet 8Mb contract, friend of mine, between 20:00 and 15:00 next day between 6-0 Mb

    Between 15:00 and 20:00 daytime speed 1800-2200 down and 270-350 up

    Also called oversubscription

    If the internet police is busy, speeds go down considerably.

  13. Having an operational cable does not equal a faster operation in Thailand. There are probably numerous commissions of people who want to look like they are important who have to deal with the subject first, than maybe, they may start giving the consumers a bit more bandwidth. So do not get to exited. It will take a long long time before we actually see an improved internet speed.

    And, don't forget the ...............as a limiting factor!

  14. Many Europeans are reconsidering whether to go overseas for vacation during the peak season from December to February, as they have found that travel abroad, particularly to Asia, costs more this year, he said.

    The strengthening of the euro has become the key factor for the slowdown.

    :D ...well, well, well.....how about that?

    Almost Baht 50 to the Euro and the Euro has become the key factor for the slowdown.....

    how about that ? :D

    Well: European tourism is just 25% of total Thai inbound tourism (more than 60% is from Asia).....so where's the decline of 34% coming from ? :)


    Some figures found in the internet:

    People from Europe go on holiday for 15-21 days, and spend 14-20 days in the destination..

    Excluding the airfare they spend approx € 100 per day into the local economy and around € 10 for operators in their own country

    However, most European visitors don't use tour operators, they are followers of the "do-it-yourself" principle.

    People from Asia have shorter holidays and spend 7-9 days in Thailand, mostly organised package tours.

    Also excluding the airfare the spending is around € 40 per day in the local economy and maybe € 20 per day with operators in their own country.

    And the last amount is NOT spent in the local economy.

    Maybe this is also part of the decline?

  15. Thaksin was probably the most popular Thai Prime Minister in history and his party enjoyed a clear and convincing majority of votes in every election they have ever contested.

    By the way, the 2007 election was far from being a clear and convincing majority victory.

    Defenitely not a majority.

    His party or proxies had the most votes, but less than 51%.

  16. I have the feeling since years, the whole country is OWNED by a handfull of people and EVERY way to come to power is ok.

    The only reason behind all is MONEY, nothing else!

    I am not a fan of any politician or prime minister here in the past years but what has changed since Khun Abisith rules the country....if he does...`?

    OK, Thaksin put his pockets full of money like every (Chinese/Asian) politician before him but at least he did something for the country, not always the

    optimal way but thats another story...and NO...I dont want him back. :)

    Kindly inform me about all his good deeds for the country.

    Thank you.

  17. Wat Suthiwararam's Phra Maha Suthi Abhako, the lead researcher for a report entitled "How to Develop Temples as a Tourist Destination in Bangkok", said the study found among recent university graduates, more females than males liked to visit temples. On the other hand, among foreigners, more males were likely to visit temples than females.

    The researchers surveyed 800 random informants at nine temples in Bangkok.

    the male-female ratio of foreign temple visitors explained with the gender ratio in the total number of international tourist arrivals to thailand. there are coming more male visitors/tourists to thailand than females. so there isn't a gender issue of somekind of female lack of interest in temple visits by foreign women who are coming to thailand, their total number is just lower than male visitors. and the unaccompanied travellers, the single males, the ones who didn't came with their wives or as family but alone and are responsible for the higher male gender ratio of international tourist, they all do that what they told their colleagues at home, they come to thailand for the culture and visit temples.

    Now I seem to remember that somewhere in literature a certain part of woman is also called a temple.

    And you might say the coming together of a Thai and a foreign person is a cultural exchange, sort of.

    So, all true, no lies, perfect.

  18. I presume all those new teachers will supplant the older teachers?

    They are of course very much cheaper!

    Private school in Khon Kaen is shedding teachers with some or much experience.

    And hires back graduates fresh from university.

    The old ones earned 8,000-12,000 baht

    The new ones get the princely sum of 5,000 baht a month.

    Workload 45-60 pupils in a class, sometimes doing two classes on a regular basis, working 5-6 days a week, 10 hours a day.

    And extra on Saturday, sometimes Sunday.


    What is a holiday?

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