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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. I prefer to buy a car or truck that is manufactured in Thailand.


    I think that living here brings with it the duty to support the country.

    Or better said, some people working in the factory

    That is why I was in the market for a Fortuner, but not any more.

    Besides, it being a Volkswagen does not mean it is a good truck.

  2. My Car is relatively quick... and I find myself accidentally tailgating cars when they are in front pulling away too slowly from the lights... I hate it, some people pull away so slowly it's painful, yet once up to speed they have no issue passing junctions and cross sections beyond reasonable limits...

    I like to accelerate away from the lights (after checking its clear left and right) and often arrive at the next set before they have changed to red, not by racing but by getting up to a reasonable city speed. Often 5-10 mins of a 30min journey is saved this way (as the red lights last so long). I am very guilty of 'amber gambling' to avoid the red light !....

    But gosh do I get frustrated being held up by two dawdling drivers in the next lane blocking the whole road and holding everyone up...Do I tailgate them, sorry but Yes I do, I sometimes give my lights a quick flash - Rather bullying tactics I know, but I do object to taking much longer than necessary to get where I need to be. I have clapped my hands behind pavement dawdlers before too... YES, I know its very impolite, but I see many others recognizing there are others around them but the mind has not trigged enough consideration to do something about it (this is global, not just Thailand, stopping at the end of an escalator is a favorite).

    This mentality in a car also exists... it says "I'm in front and screw anyone behind me"

    Consideration on the Road is not just about not driving too quickly and dangerously, its also about driving at reasonable a pace so as not to frustrate others around you (although many aggressive drivers are a lost cause).

    When I am tailgated by a nutter, I touch the break to show my brake lights, if that doesn't give a response I brake and slow down, that usually gets a message across. On the highway with clearer roads its easier to move out the way and let them past.

    What I find worse than the Tailgaters are the city drivers who are hedging their bets and blocking both lanes so they can switch easily to the one that movies the quickest (normally taxi's)... I do dislike the lack of lane discipline here.

    My, oh my, what a jerk you are!

  3. Now "Mr ask yourself why you are tailgated?" come up with a good answer.

    Because the idiot tailgating you got his driving license free in Big C with a small pack of crisps, does not have the foggiest idea what he is doing and left his brains and his -12 jarbottom style triplefocused spectacles on the nightstand this morning. Moreover he is absolutely convinced, notwithstanding his forgetfulness, that nothing can happen to him because, obviously, he is completely in sublime control of his wits, hands, feet and car.

  4. On the other hand, it might be the first step of the departure of production from Thailand

    What, in the longer run, the reaction of the government will be, is very much unclear.

    Indeed, most "taxbreaks" are there to help local producers.

    As such, a logical and understandable way of helping the people.

    It might be a very simple step to exclude certain cars formerly produced in Thailand and now somewhere else from "subsidy".

  5. I am afraid that we wil, if we want to cooperate, have a hel_l of job.

    What country can be taken seriously if one of the arrested leaders of the redshirts can have his say in the parliament.


    And I am afraid, this has been seen by a lot of newsagencies, governments and private people.

    I sincerely hope Thailand will bounce back as a tourist destination.

    The best way to do this is lure the farang back here.

    Because they stay the longest and spend the most in the local economy

    But I am thinking this will not happen, because of the financial crisis.

    Maybe make it easier for legitemate pensioners to stay in Thailand, do something about the pensioners who now start to find out that because of the fall of the pound and the euro, the income is not enough any more.

    People have to go back home, many times leaving wife and sometimes children behind.

    And because of the low income in the country of origin find out that what they get as a pension is not enough to live on for one person, let alone send money to wife and/or children.

    Maybe those people are not the tourists or long time guests the government would like, but they happen to bring in a lot of money into the local economy.

    I also think these long time stay people promote the country much more as any leaflet can do.

  6. Question of Horsepower and Torque.

    The 3-litre engines have 500 cc more, ergo, if tuned in the same way, more of both.

    However, 3-litre engines mostly have an auto box, taking away some of both.

    Or 4-wheel drive, also taking away some.

    Remapping can give you around 25-30% extra power and torque.

    Remapping and changing the intercooler can give you another 25-30%, but might in the long run overstress the engine.

    Maybe to be on the safe side having the chip & intercooler job doing someting about the brakes might be handy.

    Why the 2.5 don't seem slower as the 3.0, autobox & 4-wheel drive, or maybe the drivers are more easygoing.

    But I would spend the extra money for the 500 cc.

    If autobox, most certainly

    Ford, Isuzu, and I thought Toyota, import the Thai made pickups in Europe nowadays.

    Strictly 2500 cc

    The auto versions are all 3000 cc, with autobox and 4WD

    The pajero if I remember right, in 4WD and Auto box has 3200 cc?

    Have a look in the websites of the factories, or the websites in Europe for the amount of power and torque.

  7. I wonder if in some odd way this curfew is a form of retaliation toward the Isaan population who in the main would b viewed as Red Shirts. When you think about it in an X-Files type conspiracy way, being all Isaan are poor, and most of the ladies working bar jobs at night come from Isaan, who are the main losers in this curfew? See what i mean?

    Oh dear!

    How sad

    Never mind

    Shut up!!!!!!

    Actually, because of the redshirted troubles, incoming tourists dropped with 10,000-12,000 per day

    Now, who would be the loosers?

    Right, the people the redshirts were campaigning for, allegedly.

    Or was it for changing the charter, and reimbursing some money.

    Anyway, why is it that everywhere in the world groups allegedly fighting for the betterment of the common people always seem to make it much worse for those people.

  8. Not found all murdered bodies to steal ??

    Oh sorry, too many yellow shirted farangs here...

    Be happy, kids, it is NOT over..

    It would be advisable not to be yellow shirt nor redshirt.

    Please be so wise to refrain from meddling in the politics of this country.

    You are a guest, behave like a guest.

    If you are hoping for more trouble.do remember there lots of people in this country that want to live.

    And not made unwelcome because of the antics of certain immature figures who revel in troubles.

    Do emember that in trouble there will only be loosers.

    In the long and in the short run mostly poor people suffer very much more as rich people.

  9. How very sad that most of the people participating in this thread actually believe all the propaganda. This is not about Thaksin. Yes, he is a figurehead because at the beginning of this fight he was the only one who stood forward and had money to support a movement. But it has become much bigger than Thaksin - but the government (and this is where you people are so stupid) is still using him because they want to tarnish him. The government knows how popular he is in the north and Isaan and want to diminish his power.

    This is about democracy and equal rights. Not Thaksin. You stupid stupid people.

    This is, contrary to your misguided ideas, NOT about democracy nor about equal rights.

    This is about power, money or both.

  10. The United States will not allow Cambodia to invade Thailand and you can take that to the bank. Taksin's soft coup failed when the money spigot was turned off. What I am concerned about, among many other things, is this distraction is allowing the current govt. officials to steal while no one's watching. The press is distracted as are the NGOs and the courts will be busy for years with all the claims. Forget about prosecuting the Yellows, the Reds have passed them and left them in the dust. The reds have set the country, and by extension, the country folk back a decade and caused social rifts that will last generations.

    The US interfering under former presidents?


    Under Obama?

    Forget it!

    The US is not the policeman of the world any more.

    Indeed, I shudder what may be the outcome of these troubles.

    A second Birma?

    A country down the drain?

    Civil war?

    Or maybe, hopefully, everybody will come to his or her senses, and will see this is not the way.

    Poor Thai people!

  11. Much of this could have been avoided if there had been a designated protest site - a large field with basic facilities outside downtown Bangkok. That's what the Cambodians just arranged - for future protests in their country. Granted, it's easier said than done, but if the initial protesters had been funneled to a large field somewhere, then things would not have gotten so far out of hand.

    Plus, recent reports of freezing accounts of many big businesses and big shot Thais associated with Thaksin and the Reds is BIG NEWS. You can bet there are a lot of big shots close to the Shinawats, who are cussing and shouting and banging furniture against walls.

    Actually the accounts were blocked to check the ongoing transfers.

    Where is the money coming from, how much is taken out in cash.

    Guess why?

  12. Good! You can't negotiate with anarchist criminals who have been shown remarkable tolerance thus far. Their criminal mob have held the Country to ransom for long enough and their concern for human life is hypocritically one sided stemming only from the desire of their leaders to get an amnesty so they can go off and spend Thaksin's millions.

    Where do you get such garbage? They want democratically elected governments to be left alone to rule without the elitist army backed thugs removing them from power and then slaughtering them in the streets when they protest. It's the government who are the criminals.

    Absolutely agree. This is a Military elected Government. End of story. :)

    When were thiose military elections?

    Last elections I remember were those where the Mr T group bought votes.

    There was a free election, Mr T did not win 51%, so coalition time.

    Coalitions can break up, happens in a lot of countries.

  13. Good! You can't negotiate with anarchist criminals who have been shown remarkable tolerance thus far. Their criminal mob have held the Country to ransom for long enough and their concern for human life is hypocritically one sided stemming only from the desire of their leaders to get an amnesty so they can go off and spend Thaksin's millions.

    Where do you get such garbage? They want democratically elected governments to be left alone to rule without the elitist army backed thugs removing them from power and then slaughtering them in the streets when they protest. It's the government who are the criminals.

    I presume you are referring to the war on drugs, Thaksin style?

  14. If your own Embassy is still open, get a letter stating your address in Thailand.

    That will do for registration of the vehicle in your name.

    Thai driving license will help, because of the Thai ID-number.

    There are no extra fees for registering a car to a foreigner.

    I get a real bad feeling reading the story.

    Guess there are more cars for sale in Thailand.

  15. Is this going to end in a civil war?? Nobody seems to be prepared to compromise,wich is normal in democracy and democracy and more social rights, that is what the Red Shirts are fighting for right?

    No, I don't think that it will end in an out-right civil war. It would already have stopped a long time ago had it not been for the very considerable investments done, 1,000 bath to go to Ratchaprasong and protest, 2,500 bath if you bring the motorcycle, not to mention money changing hands higher up - but that information is more difficult fto get evidence of.

    Had only westerners known enough to be quiet, then the Thai's would have been able to solve this with less casualties, the slow way. But unfortunately, westerners often think that the only good solution is a quick solution, regardless of the long term consequences of it...

    Oh yes, of course.

    The farang are to blame for this all.

    How could I think otherwise?

  16. Meaning what exactly? As per the State of Emergency in those 15 provinces?

    Don´t know what it means elsewhere, but in Khon Kaen all army personel is now in the barracks, the entrances to the the barracks are very well guarded and obstructed (more or less)

    All police personel is on standby, doing guard duty.

    Lot of army and police personel doing duty plainclothed

  17. The Abhisit government has also tried to lower costs and the level of debt among the poor by providing 15 years of free education for all...

    15 years free education. Surely that means free university for everyone? Or is it assuming that children start going to school aged 3 (+15 years) finishing high school at 18?

    ...and a 500 baht [$17] monthly allowance for elderly people.

    How can you live from 500 Baht per month? That doesn't even pay for a crappy apartment. Is this a joke?


    However, there has never been a government that even thought about this.

    Maybe this meagre 500 baht is a start on the long way to a state pension.

  18. Maybe Tukcom, or maybe Central Plaza.

    Also saw them in big C.

    When I looked at one in CP it sported the English language, well, kind of.

  19. driving on public road is illeagl without valid drivers lisence, and is not covered by any insurance. most people lear how to handle car on closed field, get lisence, and then have co driver for a while

    There is a company called ID-Driver.

    It is a driving school.

    have no idea where in Thailand you can find them, but if you can, they are ok!

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