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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. Good main dealer you have.

    He doesn't solve the problem, he does not have the foggiest idea what the reason might be, but well, yes, you need a new battery.

    Don't believe him, let some electrical car dude check the wiring to the headlamps, including the earth connections.

    And don't let yourself pushed into replacing an 8-month or 3-month old battery.

  2. Good main dealer you have.

    He doesn't solve the problem, he does not have the foggiest idea what the reason might be, but well, yes, you need a new battery.

    Don't believe him, let some electrical car dude check the wiring to the headlamps, including the earth connections.

    And don't let yourself pushed into replacing an 8-month or 3-month old battery.

  3. So; because these birds are of annoyance to you, you are seriously considering killing them ? ? ? ? ? ?


    Hey; hallooooooo;this is a Buddhist country, you're living in (with the stress on "living") - who gave you the right to "kill" innocent birds ? ?


    If that is the best solution you can come-up with, you are to be pitied ! !

    How would YOU like it, if something BIGGER than you found YOU annoying and simply opted to put YOU down for it ? ? ?

    There's got to be a better way, without resorting to ending lives . . . .





    Oh dear!

  4. Ireland, South Africa, etc. There's no such law in Thailand that I ever heard of.

    There certainly should not be. In many countries people speak much better English than so-called native born English. India, Malaysia and Sri Lanka or example. Some of the provincial dialects in the UK are incomprehensible to Thais as well as many Australians. The criteria for an English teachers should be how well and clearly they speak.

    In my rather restricted view because I do not teach English for money, only in the family, it is not only how well one speaks English, but most certainly if one has the necessary educational skills to transfer knowledge from oneself to someone else.

    Let us face it, be it UK English, Australian English, Indian English, American English, all have to do with accents.

    In my view, but like I said I do have a restricted view and being a Dutchman will not help, someone able to speak "standard" English and would be the best bet.

    But only if there are sufficient educational skills.

    And for the Thai pupils, the additional skill to bind their attention for longer as 5 minutes.

  5. A lot of bosses don't like to deal with older people because of the social status issue. Older people are to be treated with respect. A lot of employers don't like treating people respectfully.

    As PeaceBlondie witnessed, this issue applies to Thais. Older farang are avoided for other reasons you may imagine.

    Be so kind to name a few, please?

  6. Being over 60 didn't make me more respectable - they treated me worse than Thais. I had twice the energy and stamina of most 40-year old Thai teachers. And related well with 12-to-18 year old Thais. And taught better than the Thais.

    Just so......I gather that could be a negative thing in realtion to your colleges.

  7. Maybe I can also throw in a penny's worth.

    Before coming to Thailand I drove a Landrover 110 on AT tires, a Kia Besta on van tires, a Ford Mondeo estate on road + winter tires and an old Opel Kadett.

    All on the same mark of tires.


    Yes, indeed Hankook!

    Very good tires, long life indeed, very quiet indeed.

    The LR was driven hard, mostly with a big trailer with a trainload of 4500-5000 kilo

    I drove that car for 120,000 km, the Hankooks were on the wheel from 45,000 km, and when I sold the car because my departure to Thailand, the tires were still good for 20,000-25,000 km

    The Kia was indeed the workhorse, delivered with Hankook's, used all day, pulling a trailer, total km's in 4 years around the 300,000 km

    For that I used 3 sets of tires in the front and 4 sets in the back

    Mind you, when selling the van still halfway to go.

    The Ford was driven by my son, high speed, much of it in Germany, many times with a single axle trailer.

    The tires were normally changed because of this around the 75,000 km mark, to remain safe for the hard driving

    My son, a car mechanic by trade liked the tires very much, better as Michelin, very much better as Dunlop, he did not like Bridgestone at all.

    The Kadett was a fun car, used sparingly, and we got the tires for free, for promotional purposes from the importer of Hankook.

    Even on this old car the Hankooks are a treat.

    All our trailers, four of them, were also running on Hankooks.

    In Thailand I am driving a 2003 CRV

    When I bought the car there were Brigdgestones under it.

    40,000 km later needed new tires.

    Put on Hankook AT tires, they are not really very silent because of the AT-tread

    But now, at 125,000 km, they are still on the car, and good for at least another 40,000 km.

    For me.....Hankook

  8. Oh come on... This is classic:

    Problem (self created)

    Reaction (blame it on someone)

    Solution (have the infamous security laws on the day when the reds want to march with all those draconian devices like the sonic boom machine that can disperse people in a radius up to 2 KILOMETERS)

    This regime would stop at nothing!

    Look how the Nazis did it! They burnt down the Reichstag and blamed the commies...

    the fish stinks from the head!

    Same with those 6 bombs at Victory Monument last time, it's the show to have new legistlation passed and to have a boogie man... it's all them, yeah, there ya go

    Sick of these fake games!


    Are you really serious?

  9. Ban Phai is not too far away from Khon Kaen, very many buses go between the two towns.

    Not a bad spot to live in, Ban Phai.

    I live in Khon Kaen, which might be the second town of Thailand, but in reality is a very big village.

    The entertainment industry is not too big in Khon Kaen, mind you, it is all there, but on a small scale.

    Ban Phai got a few bars, a few restaurants.

    Ban Phai is a village, not too small, not too big.

    Rather cheaper to live in as in Khon Kaen.

    Got a medical clinic, shops, schools, busstation, policestation, whatever.

    The bigger hospitals are in Khon Kaen, easily to reach via route 2 (Bangkok-Non Khai)

    Wouldn't mind to live there.

  10. Scotbeve....

    you know what? I think that all of us more or less have the same little problem with youtube. Buthowever, there is a way to get around this, very easy way. If you dont mind waiting 1-2 minutes of course.....

    You do as follows. Click on the video you like to watch,, when it is running in the beginning click PAUS.. than the STREAMING of the video

    will continue.. wait until it is done , you can see the red colour... and than just click again on start, and you will be OK


    Or download Ant from Ant.com

    As soon as you see something interesting, download it, view it later and discard it at will.

    All from withing Firefox, and probably the other browsers.

  11. It also depends if the father of the child is still alive.

    This can complicate things, if so the adoption will be classified as a "soft" adoption.

    Also the natural father needs to agree with the adoption.

    Anyway, the mother still being alive also makes the adoption a soft adoption.

    I guess going through the adoption in Thailand might be simpler, but not faster.

    After that you will probably have to go to the court in the UK to make the adoption valid in the UK.

    You can do the adoption in Thailand by yourself, you do not need a lawyer.

    Having a lawyer does not speed up things, just makes everything more expensive.


  12. Finally a 7/11 in Pattaya.Let's celebrate

    Amazing, isn't it :)

    Thailand has more 7/11's per population than any other country!!

    One for every 1,700 people, compared to Canada which has one per 70,000.

    How do they all survive is the real question...??

    The 7-11's are in fact the end of the so-called pop & mom shops in Thailand.

    To take away the attention to that fact, Tesco is blamed for the end of the pop & mom shops.

    The number of 7-11's in Thailand is disgusting.

    How they survive?

    Simple, franchising.

    If your franchise shop runs very well, big chance a non-franchise shop will open near your shop to cream of your profit.

    What else can you do as try to remain open so as not to loose your investment.

    That is why there are so many 7-11's

    I make it my business to know if the 7-11 I visit, although I try to do that only if there is no other shop available, is in fact a franchise operated shop, and not a cp-owned one.

  13. I cannot believe this, a speeding ticket means you cannot apply for citizenship/passport?

    So speeding makes you, in fact, a criminal, because not being of good character.

    I just wonder, what all those imam hatemongers have to do before they are deemed not being of good character.

    What happened to the England I knew so well for nearly forty years?

    What happened to the wisdom of the laws?

  14. Due to the financial plight also Toyota is in because of the financial crisis, somewhere money must be saved.

    If only to stay alive.

    And, Toyota did make production cheaper, had to.

    By buying in cheaper (ask yourself how that is possible), by shifting production of components and cars elsewhere (ask yourself to where), by speeding up the production line, by whatever means a few percent can be saved on any car produced.

    Indeed, the quality status of Toyota is high, but also quality control is a part of the production where some money can be saved, and they did.

    And the slight decrease in general quality is well known in the trade.

    But Toyota is in good company, Mercedes too has a decline in quality in the last 5-6 years.

    I am not really in the trade, never was, however my son is.

    Very much so.

    Just last week I was emailing him about all this, and he told me that Toyota is still a good car.

    One of the best, actually, in the whole world.

    But quality differs per factory, not much but enough to make a difference.

    Look where the car was produced and draw your own conclusions.

  15. I would pre-book the 10 days in the North, 450 is not expensive.

    You don't speak the language so better have it organized for you, as you will read on many forums they have less tourists arriving at Thailand that doesnt mean that the prices are going down every where(every where else it does but not in Thailand).

    You still have 14 days to do and organize things by yourseld that is time enough.


    When arrived at the Airport take a public taxi (first lesson)

    Enjoy your stay

    That is a very good one: beware of scams, take a taxi!

    Beware of scams, take the bus into Bangkok, Lines AE1 til AE4, look up the routes on this here internet.

    Or maybe the Raillink will be running in June, then take that!

    For organising your trip, don't prebook, try to find out yourself, ask on this TV.

    Stay away from Tuktuks, taxis only when the meter is switched on (no meter, stop, get out, next one!)

    Use the train for long distance, or if you like, ask around for the good buscompanies to where you want to go on this site.

    And: please visit the Isan?

    Good luck

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