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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. Some thoughts from a Dutchman living in Thailand.

    As long as the child is not "recognised"by the father as being his offspring before birth, there is very little chance the Dutch authorities will recognise any claim.

    Finding the father should be possible, if found, paternity can be a matter of DNA.

    After this, maybe the child would be able to get a Dutch passport, would be very difficult, but advisable to try.

    Getting child support from the father would be easy in Holland, no problem.

    But..... as Thailand has no Governmental Organisation for distributing child support, or even getting child support from a Thai father, and there it stops.

    In all cases a Dutch lawyer would be needed.

    Name, picture anything known of the father would be helpful.

    I feel ashamed, being a Dutchman, for the behaviour of this man.

    If you have sex with a woman and do not use anything to stop her getting pregnant, morally you should take care of the child.

    And I am not talking about the mother, because she made the same mistake.

    The child is not to blame, and should have all possible help from father and mother.

    If there is a name known, and preferably a hometown, search in the Dutch telephone guide "De Telefoongids" .

    If he is in there, you can find his address and even a map to his address.

    Try to find a lawyer (advocaat), being poor in the Dutch sense will mean that there will be a very low legal tariff.

    A lawyer can contact a Notary (Notaris), who will be able to search all relevant GBA (Amphur) files.

    If ordered by the court, the father needs to give DNA (Paternity case)

    However, there might be a chance that the man has already submited DNA in Thailand.


  2. If there is no will the children NOT only have a claim, they can actually demand the inhertance. But I wonder if this still falls under the Dutch law.

    If the child in Thailand was in his name, it has the same rights as the child from the first marriage.

    (If the child in Thailand has a Dutch passport, everything ok!

    If the marriage was registered in Thailand and in Holland, the wife is the heir, together with the children.


    The wife gets half of the estate plus a childs part (4/6)

    The children each have a right to a childs part (1/6 and 1/6)

    Mind: the estate is the estate in Holland and the estate in Thailand

    The children can indeed demand the child's part.

    My advice: talk to the embassy, a lawyer in NL (can be free)

  3. Yes I do, and I think they will.

    Abhisit never won a popular election but was installed by a Parliamentary vote.

    Why not accept the gauntlet and stand for election?

    "Abhisit never won a popular election but was installed by a Parliamentary vote."

    Please explain to me how that is any different than Samak, and especially Somchai.

    I didn't say it wasn't.

    Please pay attention.

    In a parliamentary democracy the parliament is voted for by the public!

    After the elections, mostly, the biggest party will get the right to try to form a government.

    If not succesful, next please.

    If one party has 51% of the votes, problem solved, no need to form a coalition.

    If no party has 51%, coalition time.

    The government is formed by a prime minister+ministers, coming out of the parliament or from outside.

    End of lesson.

  4. Of Course he turns down the demand, for his teammates are still haven't had their fill of wealth and power. Politicians, regardles of political camp seems to be power addict. Once he is up there he cannot see plights of the people. Four years in power is too long for any Thai government.


    You really think he should give in to 80,000-100,00 protestors?

    Paid for by and organised by a power hungry ex politician, convicted by a criminal court?

    In fact the Government of the day is doing rather well, seen all the trouble in the world.

    But I must agree with you, no politician is in it for you, me or anybody else but himself.

    Politicians are politicians only for power, for money or both.

    That said, there are politicians that are power hungry, and there are politicians power crazy and more or less ready to do anything to get, remain, or return to power.

    Your choice!

  5. The hard wax will not come out with cooking oil, forget it.

    It will not get soft of cooking oil either!

    Go to any ear doctor to get the wax out, your hearing will probably come back.

    The cyst, if it is indeed a cyst, is something else.

    Needs to be removed, probably surgically,

    There might be a very small outlet/opening if the thing inside your ear, hence the dirty black stuff.

    Never, I repeat NEVER, poke around in your ear.

    You just stow the wax to the back of the ear diminishing your hearing.


  6. This is bad. 6000 weapons (plus ammunition presumably) indicates a well planned and organised theft.

    This indicates equally thought out plans for their use.

    Somebody is planning for a civil war

    Now who might that be?

    To put things in perspective and defusing all those who wonder why a theft like this is possible in Thailand?

    Last year in nearly all Nato-countries together nearly half a million arms were "mislaid"or not accounted for.

    Rifles, pistols, machineguns, 2 MBT's, a 155 mm gun, 4 armed personal carriers, rockets, and more of that fun stuff.

    This is excluding the material disappeared in Afghanistan, Iraq and other "war"zones.

    And what has disappeared in the former SU, oops!

    That said, it is a very disturbing thing!

  7. Indeed, the LTO is the office you have to go

    You need your blue book, some patience and some money. (we paid 50 baht)

    They will check your chassisnumber, look over the car.

    Then you will be issued an International Transport Permit, which is in fact a summary translation of your blue book in English.

    You will also be issued a country sticker "T" to be affixed to your car.

    The validity is a maximum of one year, although can be renewed.

    By International agreements you need both the T-sticker and the English translation.

    Don't forget to take out insurance across the border!

    Nobody will ask you for the permit, the sticker or the insurance, as long as you don't have an accident!

    Then you will asked to produce all

    And don't forget to get departure and entrance stamps in Thailand when crossing the border.

  8. I can understand there being a debate about the acts being terrorism or not. The level of terrorism has escalated tremendously in recent years, after all. I can understand how a criminal definition is difficult too, as one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Never a sane man's freedom fighter though, as we all know. All of us at Thaivisa condemn these kinds of acts and I'm sure we are unified in that and appreciate the Thai governments plea for calm.

    But the spam and propaganda about some global warming denier agenda is as embarrassing as it is off-topic, as a Thaivisa member. I hope the world does not read that and think we're all of that mind.

    Who is a terrorist?

    Anyone doing things against other people in an indiscriminating way to incite terror.

  9. Yes, I am sure this advice is the best really. I am a rebel by nature, not going to change now at almost 60. The government are no more than criminals with their 300% import tax.

    On the other hand, quite succesfully, the same Government try to keep jobs and money in Thailand.

    Also on the other hand if one wants an imported car it is one's own choice to help the Government keeping jobs and money in Thailand.

    And again on the other hand, you being a self-proclamed rebel, buy an imported car, take finance (if available), help the Government.

    But, indeed, Honda Jazz and Totoya (meant to be wrong) are, for the time being, the best bet for 500 k plus .

    For the use you intend, a smaller car like these would be a good bet, both are rather strong, and the inside measurements are quite generous.

    In fact, they feel, and sometimes are, much roomier as bigger models.

    Yes indeed, there are a lot of bigger cars on the road.

    Oh yes, and a lot of buses and big trucks.

    So to be on the safe(r?????) side you could buy a second hand truck.

    But the again, seen your intended use, something like that on the streets in Bangkok and surrounds, maybe a little over the top.

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